Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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I didn’t mean to insult you. I realize now you are waiting to get the check. I thought you were complaining because you didn’t qualify.

Sorry again man. My fault.
It’s okay I don’t hold a grudge towards you you didn’t know. There’s a lot of people who didn’t receive stimulus checks under donald duck like our college kids I fight for everyone
I get the feeling my neighbors think the same about me. “Like he leaves at 11am and doesn’t come home until the morning he’s out partying all night” I was working. My niece still hasn’t got one but at least her college gave her some money back
The moron effect is starting to show up in the vaccine rollout. Some people have legitimate health concerns and should see their doctor and even soon get the appropriate shot there. Most of these idiots are merely self centered fools who can't asses relative risks and don't care about others enough to protect themselves. One way to know who you are dealing with is their attitude towards masks, social distancing rules and even if they believe covid is real and not made up by the "mainstream media".

Joe will have 100 million mostly older Americans fully vaccinated and 200 million shots in arms by his first 100 days. As the hospitals fill with the unvaccinated younger and middle aged people with the Brazilian variant, the percentage of hospitalizations will go up from the 1 to 5% of the original strain, but with treatments, hopefully the mortality rate can be kept in check. I think by the end of may you'll see a significant improvement in America's covid situation, except for the unvaccinated. Younger teens will be included among the protected by summer. I figure this might have some impact on those reluctant to get vaccinated and many should come around by July or August, when they see the rest of us aren't growing a set of horns or something.
Covid-19 vaccine demand is slowing in parts of the US. Now starts an uphill battle to get more shots into arms - CNN
Covid-19 vaccine demand is slowing in parts of the US. Now an uphill battle starts to get more shots into arms

(CNN)When health officials in Ohio's Mercer County opened their first Covid-19 vaccine drive-thru clinic in January, available slots filled up instantly, and more than 500 people were vaccinated in a single day.

Nearly three months later, with plenty of vaccine supply on hand and eligibility open to all residents 16 and older, officials struggled to fill appointments, said Kristy Fryman, the emergency response coordinator and public information officer for the Mercer County Health District. About 264 people received their first dose at the district's clinic earlier this month -- roughly half the number of people who were signing up at the start of the rollout.

"It's very concerning," she said. The rural county is home to roughly 41,000 people and earlier in the pandemic had the highest Covid-19 case rate in the state, Fryman said. "We don't want to go backwards," she added.
Maybe many are the same ones who killed grandma and grandpa this past year.
Younger Americans are least likely to vaccinate (cnn.com)

Younger Americans are least likely to vaccinate
Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that 68% of Americans plan to or already have gotten a Covid-19 vaccine. A sizable minority (27%) say they don’t plan to get the vaccine.

While individual polls differ, this poll is consistent with the general finding that about a fifth to a quarter of Americans indicate that they won’t get the vaccine.

What’s the point: Most Americans want to get vaccinated, but we know from the data that certain groups are more likely than others to say they have or will get a Covid-19 vaccine. Usually, we focus on partisan differences (i.e. Republicans lagging in vaccination rates) or racial differences (i.e. Black Americans lagging).

One under-discussed difference in vaccination uptake that is particularly troubling is that younger Americans are less likely than older Americans to claim they have or will get vaccinated. This is dangerous because younger Americans seem to be the ones most likely to spread the virus.

Look again at that Quinnipiac poll. Among those adults under the age of 35, 36% say they don’t plan on getting a Covid-19 vaccine. That’s higher than the 27% overall and much higher than the 10% of senior citizens who say they won’t get a shot.

This poll’s result has been repeated over and over again in the polling data. Just 49% of those under the age of 30 in last month’s Kaiser Family Foundation survey told the pollster that they would be getting a vaccine as soon as possible or had already gotten one. That’s below the 61% overall and well below the 81% of senior citizens.
I was pretty impressed by the number and range of "types" of people at the vaccine clinic yesterday. This is a small, rural, uber conservative area and they were expecting 700 people to show up, according to who confirmed their appointments. I guess my town is doing weekly "vaccine clinics" on Saturdays rather than injecting people during the week, and almost all of the workers organizing them are volunteers, it was really an amazing effort. Now we just need all the brainwashed Fox Entertainment zombies to come out and get vaccinated before they brew up the next variant inside their bodies. If you run into one of them, tell them that Trump got vaccinated...0 out of 5 of my Trumper neighbors believed me when I told them that, since he did it secretly and only announced it two weeks later, and apparently FOX didn't widely report it. I had one guy tell me to stand still while he awkwardly looked it up on his phone LOL.
After all that's happened, we are still averaging around 80,000 new cases and a thousand dead each day.


