Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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My wife and Mom both got the Pfizer shot last Thursday. Mom got a burst of energy and baked for two days, including my favorite Hindu Kush ginger snap cookies. My wife did her zoom workouts without any issues but we had to slow our walk on Friday - I felt like Slowpoke Rodriguez, now that's slow. But that's it.

Both are happy as a lark after receiving the shot. And neither one has called me Bill yet.
My wife and Mom both got the Pfizer shot last Thursday. Mom got a burst of energy and baked for two days, including my favorite Hindu Kush ginger snap cookies. My wife did her zoom workouts without any issues but we had to slow our walk on Friday - I felt like Slowpoke Rodriguez, now that's slow. But that's it.

Both are happy as a lark after receiving the shot. And neither one has called me Bill yet.
If you find them crashing and rebooting you'll know why!
My wife and Mom both got the Pfizer shot last Thursday. Mom got a burst of energy and baked for two days, including my favorite Hindu Kush ginger snap cookies. My wife did her zoom workouts without any issues but we had to slow our walk on Friday - I felt like Slowpoke Rodriguez, now that's slow. But that's it.

Both are happy as a lark after receiving the shot. And neither one has called me Bill yet.
Warning, if they see blue and hexadecimal numbers seek medical help at once! :lol:
Facts don't matter to his clown, his brain is broken, so logic won't work either. Just play with the fish, go to an online list of Trump's lies and copy paste for fun, but don't put any effort into it, none is required.

Those 2 searches took me a grand total of 60 seconds to find, copy, and paste here. I'm not here to rag any members of the forum out or shit on anybody's own ideologies and belief system. But when those systems begin to obfuscate medical science and facts that can either save or end a persons life, I do take exception.

Hope everyone here stays the course till we can beat this motherfucker to the ground with the knowledge we've gained in the past year.
The religious sock puppets goal is to spread propaganda and do everything they can to paint everything bad as 'the left'.

It is boring and played out. But they will continue to spam it over and over again everywhere the paid trolls can get access to so that people who are brainwashed into beleving the lies continue to be scammed.
Those 2 searches took me a grand total of 60 seconds to find, copy, and paste here. I'm not here to rag any members of the forum out or shit on anybody's own ideologies and belief system. But when those systems begin to obfuscate medical science and facts that can either save or end a persons life, I do take exception.

Hope everyone here stays the course till we can beat this motherfucker to the ground with the knowledge we've gained in the past year.
When their belief system drives them to social warfare on their fellow citizens and causes them to commit treason and sedition, I too take exception. Anti masks and anti vaccines are the manifestations of this racist bullshit, but there are other consequences that play out in the courts, in the legislatures and on the streets. More people are vaccine reluctant and mask resistant than the Trumpers though, but they are mostly persuadable. Make no mistake though, America is still in danger, all the GOP has to do is put a little lipstick on the pig, but fortunately their base won't allow it.
i guess he didn't take the vaccine when he could.

"Everybody told me that I should not announce this," Nugent says in the video. "I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days. I thought I was dying -- just a clusterf*ck."

LISTEN: Special Comedy Exclusive - The Raw Story Podcast Interviews ‘President Trump’

"I was tested positive today, I got the Chinese shit," Nugent added. "I've got a stuffed-up head, body aches. My God, what a pain in the ass. I literally could hardly crawl out of bed the last few days… So I was officially tested positive for COVID-19 today."
Fauci is a doc supposedly. He wrote a paper on HCQ and Sars covid being effective for treatment in 2004. How do you not know this info?!

Well he certainly didn't say it was an effective treatment for Covid-19 in 2004. I'm sure it exists to treat something.

i guess he didn't take the vaccine when he could.

"Everybody told me that I should not announce this," Nugent says in the video. "I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days. I thought I was dying -- just a clusterf*ck."

LISTEN: Special Comedy Exclusive - The Raw Story Podcast Interviews ‘President Trump’

"I was tested positive today, I got the Chinese shit," Nugent added. "I've got a stuffed-up head, body aches. My God, what a pain in the ass. I literally could hardly crawl out of bed the last few days… So I was officially tested positive for COVID-19 today."
GREAT! He missed the window for antibody therapy so there's hope!