Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I'm just explaining why some people and businesses might require it. You were ambiguous about the topic and appeared somewhat confused by the issue.
I appreciate that, I do understand why they must require it I am not saying it is a bad thing, to move forward what must be done needs to be done. I am not anti vaccine people here seem to confuse my standing for some reason
yo yall need to chill im not from US where im from there is no vaccine yet, only selective people can get it we are poor af.
I'm from Canada and we can't get enough vaccine supplies to meet demand, but are more fortunate than many other places, especially India. People believing bullshit is the main problem with those who don't want the vaccine, health issues are rare. If they had a logical or factual leg to stand on, more people might understand, but selfish fear driven bullshit while exhibiting the Dunning Kruger effect doesn't cut it for many folks. Aspirin kills more people every month than all the vaccines combined and birth control pills are an order of magnitude more likely to cause blood clots than the two adenovirus vectored vaccines.

In Canada we will have over 700 million left over vaccine doses when our back orders come in and they will end up in south America or India and perhaps some contracts reassigned to EU countries, That is not the only way we will help though and once the Americans get their people covered and ramp up production they will pump out huge quantities of vaccine or help others to do so. Saving lives is the best PR and goodwill there is and America is looking to make up some lost ground.
yo yall need to chill im not from US where im from there is no vaccine yet, only selective people can get it we are poor af.
I wish you guys luck man.

Hopefully you guys have the option soon.

I appreciate that, I do understand why they must require it I am not saying it is a bad thing, to move forward what must be done needs to be done. I am not anti vaccine people here seem to confuse my standing for some reason
Dont take offense man, it is impossible to know who is trolling or not. If it gets too much just get your ignore feature a workout.
im not saying anything im not even standing anywhere? but in the scenario yes people are being forced, it will be that way because for you to be able to live life its going to come up all the time and limit you completly. Thats just whats going to happen imo im not against or for anything like I sad, I dont have a say in this obv so I dont bother my self with standing anywhere on this topic. I have to get it too you know where im from there isnt any vaccine for normal people to get it yet
In the US, nobody is being forced to take the vaccine. In the US, people have a choice and all choices have consequences. Nothing different from deciding whether or not drink coffee or beer at work. Most workplaces don't let employees drink on the job. But their employees can still choose to have that beer. They won't be an employee for long but that's the consequence of their choice.

I'd support a global initiative to get vaccines available to the world with the US paying a good share of the cost. FWIW
We just had another meeting today about reopening our performance venues in the fall. Based on the current guidance, we will be able to reopen at 25% capacity. That number could be increased to 66% if all attendees have proof of vaccination or negative covid test. The upper administration had confirmed multiple times (including again today) that we will not be requiring such documentation, and will instead opt for the smaller allowable capacity. The big issues with such a requirement is the convoluted bureaucratic mechanics to support such a requirement, along with the associated costs. Additionally the reality that religious exemptions would have to be considered makes such a mandate fundamentally impossible to impose. As a worker myself, I have to get bi-weekly covid tests whether I'm vaccinated or not, based on the current guidelines.
Your industry won't recover from the epidemic until the epidemic is over.

I don't understand why you can't understand such a simple statement.
if Bill Gates is part of a global conspiracy to get rid of the excess population, wouldn't he and the others start with those that still think a pandemic is a democratic hoax to make trump look bad?
Thats a hard no, sorry..for a virus you have to be tested to know you have and its being sold, sorry..I don't buy the bullshit..but you do you.
Joined 43 minutes ago.
if Bill Gates is part of a global conspiracy to get rid of the excess population, wouldn't he and the others start with those that still think a pandemic is a democratic hoax to make trump look bad?
They are and the campaign is successful, half the Trumpers and evangelical fake Christians are refusing the vaccine. The secret program to get rid of the stupid is working. :lol: The young and invincible (18-45 ) will eventually be paid a hundred bucks a jab or be convinced by celebrities and athletes making PSAs and not allowing them into concert venues. "If you wanna go to my concert/game this summer you will have to be vaccinated"

As for Trump looking bad:
Trump will soon look even worse with Rudy's help, I expect Donald will be either indicted with him as part of a conspiracy, or testify against him. Remember that phone call to the Ukrainian president? The one where Trump says talk to Rudy and talk to Bill Barr, they have all the details. That means Bill Bar is in it up to his eyeballs and so is Pompeo, when Rudy flips it will be on those clowns as well as many others. Donald already ratted them out to the public because he's a moron.