Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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It has been shown that covid immunity protects against variants. This T cell immunity is real as opposed to vax immunity.
Citation? This would be good news, if true and there is a dearth of evidence to support your claim unfortunately. It is widely believed by experts based on available evidence that covid immunity lasts about a year, though I figure your immune system remembers it to some extent, but I'm not an expert.

If yer afraid of needles, just say so and stop making excuses.
I'm not going back and reading all that BS, they never have any science to back it up, just their feelings, like menopausal women going through a hormone swing.
There seem to be fewer sensible people around here these days as the vaccines kick in and folks get out more. I'm still hunkered down in Canada, but in the states some are feeling confident to get out more in the nice weather after a long spell at home. They don't need to head for the nearest crowd however and there are lot's of fun things to do outside that are safe and responsible. I figure yer on track to have a good 4th of July at the rate Joe is going on vaccines. I figure you'll see a big spike in hospitalizations early this summer among the unvaccinated with the Brazilian variant, particularly if it causes lot's of asymptomatic cases in the vaccinated, though they shouldn't spread it as much, especially if the vaccinated and wear masks, which most won't.
That's so obnoxious.... I am saying live a natural life, healthy, and if you happen to get it and die, your genetics are not strong enough to keep our species going.
Not intentionally give it to someone just to see if they die the hell is wrong with you...
Is it wrong that I hope your “genetics are not strong enough to keep our species going”?

Never mind. I don’t give a fuck what you think.
Is it wrong that I hope your “genetics are not strong enough to keep our species going”?

Never mind. I don’t give a fuck what you think.
I hope to supplement my genetic inheritance with a vaccine and thus become SUPERHUMAN! I will watch in sorrow as the mere mundane succumb and die from covid. They burden healthcare workers, who will be very experienced at intubating them while they rant about the Wu Flu and fake news breathlessly, before the tube goes in. Darwin at work is not a pleasant sight and stupidity is a major factor in natural selection too, along with random chance.
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No. I am a firm believer that the human body/nature, has all the answers we need for perfect health.
If a disease rolls around, we should let our natural immune systems fight that disease off. Only adding natural plants to our diet to aid in healing.
If a person dies, their genetics are too weak to move forward.
I know it sounds harsh. And some might say what if that is You? Then so be it. We are a species. One person is not the world. Our species needs to be empowered. Not just certain people...
So it should be a totally Natural process. The strongest survive. The ones who are the most intelligent, with the best immune systems etc.

Problem with this though is that some very powerful people are trying to change the natural environment and DNA of human beings- creating basically a mutated evolved version of humans in the future... unnatural. Impure. Weak overall. This is a real problem. We have to deny their ways and go back to our natural way of living... a way that has the fewest weak-spots. A human living in the beginning of time, had very few weak-spots. We have many. If the sun has a big solar flare and knocks out all our power for a while, 99% of people would be screwed right then and there... WEAK.
sorry was in the mood to rant lol
Im going to go ahead and pass on whatever it is that you think is ideal.
Had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine on Thursday. Started to get a little achey that eve.
Friday I had a fever and chills that tickled in my bones. Developed a headache (which I very, very rarely get, but it was probably just the microchip lodging into my pineal gland area). Essentially it gave me a flu. Started to feel less achey by bedtime. The WORST part was I still had to go out in the yard to uncover my plants in the morning, and re-dark out in the eve, haha.
It’s 7:15 am Saturday and I feel fine other than bed-lagged from being in it so much yesterday.
Who knows what the long-term effects will be, but I’m happy for “the upgrade” as a friend calls it, haha.

Also, just want to note that I’ve been skeptical of vaccines before, and got my first flu shot in 2020; I realize you have to either trust the majority of medical professionals for the common good, or develop/find a really good conspiracy to justify your indifference to your community’s health.
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Had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine on Thursday. Started to get a little achey that eve.
Friday I had a fever and chills that tickled in my bones. Developed a headache (which I very, very rarely get, but it was probably just the microchip lodging into my pineal gland area). Essentially it gave me a flu. Started to feel less achey by bedtime. The WORST part was I still had to go out in the yard to uncover my plants in the morning, and re-dark out in the eve, haha.
It’s 7:15 am Saturday and I feel fine other than bed-lagged from being in it so much yesterday.
Who knows what the long-term effects will be, but I’m happy for “the upgrade” as a friend calls it, haha.
I've heard the same from my relatives who've gotten it. I'm getting my first dose today, kind of sucks to know I'm going to feel sick tomorrow, but better than Covid!!
I've heard the same from my relatives who've gotten it. I'm getting my first dose today, kind of sucks to know I'm going to feel sick tomorrow, but better than Covid!!
The first one wasn’t as bad. Just some aches and a funny head feeling (may have just been exhausted from working and stoned).
My girlfriend had little to no symptoms from either, except a random hot-flash and some lethargy.
Just don’t forget to wait 2 full weeks after the 2nd one to go back to “normal” things like being maskless in crowds and making out with strangers. I know of a dangus that got both their shots, then went out and partied and got themselves and their daughter covid.
So, no guarantees but it does give me some reassurance.
I've heard the same from my relatives who've gotten it. I'm getting my first dose today, kind of sucks to know I'm going to feel sick tomorrow, but better than Covid!!
The immune reaction varies quite a bit from none at all, to what you've been reading here, best to not have expectations one way or the other.
My brother got pfizer too but for him the second was a knockout. Yeah results vary.
The immune response varies quite a bit too, is lower in some people and takes longer to kick in, best to mask up in indoor public spaces and outdoor crowds for a spell yet. Best of all avoid crowded places, there's lot's of space outside and good weather is arriving in most places. Wait until they are up against the wall with those willing to be vaccinated and only the stupid and ignorant remain un protected. Remember the Brazilian variant is a kid killer and they are unprotected, as adults we have a duty to put our own asses on the line for children. That's what vaccines and masks are really about in the end, protecting the innocent, as well as the stupid cocksuckers who only care about themselves.
The immune response varies quite a bit too, is lower in some people and takes longer to kick in, best to mask up in indoor public spaces and outdoor crowds for a spell yet. Best of all avoid crowded places, there's lot's of space outside and good weather is arriving in most places. Wait until they are up against the wall with those willing to be vaccinated and only the stupid and ignorant remain un protected. Remember the Brazilian variant is a kid killer and they are unprotected, as adults we have a duty to put our own asses on the line for children. That's what vaccines and masks are really about in the end, protecting the innocent, as well as the stupid cocksuckers who only care about themselves.
Yeah, I try not to harsh people for their beliefs but I swear some people’s only way to feel unique is by being selfish.
I don’t know that I’ll ever want to go maskless inside with the public or even outdoors in crowded areas. Many other countries particularly Asian have societal norms where people mask themselves up at the slightest symptoms of illness. They do this for their communities.
The most frustrating part is the ignore-ant (ignorant) folks will get to eventually realize herd immunity with the rest of us and will completely ignore the fact that it happens BECAUSE of vaccines, not without them.
Vax-tip suggested by my Dr.:

Drink a lot of water before and after your Vax. Massage the arm a bit for an hour or two after the shot.

I did this before my second dose. Arm pain was reduced in intensity and duration by about 50% over first dose.

Sore arm was my only side effect from both shots.
Good to hear again, going for my second dose of moderna today.