Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Unfortunately, thousands of people either die or suffer something significant from just about every medicine. I'm sure even aspirin. The hope is always that we're not in that super unlucky percentage.
1. Severe vaccine injuries occur
2. They often go unreported
3. They are often misdiagnosed
4. Most medical facilities do not diagnose or treat vaccine injuries
5. Insurance does not cover most care and treatments for vaccine injury

Although the incidence of vaccine injury is low, it is real and documented with potential neurological adverse events, such as guinn barre syndrome. And if you happen to be one of the unfortunate among the 10’s of thousands of documented cases, good luck getting a proper diagnosis or treatment.

My son was one of the strongest/fastest kids at his school at age 12. During a routine check-up at his PCP, he was given the HPV vaccine, unbeknownst to me. The next day he developed a tic disorder and in the days to follow, he developed cardiogenic syncope, non-epileptic psychogenic seizures, fibromyalgia, autonomic dysfunction, Postural Orthostatic Tachycadia Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and the list goes on. He’s spent the last 3 years nearly bed-ridden, needing a wheelchair or cane to get around.

Due to the litigious & controversial nature of vaccine injury, we were unable to get the proper care for my son as he was repeatedly misdiagnosed and treated with psych meds and therapy instead of the repairing the neurological damage, as well as damage to his immune system and mitochondrion.

My son now has a team of roughly 2 dozen physicians & clinicians, half of which do not accept insurance. We’ve been to dozens of hospitals around the country and I’ve spent over $150k out-of-pocket...and we only saw a worsening of his condition for over 2 years until we finally found the right doctors and began treatment for vaccine injury. We‘ve since managed to reduce most of his symptoms; his seizures are down from nearly 4 hours a day to about an hour a week and his syncopes are down from 12 times a week to near zero, but he may never fully recover and his life has been a living nightmare. His brother had leukemia for 4 1/2 years and that was a walk in the park compared to this.

I’m not saying vaccines, in general, are bad or dangerous; I work in the medical field and get vaccines on an annual basis, but they do come with severe health risks to some, particularly to those with certain genetic susceptibilities. And if you do happen to be one of the unfortunate to become vaccine injured, you are totally screwed...good luck finding proper diagnosis and treatment.

Our team of physicians, including our geneticist, have reached a general consensus that my children are at a heightened risk for neurological and immunological damage and should not receive any further vaccinations.

Do whatever is best for you and your family because most physicians are not properly educated & trained on vaccine injuries and will leave you high and dry when it happens to you. So anyone who would like to vilify us or our children for not having them take the COVID Vaccine can kiss my ass!

someone authorized the HPV vaccine..perhaps your wife? paperwork goes with it and you have to sign off on.

some psych meds are used off label for neurology..the last one i had felt like gasoline running through my veins; hives and blisters for partial onset. I swear they just guess at it most of the time.

20 mg per day of QUALITY CBD about $80+ tax for one month supply. I use Green Cherry Organics.
switch to Keto diet

with the above you can perhaps get his seizures down by interrupting the aura 100% of the time by 50%. it will never complete; no completion, no seizure.

once i did the above it was like a miracle and my quality of life is so much better.
1. Severe vaccine injuries occur
2. They often go unreported
3. They are often misdiagnosed
4. Most medical facilities do not diagnose or treat vaccine injuries
5. Insurance does not cover most care and treatments for vaccine injury

Although the incidence of vaccine injury is low, it is real and documented with potential neurological adverse events, such as guinn barre syndrome. And if you happen to be one of the unfortunate among the 10’s of thousands of documented cases, good luck getting a proper diagnosis or treatment.

My son was one of the strongest/fastest kids at his school at age 12. During a routine check-up at his PCP, he was given the HPV vaccine, unbeknownst to me. The next day he developed a tic disorder and in the days to follow, he developed cardiogenic syncope, non-epileptic psychogenic seizures, fibromyalgia, autonomic dysfunction, Postural Orthostatic Tachycadia Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and the list goes on. He’s spent the last 3 years nearly bed-ridden, needing a wheelchair or cane to get around.

Due to the litigious & controversial nature of vaccine injury, we were unable to get the proper care for my son as he was repeatedly misdiagnosed and treated with psych meds and therapy instead of the repairing the neurological damage, as well as damage to his immune system and mitochondrion.

My son now has a team of roughly 2 dozen physicians & clinicians, half of which do not accept insurance. We’ve been to dozens of hospitals around the country and I’ve spent over $150k out-of-pocket...and we only saw a worsening of his condition for over 2 years until we finally found the right doctors and began treatment for vaccine injury. We‘ve since managed to reduce most of his symptoms; his seizures are down from nearly 4 hours a day to about an hour a week and his syncopes are down from 12 times a week to near zero, but he may never fully recover and his life has been a living nightmare. His brother had leukemia for 4 1/2 years and that was a walk in the park compared to this.

