will this work?


Well-Known Member
im not sure if this is the right place to post this and im sorry if so but i was reading something online about making thc pills and to me the instructions seemed too easy. somebody tell if this'll work or not. what is said is listed below:

To make smokeless Marijuana, THE THEORY:

HC ( TetraHydroCanabinol ) is the active part of Marijuana, the part that gets you stoned. The tiny little cells of the Marijuana plant contain oil, most of which is composed of THC. The trick is too release this oil into your body thru digestion. However, God did not intend for man to chew on grass as cows do so our digestive system is not geared to eating and digesting the Buds and Leaves of Pot. If you should eat these organs of the POT plant they will simply pass thru your digestive system relatively unchanged. However I don't doubt that some of the pot cells will burst in your stomach and digestive tract to release the stoney THC but a high percentage of them will not. So the trick is to brake open as many of the pot cells of the plant as possible and not disturb the THC inside.

To make smokeless Marijuana, THE PROCESS:

The first piece of equipment you will need is a blender. One with exceptionally sharp blades. Sharpen them with a small round file HINT: a coffee mill or grinder will also work. Put your very dry Marijuana leaf into the blender and grind the stuff up.

( BUDS work great too !!! )

NEXT: Strain the ground POT thru a brass screen. A 000 ( triple-000 ) gauge brass screen easily obtained from your local hardware store. Blend and re-blend the stuff and filter it thru the screen repeatedly. The object is to end up with ground weed near the consistency of flour for the maximum surface area.


Next we will need to rupture the tiny Marijuana cells and capture the stony THC. You will need a Microwave oven for this. ( However I have found that any significant heat source will work. ) Place your very refined Marijuana powder in a clear, Microwave- able pyrex/glass container. Add an edible cooking oil to your POT powder. recommend olive oil 'cause he is an Italian However any edible cooking oil will work. The amount of oil cannot be specified as it depends on your amount of POT powder recommend a 20% oil-to-powder ratio.

next NUKE your delicious concoction of OIL/MARIJUANA powder. Add oil if necessary. The mixture must become oily, thick, black, and of a tar-like consistency. Repeat this NUKEing process several times if you must and between each NUKEing stire the batch to homogenize and distribute heat evenly. What is happening is that the Microwaves are bursting the stoney Marijuana cells like popcorn and the THC is escaping only to be trapped by the cooking oil thus making the Marijuana totally digestible and almost 100% of the THC to be absorbed by your digestive system only to go strait to your brain !!! ENJOY!

Next: let the stuff cool. Then at room temp. place in your freezer. This freezing process might cause the stuff to be even more potent because the freezing process causes the last few remaining POT cells to burst from expansion by crystallization. Also if you don't freeze immediately your brew will become subject to rotting!! So, use this oil in Brownies, or anything else you can think of quickly or freeze it.

After the stuff has cooled for a few hours then begin stuffing the near-solid oil into empty 00 ( bouble-00 ) gelatin capsules you can easily obtain at a grocery store or pharmacy. Store these POT caps in a clean dry jar in your freezer also to prevent spoilage.

Take one ( for a good time ) or two ( for a really good time ) caps right after a good meal and just before going bar-hopping Right after a meal because this is the time that your digestive system is in high gear.

it should take about a half an hour to an hour for the stoneing to take place. Don't be dismayed that you don't seem to feel the effects as rapidly as smoking it. The effects of fully digested THC lasts about four hours as opposed to 15-30 minutes for smoking it. Also the stoning is much more intense!!! TRUST ME! ZZZZzzzzapp!


Twice the munchies inducing power as smoked Marijuana. ( counteract with lots of munchies )

Greater irritation to the eyes. (the old red eye) Counter act with Vizeen <SP? or anti-histamines.


No Marijuana on the breath to give you away.

No Paraphernalia. No bag of stash. etc.

Near 100% realization ( absorbtion ) of THC into the blood stream.

heres the link to the site: http://www.totse.com/en/drugs/marijuana/thcpills174180.html


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's bullshit at all but i've never heard of anyone putting the weed oil used for cooking into capsules and eating those. usually you just make brownies or something.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine says that you can simmer the weed in Olive oil for like, 30 minutes, then squeeze all the juice out of the bud into the pot then take a syrine and empty out some Gel Caps and put the olive oil in the gel caps and it will get you high. Never tried them personally, but he does it all the time.