Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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It is nor post. Who changed your post on you? Do you think someone sees you as such a treat that they think they need to change your post on you... ...you are delusional.
No one sees me as a threat man...smh...just nevermind your not picking up what im putting down...its all good...I hope the mask n vaccine works for you
No...but it is interesting how yall gang up together n try n publicly tar n feather someone bc their opinion is different than yours...smh...n yall call yourselves cool pot growers :roll:...never...lame af if you ask me
Someone should hand cuff you drag you into a cell and vaccinate you against your will. You need to be treated like the animal you are.
Why would I lay in the gutter that’s just a rude comment with the I hope you do.
I hope you have a better day tomorrow
You are the one thinking saving lives is not worth it (all that waste). I just said, if you do not think it is worth it for others, why would any effort be worth it for you?
What is that vaccine doin to yall...making you all threatening n mean and wishing harm on others n shit...??

You are the one thinking saving lives is not worth it (all that waste). I just said, if you do not think it is worth it for others, why would any effort be worth it for you?

Why do we try to treat many illnesses? Because we feel people's lives are worth saving. Next time you are in need of a medical procedure, just go lie in the gutter and pretend civilization has not progressed that far. It is very simple to walk the talk. I hope you do it.
You’re right about people living longer
So how many people on the planet
1 barrel of oil conversion to machinery
Is about 4 yrs man hrs
Look at this guy , we save lives
But I hope-you- die in a gutter.