I’m not saying vaccines, in general, are bad or dangerous; I work in the medical field and get vaccines on an annual basis, but they do come with severe health risks to some, particularly to those with certain genetic susceptibilities. And if you do happen to be one of the unfortunate to become vaccine injured, you are totally screwed...good luck finding proper diagnosis and treatment.

Our team of physicians, including our geneticist, have reached a general consensus that my children are at a heightened risk for neurological and immunological damage and should not receive any further vaccinations.

Do whatever is best for you and your family because most physicians are not properly educated & trained on vaccine injuries and will leave you high and dry when it happens to you. So anyone who would like to vilify us or our children for not having them take the COVID Vaccine can kiss my ass!
How could the doctor have administered anything without your consent? That in itself is illegal I would think but I don’t live state side.
1. Severe vaccine injuries occur
2. They often go unreported
3. They are often misdiagnosed
4. Most medical facilities do not diagnose or treat vaccine injuries
5. Insurance does not cover most care and treatments for vaccine injury

Although the incidence of vaccine injury is low, it is real and documented with potential neurological adverse events, such as guinn barre syndrome. And if you happen to be one of the unfortunate among the 10’s of thousands of documented cases, good luck getting a proper diagnosis or treatment.

My son was one of the strongest/fastest kids at his school at age 12. During a routine check-up at his PCP, he was given the HPV vaccine, unbeknownst to me. The next day he developed a tic disorder and in the days to follow, he developed cardiogenic syncope, non-epileptic psychogenic seizures, fibromyalgia, autonomic dysfunction, Postural Orthostatic Tachycadia Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and the list goes on. He’s spent the last 3 years nearly bed-ridden, needing a wheelchair or cane to get around.

Due to the litigious & controversial nature of vaccine injury, we were unable to get the proper care for my son as he was repeatedly misdiagnosed and treated with psych meds and therapy instead of the repairing the neurological damage, as well as damage to his immune system and mitochondrion.

My son now has a team of roughly 2 dozen physicians & clinicians, half of which do not accept insurance. We’ve been to dozens of hospitals around the country and I’ve spent over $150k out-of-pocket...and we only saw a worsening of his condition for over 2 years until we finally found the right doctors and began treatment for vaccine injury. We‘ve since managed to reduce most of his symptoms; his seizures are down from nearly 4 hours a day to about an hour a week and his syncopes are down from 12 times a week to near zero, but he may never fully recover and his life has been a living nightmare. His brother had leukemia for 4 1/2 years and that was a walk in the park compared to this.

I’m not saying vaccines, in general, are bad or dangerous; I work in the medical field and get vaccines on an annual basis, but they do come with severe health risks to some, particularly to those with certain genetic susceptibilities. And if you do happen to be one of the unfortunate to become vaccine injured, you are totally screwed...good luck finding proper diagnosis and treatment.

Our team of physicians, including our geneticist, have reached a general consensus that my children are at a heightened risk for neurological and immunological damage and should not receive any further vaccinations.

Do whatever is best for you and your family because most physicians are not properly educated & trained on vaccine injuries and will leave you high and dry when it happens to you. So anyone who would like to vilify us or our children for not having them take the COVID Vaccine can kiss my ass!
Your post is more about why the US should have a single payer health care system than the pandemic.

Accidents and adverse side effects happen. They are not common, the one you describe is rare. They should all be treated without giving the patient's family more grief and stress over the bills.

I think you are lying about your condition but I agree with you that the US should provide healthcare to all as a basic right. Investment in public health is a smart way to use our resources.
I made another thread about this awhile ago. A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

True.Virologists have been studying corona viruses for years,corona viruses aren't new.Covid 19 was a new strain of corona virus but with years of studying corona viruses ,they were able to come up with an effective vaccine quickly.I decided to trust people way more educated than me who have studied viruses their whole lives,to make an informed decision to get vaccinated.
People also don't realize how fast tracking is still very stringent. They hear "fast track" and because they don't know anything about the medical industry, they just assume it's the equivalent of going from their garage to inside your body.
I think you are mistaking 'vilifying' a real person with a horrific situation, and calling out death cult trolls for trying to get people to act unsafe.
His was just another example of grievance politics. Not that his story is believable

"So anyone who would like to vilify us or our children for not having them take the COVID Vaccine can kiss my ass! ". Who said that?

How Fox Newsish. Make up reasons to be self righteously angry.

Idiot. It's for the sake of the people who can't be vaccinated that we want everyone else to be vaccinated.

Not just for covid either.
Increasingly this is gonna become a pandemic of republicans, though I think the feds should surge supplies of effective antibody therapies to the vulnerable, they can give 3 months of temporary protection to those with crippled immune systems and act as a sort of vaccine.

