Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Can you tell me how many little kids died this virus?
Why are you focusing in on 'death'?

All rats they jabbed died you know that? And i can see everyone who have different opinions are trump fans or puppets its funny. And you still didnt answer what are indegrients?
Is this supposed to mean something? How did you find this out, or do you work in these labs and have first hand knowledge?
Where i need focus then or what you are scaring then?
I would focus on all illnesses people are having due to this virus.

I am not sure what that means after the word 'or'.

Yeah, he’s probably a scientist. lol. He’s practically illiterate.

People coming so mad after different opinion so im out have a nice life and stay strong peace and love. :D
Because you said so?

Troll on man, good luck out there not getting spammed to death with the death cult propaganda!
You can get information internet doing research your own there is tons of information anything u want know. We can start simple, do you know what vaccine indegrients are? Asbest is like 10x bigger than virus and when u go remove asbest protection are much more than face mask. https://americanconservativemovemen...masks-are-absolutely-worthless-against-covid/ Just dont get your all information TV news and mainstream media.

The article writer.

"What Stanford nor any of the various fact-checkers addressing this story do not do is acknowledge that states without face mask requirements are seeing reduced Covid cases while with the strictest face masks requirements are spiking. The conclusions drawn in this study are still relevant whether Stanford and others acknowledge the scientific data or not."

With no data to determine if the statement is true I will just take it as wishful thinking.

On to the paper from the article. The writer does not actually do any testing but just pieces together bits from other papers. Which is valid if one does not cherry pick information to justify their outlook.

"Clinical scientific evidence challenges further the efficacy of facemasks to block human-to-human transmission or infectivity. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 246 participants [123 (50%) symptomatic)] who were allocated to either wearing or not wearing surgical facemask, assessing viruses transmission including coronavirus [26]. The results of this study showed that among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of >5 µm."

And yet when you look up the paper that the author is using to justify his position, that paper has this to say.

"Our findings indicate that surgical masks can efficaciously reduce the emission of influenza virus particles into the environment in respiratory droplets, but not in aerosols."

"We also demonstrated the efficacy of surgical masks to reduce coronavirus detection and viral copies in large respiratory droplets and in aerosols (Table 1b). This has important implications for control of COVID-19, suggesting that surgical face masks could be used by ill persons to reduce onwards transmission."

Which is not quite the same as the article's paper.

On other papers that give face masks a thumb's up,

Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS–CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients | Annals of Internal Medicine

The First Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of Mask Use in Households to Prevent Respiratory Virus Transmission - International Journal of Infectious Diseases

I read more but I can not remember them as it has been a while.
Can you tell me how many little kids died this virus? All rats they jabbed died you know that? And i can see everyone who have different opinions are trump fans or puppets its funny. And you still didnt answer what are indegrients?

So mainstream media is bullshit because that was our mainstream media article?
All rats? Do you have a source for this?
The article writer.

"What Stanford nor any of the various fact-checkers addressing this story do not do is acknowledge that states without face mask requirements are seeing reduced Covid cases while with the strictest face masks requirements are spiking. The conclusions drawn in this study are still relevant whether Stanford and others acknowledge the scientific data or not."

With no data to determine if the statement is true I will just take it as wishful thinking.

On to the paper from the article. The writer does not actually do any testing but just pieces together bits from other papers. Which is valid if one does not cherry pick information to justify their outlook.

"Clinical scientific evidence challenges further the efficacy of facemasks to block human-to-human transmission or infectivity. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 246 participants [123 (50%) symptomatic)] who were allocated to either wearing or not wearing surgical facemask, assessing viruses transmission including coronavirus [26]. The results of this study showed that among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of >5 µm."

And yet when you look up the paper that the author is using to justify his position, that paper has this to say.

"Our findings indicate that surgical masks can efficaciously reduce the emission of influenza virus particles into the environment in respiratory droplets, but not in aerosols."

"We also demonstrated the efficacy of surgical masks to reduce coronavirus detection and viral copies in large respiratory droplets and in aerosols (Table 1b). This has important implications for control of COVID-19, suggesting that surgical face masks could be used by ill persons to reduce onwards transmission."

Which is not quite the same as the article's paper.

On other papers that give face masks a thumb's up,

Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS–CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients | Annals of Internal Medicine

The First Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of Mask Use in Households to Prevent Respiratory Virus Transmission - International Journal of Infectious Diseases

I read more but I can not remember them as it has been a while.

My whole point first comment was all can believe what they want. If you want believe jesus u can do it and if not then you can believe something else but people wont say shoot your brains out if you dont believe jesus. So if you want get vaccinated then do it and feel protected but if somebody dont want it then let them be. Arquement unvaxx people diseasing our childrens is not answer because after vaxx you can still spread it. Its good to talk different opinions without some little 10 year kid coming yell kill yourself.

