Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Have you ever been to western Oregon? We don't have any accents. Just standard dictionary pronunciations of words.

Not really, as in, spent much time. Been to just the other side of Portland once, and another time crossed over to the coast at Roseburg and back down 101. Think I'd love to live in Applegate Valley though.

That's why I think it's funny when Uk'ers talk about an American accent. In some places, it's actually the omission of an accent and is just English.

I mean, not having steam catapult technology so you have to launch your aircraft off a ramp on your carrier half-loaded is THE pinnacle of Naval Warfare Technology.
The newest US carrier the Gerald Ford uses electric generation to power the catapult now,no more steam launches for carriers built in US from here on(deemed to inefficient and costly by the Navy), this tech also requires less personnel as the Navy is always looking to reduce crew size. The ramp on the English carriers the "Prince of Whales" and "Queen Elizabeth" are for the F-35B which is a supersonic Harrier type of plane, hope it pans out because there has been a lot of negativity surrounding all versions of the F-35 in terms of cost overruns as well as performance, I sure hope the US hasn't waisted all this money,time, and effort for a doggy.ccguns
Why am I reading through this thread again and why are there so many stupid people. Just get the vaccine, or lock yourself away so you can't get SARS-CoV-2 and spread it to those vulnerable. While you're there please take a basic statistics course and please whatever you do don't EVER drive in a car, the risks are THOUSANDS of times greater then getting vaccinated.
When I saw all the health professionals, who are on the front line witnessing the ravages of Covid, eagerly line up for the shot was all the proof I needed.ccguns
The newest US carrier the Gerald Ford uses electric generation to power the catapult now,no more steam launches for carriers built in US from here on(deemed to inefficient and costly by the Navy), this tech also requires less personnel as the Navy is always looking to reduce crew size. The ramp on the English carriers the "Prince of Whales" and "Queen Elizabeth" are for the F-35B which is a supersonic Harrier type of plane, hope it pans out because there has been a lot of negativity surrounding all versions of the F-35 in terms of cost overruns as well as performance, I sure hope the US hasn't waisted all this money,time, and effort for a doggy.ccguns
Presently it is the only carrier on earth using it. The other 10 still use steam, hence the comparison.

You don't compare unique technology in use by only one ship in the world to the status quo. That is moronic.
When I saw all the health professionals, who are on the front line witnessing the ravages of Covid, eagerly line up for the shot was all the proof I needed.ccguns
Yeah when all the doctors and nurses tell you to do something in unison ... uh trust me they know WAY more then you or I about medicine and health and you should listen to them, they spent 10+ years learning about the body, not 15 minutes on youtube/facebook.
Presently it is the only carrier on earth using it. The other 10 still use steam, hence the comparison.

You don't compare unique technology in use by only one ship in the world to the status quo. That is moronic.
You do when it’s the newest design. Not to would be moronic ...... wow! Ya I know you read this lol.
If there’s a 11-12 week gap in getting the second AZ, it has good protection against variants, the last I heard. Did I miss something?

I had a chance to get the second yesterday before the lot expired but I took a pass, not sure if it was a mistake but I don’t go anywhere so should be good for a bit and it’s only been about 5-6 weeks. But I keep reading only 65% effective against 95% :lol:
I had a chance to get the second yesterday before the lot expired but I took a pass, not sure if it was a mistake but I don’t go anywhere so should be good for a bit and it’s only been about 5-6 weeks. But I keep reading only 65% effective against 95% :lol:
You did the right thing. The second dose isn’t as effective that soon after the first. If it’s available after 12 weeks from my first, I will take it but if a had a choice I’d take the Pfizer.

That’s a blend that’s had high efficacy in small study groups.