They expect it will get pretty bad everywhere in the fall, but especially in low vax areas and these people cluster in social circles without masks, many still think it's a hoax. No masks, low vax rates and no restrictions is adding up to exponential growth of the delta variant in some places that will overwhelm hospitals with the unvaccinated.
Fareed's Take: Why America's anti-vax problem is unique

Fareed gives his take on the role Republican politicians and conservative media figures have played in spreading misinformation about Covid vaccines.
How could the doctor have administered anything without your consent? That in itself is illegal I would think but I don’t live state side.
someone authorized the HPV vaccine..perhaps your wife? paperwork goes with it and you have to sign off on.

some psych meds are used off label for neurology..the last one i had felt like gasoline running through my veins; hives and blisters for partial onset. I swear they just guess at it most of the time.

20 mg per day of QUALITY CBD about $80+ tax for one month supply. I use Green Cherry Organics.
switch to Keto diet

with the above you can perhaps get his seizures down by interrupting the aura 100% of the time by 50%. it will never complete; no completion, no seizure.

once i did the above it was like a miracle and my quality of life is so much better.
In California, 12-year olds can get the HPV vax without parent's consent. Yes, the parents are often asked to sign consent forms, but it is not required. At a certain age of your child (12 or 13, I forget), you are actually restricted from viewing portions of your child's medical records without your child's consent, believe it or not.
A "Hoax", I wonder where he picked up that idea? More murder by bullshit.
A woman in Alabama whose 28-year-old son died of COVID-19 regrets not getting vaccinated and said his last words were 'this is not a hoax, this is real' (yahoo.com)

A woman in Alabama whose 28-year-old son died of COVID-19 regrets not getting vaccinated and said his last words were 'this is not a hoax, this is real'

  • A "healthy" 28-year-old in Alabama died of COVID-19 after not getting the vaccine, his mother said.
  • She told The Washington Post she regrets not getting her family vaccinated when they had the chance.
  • Alabama has the lowest vaccination rate of any US state and is seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases.
After losing her 28-year-old son to COVID-19, an Alabama mother said she regrets that her family didn't get the vaccine.

Christy Carpenter told The Washington Post that her family didn't get vaccinated because they had concerns about how soon it was rolled out.

"It took years to create other vaccines, and the coronavirus vaccine was created very quickly," she said. "It took watching my son die and me suffering the effects of COVID for us to realize we need the vaccine."

"We did not get vaccinated when we had the opportunity and regret that so much now," she added.

Her son, Curt Carpenter, was hospitalized after getting COVID-19 in March. He was placed on a ventilator after developing pneumonia. He died on May 2. His mother was also hospitalized with COVID-19, but was able to recover.

Carpenter told The Post her son was healthy prior to catching the virus, and that he initially believed the pandemic to be a "hoax." She said his last words were: "This is not a hoax, this is real."

Many people have expressed regret over not getting vaccinated after being hospitalized with COVID-19 or watching a loved one struggle with or die from the disease. Meanwhile, authorities are trying to counteract vaccine hesitancy and encourage people to get the shot.

Alabama has the lowest vaccination rate of any US state, with about 34% of its population fully vaccinated, according to data compiled by the Mayo Clinic. As of Sunday, nearly 50% of the entire US population, or 163 million people, was fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Alabama is also among a group of states seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases as the more transmissible Delta variant rapidly spreads.

US health officials have said it is now a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," announcing last month that nearly all deaths from COVID-19 in the US are now among the unvaccinated.

More than 610,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.
'I've had enough': Readers are furious at vaccine refusers - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

Letters to the Editor: ‘I’ve had enough’: Readers are furious at vaccine refusers
An example:

To the editor: I am not going to waste a single breath trying to convince people to get vaccinated. If you have weighed all the facts and arrived at the conclusion that vaccination is not right for you, so be it.

But Los Angeles County’s indoor mask mandate is back because COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are growing. Funny thing about that: Virtually all of the people in the hospital are unvaccinated.

So, to the people choosing not to be vaccinated, I ask you to live up to the conclusion you arrived at regarding this virus and stop going to the hospital.

Our problem isn’t that you’re unvaccinated (it’s actually the problem, but evidently there’s nothing we can do about it); rather, our problem is you keep going to the hospital when you become sick. The hospital then has to test you, and that sets off a chain of reporting and public health policies and then, just like that, we all have to wear masks again.

All I ask is that if you believe COVID-19 isn’t deadly enough to endure a needle prick to the arm, then slug it out at home if you get a little fever or some tightness in the chest. Stick to your guns here. If you don’t believe the pandemic is serious, then quit filling the hospital with a disease you don’t even believe in. You’ll be fine (according to you).

Jeffrey Foley, Santa Monica