Right, which is why masks are so important for being inside. Also the more people who are vaccinated, the less sick people get, which means when those kids do inevitably get sick, the hospitals are not filled with brainwashed older people using up all the ventilators and beds.
My whole point first comment was all can believe what they want. If you want believe jesus u can do it and if not then you can believe something else but people wont say shoot your brains out if you dont believe jesus. So if you want get vaccinated then do it and feel protected but if somebody dont want it then let them be. Arquement unvaxx people diseasing our childrens is not answer because after vaxx you can still spread it. Its good to talk different opinions without some little 10 year kid coming yell kill yourself.
It's almost impressive how well you summed up what's wrong you.
Republicans have been trying to hide their trolling behind "different ideas" for years. Aw shucks guys, how come you dislike abortions, it's just different, that's all. Ohhhhh, so that's when you start trying to discuss specifics? Oh okay. Sorry, people wearing masks doesn't actually hurt your feelings, no matter what Cucker Carlson says.
Alarming number of Americans think vaccines contain microchips to control people
One-fifth of adult Americans believe it is “very true” or “probably true” that COVID-19 vaccinations contain government-issued microchips.

The survey, which polled 1,500 Americans ages 18 and over, was conducted by The Economist/YouGov and published this week.

The survey, conducted by The Economist/YouGov and published this week, asked 1,500 Americans ages 18 and over if “the U.S. government is using the COVID-19 vaccine to microchip the population.” Five percent of respondents said the statement was “very true,” while 15 percent said the statement was “probably true.”

When broken down along party lines, the survey found that 32 percent of Republicans said it was “very” or “probably” true, while 14 percent of Democrats said it was “very” or “probably” true. Those without college degrees were also more likely to believe the microchip conspiracy, compared to those who have one.
Fox News hosts urge viewers to get vaccinated following criticisms of network
A pair of Fox News hosts on Monday urged viewers of the network to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, dismissing conspiracy theories about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

“Well, here’s the thing. And one of the CDC officials said yesterday, look, the pandemic right now is really just with people who have not been vaccinated. 99% of the people who died have not been vaccinated. What they are trying to do is make sure that all of the people who have not been vaccinated get vaccinated," host Steve Doocy said Monday on Fox and Friends.

“Unfortunately, and this is one of the reasons apparently that Joe Biden and the administration came out last week, the administration very frustrated. They have not been able to get Facebook to get rid of some of the disinformation. The disinformation is online. The vaccine is killing lots and lots of people. Or it changes your D.N.A. Or their little microchips. None of that is true.”

During a separate segment on Monday's Fox and Friends, host and anchor Bill Hemmer asked Fox News Medical contributor Marc Siegel: "The vaccine works, right? We haven’t budged on that, have we, doc?”

"The vaccine works extremely well even against the Delta variant preventing infection in 90 percent of cases," Siegel responded.

“We are still seeing a proliferation of misinformation online, and we know that health misinformation harms people's health. It costs them their lives,” Murthy said on Sunday. "It's not entirely about the tech companies. I issued this advisory to call the entire country to action, recognizing their steps all of us can take. Technology companies have an important role,” Murthy said. “Each of us has a decision that we make every time we post something on social media, and I'm asking people to pause and to see is a source accurate, is it coming from a scientifically credible authority, and if it's not or if you're not sure, don't share."
Fox News hosts urge viewers to get vaccinated following criticisms of network
A pair of Fox News hosts on Monday urged viewers of the network to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, dismissing conspiracy theories about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

“Well, here’s the thing. And one of the CDC officials said yesterday, look, the pandemic right now is really just with people who have not been vaccinated. 99% of the people who died have not been vaccinated. What they are trying to do is make sure that all of the people who have not been vaccinated get vaccinated," host Steve Doocy said Monday on Fox and Friends.

“Unfortunately, and this is one of the reasons apparently that Joe Biden and the administration came out last week, the administration very frustrated. They have not been able to get Facebook to get rid of some of the disinformation. The disinformation is online. The vaccine is killing lots and lots of people. Or it changes your D.N.A. Or their little microchips. None of that is true.”

During a separate segment on Monday's Fox and Friends, host and anchor Bill Hemmer asked Fox News Medical contributor Marc Siegel: "The vaccine works, right? We haven’t budged on that, have we, doc?”

"The vaccine works extremely well even against the Delta variant preventing infection in 90 percent of cases," Siegel responded.

