will UV light increase THC lvls


Active Member
If i bought a UV tube light and placed in the plants during flowering would it make the thc more potent?


Well-Known Member
I've heard and read that the answer is yes. I'm thinking about doing it. The thing that set me back though is while reading about UV lights, they said not to have them on when your in the room because they could cause cancer..... I'm definitely not down with cancer..... But they do use UV light in those flourescent tubes they make for lizzards. I wouldn't imagine that the UV put out from that could cause cancer since you would use it in a terriraium in your room..... Not sure tho..... But yes, it will increase potentcy!


Active Member
yes it does! I have two uv lights that i got for reptiles and they really make a difference from just normal lights. I would really recommend getting a light