Out of 75 million fully vaccinated, 5400 have gotten Covid and 74 died from it.

CDC estimates that we need 80% vaccinated in order to end this epidemic and 30% of people in the US are hesitant . There is plenty of good information available to show the benefits vastly outweigh any risk. The facts aren't enough what gets us past 80% vaccinated? So, now what?
After all that's happened, we are still averaging around 80,000 new cases and a thousand dead each day.

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Out of 75 million fully vaccinated, 5400 have gotten Covid and 74 died from it.

CDC estimates that we need 80% vaccinated in order to end this epidemic and 30% of people in the US are hesitant . There is plenty of good information available to show the benefits vastly outweigh any risk. The facts aren't enough what gets us past 80% vaccinated? So, now what?
The all powerful one will save us.
After all that's happened, we are still averaging around 80,000 new cases and a thousand dead each day.

View attachment 4881991

Out of 75 million fully vaccinated, 5400 have gotten Covid and 74 died from it.

CDC estimates that we need 80% vaccinated in order to end this epidemic and 30% of people in the US are hesitant . There is plenty of good information available to show the benefits vastly outweigh any risk. The facts aren't enough what gets us past 80% vaccinated? So, now what?
Under 35 are the most vaccine resistant at this point, but fortunately they are psychologically more flexible at that age and a good percentage of them are persuadable using marketing and social pressure. Nobody is gonna give up on them any time soon, but perhaps the new more contagious and virulent strains will convince many by filling the hospitals with their peers. This ain't the old covid, but a different animal altogether, Canada and Europe are just a month or so behind America in vaccination and look what's happening here. If it wasn't for the vaccines Joe is moving heaven and earth to get into arms, America would be looking at a doubling of the 500,000 death toll in no time flat.
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After all that's happened, we are still averaging around 80,000 new cases and a thousand dead each day.

View attachment 4881991

Out of 75 million fully vaccinated, 5400 have gotten Covid and 74 died from it.

CDC estimates that we need 80% vaccinated in order to end this epidemic and 30% of people in the US are hesitant . There is plenty of good information available to show the benefits vastly outweigh any risk. The facts aren't enough what gets us past 80% vaccinated? So, now what?
Wait until all the people who want a vaccine get one, then pay anybody between say 40 and 18 a couple of hundred bucks cash on the barrelhead to take the shot, a hundred bucks a dose (make it a surprise though). It would be money well spent, a vaccine stimulus check! I should float the idea to my MP here, greed is a powerful force in many and I figure it might hit the nail on the head for those who are only concerned about themselves. Oh and everybody gets a free quick anti body test and if yer positive, you can take the vaccine with no payment or go fuck yourself!
Wait until all the people who want a vaccine get one, then pay anybody between say 40 and 18 a couple of hundred bucks cash on the barrelhead to take the shot, a hundred bucks a dose (make it a surprise though). It would be money well spent, a vaccine stimulus check! I should float the idea to my MP here, greed is a powerful force in many and I figure it might hit the nail on the head for those who are only concerned about themselves. Oh and everybody gets a free quick anti body test and if yer positive, you can take the vaccine with no payment or go fuck yourself!
They shouldn’t be given money. They should be fined. That vaccine stimulus check should go to healthcare workers with direct patient contact.
They shouldn’t be given money. They should be fined. That vaccine stimulus check should go to healthcare workers with direct patient contact.
I can't disagree on principal, but in the end it will mean less risk and work for healthcare workers and save far more money than it costs. I think it is the uneducated and lower income young people who might be the biggest issue here and cash on the barrelhead will get them sore arms. Many of these people work in front line jobs with lot's of public contact and employers will force many to get the jab. Anybody going to university will end up with the jab or learning from home, if at all.
Catch more flies with honey than vinegar! Plus, it's just not possible in the US to fiscally punish people for not taking a vaccine, no court would allow it and it would have much greater impact on people in lower economic classes.
They shouldn’t be given money. They should be fined. That vaccine stimulus check should go to healthcare workers with direct patient contact.
They wouldn't be giving money to reluctant young people until after college and school started back up in the fall and employers and others forced the issue. Once everybody who wanted one or was forced to have one is vaccinated, and an advertising blitz was targeted at them, then the paid jab could be sprung by surprise. Annual booster shots would be an issue with vaccines lapsing for everybody, but once you break the ice, the subsequent shots are easier. Everyone of these morons has been vaccinated for multiple disease we never hear about today that killed untold numbers of young children in a past that most everybody can't remember today.