“We are still seeing a proliferation of misinformation online, and we know that health misinformation harms people's health. It costs them their lives,” Murthy said on Sunday. "It's not entirely about the tech companies. I issued this advisory to call the entire country to action, recognizing their steps all of us can take. Technology companies have an important role,” Murthy said. “Each of us has a decision that we make every time we post something on social media, and I'm asking people to pause and to see is a source accurate, is it coming from a scientifically credible authority, and if it's not or if you're not sure, don't share."
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Reality and the delta variant are catching up to the republicans and foxnews in a dramatic way, by sickening and killing their supporters and fans. Nothing persuades that this ain't the Wu Flu or a hoax like a near death experience! Looks like lockdowns masks and vaccines to me. Once the hospitals are full, things shut down no matter how red the state is. It has become the pandemic of the fools in America.
Statistics show the stark risks of not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 - ABC News (go.com)

Statistics show the stark risks of not getting vaccinated against COVID-19
COVID-19 has become a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

As top health officials warn that COVID-19 has become a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," recent figures from states and cities throughout the United States reveal the extent to which the virus is impacting people who are not fully inoculated.

A stark case in point: During June, every person who died of COVID-19 in Maryland was unvaccinated, according to a spokesperson for the governor's office. There were 130 people who died of COVID-19 in Maryland in June, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations were also predominantly among unvaccinated people, the state said, at 95% and 93% respectively.

Other states have reported similar findings while urging people to get vaccinated as the more transmissible delta variant is driving up COVID-19

In Louisiana, 97% of the state's COVID-19 cases and deaths since February have been in unvaccinated people, Gov. John Bel Edwards said Friday. Between February and July, unvaccinated people in Louisiana were 20 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19, according to the state health department.

Those figures were reported as state health officials warned Louisiana is now in a "fourth surge" of the virus; as of Friday, the statewide average daily number of cases per 100,000 residents were up 177% over the past 14 days. The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations also doubled during that time, health officials said.

With the delta variant now the most dominant strain in Louisiana, about 46% of adults in the state are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

"We only have two choices, we are either going to get vaccinated and end the pandemic or we are going to accept death, a lot of it, this surge and another surge and possibly another variant,” infectious disease specialist Dr. Catherine O’Neal said during a state COVID-19 press briefing Friday.

In Alabama, over 96% of COVID-19 deaths since April 1 were in unvaccinated people, the state health department said on July 13, for 509 deaths out of 529 total. Over 42% of adults in the state are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

In Los Angeles County, nearly every COVID-19 case, hospitalization and death is in unvaccinated people, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reported on July 12. Of the 1,059 new cases reported that day, nearly 87% were in people under the age of 50.

"The COVID-19 vaccines are the most effective and important tool to reduce COVID-19 transmission and the spread of variants like the highly transmissible delta variant," Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said in a statement.

Due to a "rapid rise" in COVID-19 cases in the county, from 210 reported on June 15 to 1,537 two months later -- local officials reinstated a mandatory indoor mask mandate, regardless of vaccination status, over the weekend. Over 60% of county residents ages 16 and up are fully vaccinated.

New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi said the vaccines are "astonishingly effective" while sharing that over 98% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the city between Jan. 1 and June 15 were in people who were not fully vaccinated. That included 8,069 deaths in people who were not fully vaccinated. Over 64% of NYC adults are fully vaccinated.

The national picture is unclear, through in mid-June, former White House COVID-19 adviser Andy Slavitt said in an interview with The Washington Post that "98, 99-plus percent of people that are being hospitalized and dying with COVID have not been vaccinated."

As parts of the country with low vaccination rates are seeing outbreaks of COVID-19, "there is a clear message that is coming through," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a press briefing Friday. "This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated."

Missouri vaccine outreach aims to be non-confrontational
With the delta variant causing a surge of new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in southwestern Missouri, health officials have taken to going door-to-door in an effort to encourage vaccinations.

The Kansas City Star recently followed along as health officials knocked on doors in Springfield, handing out brochures. The effort was non-confrontational and the officials always took “no” for an answer, the newspaper reported, despite concerns raised by Gov. Mike Parson and other Republican leaders that the outreach would be heavy-handed.
The all out assault on the antivaxxers and Trumpers has begun and Foxnews is showing the signs as are some republican governors, whose states are being overwhelmed with the delta variant. The heat is also building on the dozen or so primary sources of antivaxxer disinformation and social media companies. The effectiveness of vaccines are being demonstrated in the real world to stunning effect and has divided America into the vaccinated and the losers. Delta covid will seek out and infect people, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, the unvaccinated will get sick, go to the hospital or die, the vaccinated won't get very sick, if at all, but might be contagious. No masks or social distancing, low vaccination rates and a highly contagious delta variant are adding up to exponential growth in some states.

The only consolation is healthcare workers, those with common sense and their families are mostly protected, as are large percentages of senior citizens. If current trends prevail it should be pretty bad in some places, others might need to mandate masks or even lockdowns.