Here's why we need to make the effort, it might be awhile before young children are protected and this needs to be impressed on the reluctant, do it for the kids. If you thought your job was tough before and hard on the heart, wait till you have ICUs full of kids.
Babies and kids dying of Covid at an alarming rate in Brazil as killer strain tears through country (thesun.co.uk)

Babies and kids dying of Covid at an alarming rate in Brazil as killer strain tears through country
BABIES and children are dying at an “alarming rate” in Brazil where the coronavirus is rife.

An estimated 1,300 babies have died of Covid since the start of the pandemic in the South American country, which has the second highest death toll worldwide.

By comparison, there have been two deaths of babies in the UK out of 150,000 deaths caused by, or involving Covid, according to the Office for National Statistics. ( mostly the original strain)

A futher 12 children in one to 14 year olds have died, making it extremely rare.

Children are relatively at low risk of Covid. Although they can catch it, the disease rarely kills them.

But Brazil is currently facing a spiralling outbreak, with record numbers of 60,000 to 70,000 infections per day, on average.

A new variant, named P1, is also spreading throughout the country, home to 211 million people.

The variant has been detected 40 times in the UK since its importation in January.

Experts have previously warned Brits need to stay extremely cautious as the lockdown is eased due to new variants like P1.

Child deaths in Brazil
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has refused to use lockdowns and vaccinations are moving at a slow pace.

Some 100 are dying per hour, described as the “biggest genocide” in the country’s history. The cumulative death toll currently stands at 365,954, only trailing the United States.

The crisis has been described as a "humanitarian catastrophe" by the international medical aid agency Doctors Without Borders.

Data from the Health Ministry says that 800 children under the age of nine, including 500 babies, have died of Covid.

But experts told the BBC the true toll is likely to be several times higher because testing has been scarce.

Dr Fatima Marinho of the University of São Paolo, a leading epidemiologist who is a senior adviser to the international non-governmental organization Vital Strategies, estimated that the virus has killed 2,060 children under nine, including 1,302 babies.

The estimate is based on the number of excess deaths from an unspecified acute respiratory syndrome during the pandemic.

“Excess deaths” are those that are above what would be expected in any given year, and can be used as a way of measuring the true death toll of Covid.

Dr Marinho said there had been ten times the number of deaths listed as caused by an unexplained respiratory disease compared to previous years.

In these cases, it's possible doctors could not say the death was caused by Covid because there was not an available Covid test to prove it.

Covid can also go undiagnosed in children because they show different symptoms to adults.

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well, with the stimulus check, we can buy the drugs of OUR choice, AND stimulate the black market economy in the process
Free beer used to work too! Maybe SHOT and HAMMERED night at local bars might get some too, a negative antibody test gets ya in the door and a shot in the arm gets ya X number of free shots. Ya gotta be creative here too and use the carrot and the stick. Maybe pot dispensaries could do the same kinda thing and give em a quarter ounce of bud with each shot, anything that works. ;)
Coronavirus: Brazilians told to delay having children ‘until a better moment’ as variant spreads | The Independent

Coronavirus: Brazilians told to delay having children ‘until a better moment’ as variant spreads

Country’s health system is buckling under pressure of highly contagious P1 variant

Brazil’s health ministry has asked women to avoid becoming pregnant “until a better moment” as the country’s health system buckles under the strain of the Covid pandemic.

Officials said the recommendation was partly due to the stress on the health system but also because the more contagious Brazilian variant known as P1 – currently ravaging the country – appears to affect expectant mothers more than earlier versions of coronavirus.

A study last month concluded that the variant was likely twice as transmissible as earlier ones, and may evade immunity built-up naturally by past infection.
Free beer used to work too! Maybe SHOT and HAMMERED night at local bars might get some too, a negative antibody test gets ya in the door and a shot in the arm gets ya X number of free shots. Ya gotta be creative here too and use the carrot and the stick. Maybe pot dispensaries could do the same kinda thing and give em a quarter ounce of bud with each shot, anything that works. ;)
I did mention in the first half of my working life I worked in a brewery where they gave us free beer while working. Just on our breaks mind you.