Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I had been so careful before being vaccinated, and even after, but I ended up catching it when I had a guy come in to install my new ISP a few months ago. I never went to the hospital-the vaccines did their job-but I was the sickest I've ever been for a solid 2 weeks and I'm no where near back to 100% even now. Since i'm immunocompromised, I was able to sign up for a 3rd dose of Moderna this Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I'd be a statistic if I hadn't been vaccinated. I think 3 doses will be the norm for everyone, the results of the Israeli study for 3 doses are pretty impressive. I think one thing that Covid will teach a lot of people is that depression is absolutely tied to inflammation and nothing increases inflammation like Covid. Post Covid my arthritis is twice as bad as before.
I hope you fell better soon Ruromo! I don’t take it but a colleague of mine swears by drinking a cup of turmeric tea for her health every morning . Congrats on getting the 3rd shot. I could tell by an image I saw that the 3rd shot really works well. I saw it in a women’s lymphatic system working from her shoulder to the arm pit . Like this. The vaccine so awesome, so glad your still with us! Have a nice day.
The good news. He’s an 8-1 odds on favourite in next years Preakness.

Man Hospitalized After Taking Livestock Feed Store Ivermectin For COVID
there is an article in the lancet that says there may be a legitimate use in the treatment of covid, but only in certain cases and under certain conditions. it also says that there was a slight decrease in viral loading, and less incidence of hyposmia (loss of the sense of smell), that there was no difference in nasal swabs between people given invermectin and those who had not, and that this was an in vitro (conducted outside of a living being) study, and that in vivo testing was needed.
So how do you go from "there may be some small benefit, but further testing is needed" to "Take a huge dose of this chemical that is intended for animals that outweigh by at least a factor of 4, and more likely, a factor of 10..." ? what logical process leads you to grasp at straws to avoid vaccines that have been administered to more than 5 BILLION people world wide with very, very limited adverse effects?
i have very little faith in the government, but they have absolutley no need to perpetrate huge scams to achieve any shady goals they might have in mind. the government has access to pretty much anything they want access to, and they're the body that inspects food and medicine for purity, not to mention the water supplies of every major city in the country. If they had ulterior motives, they could just carry them out, and who would even know they were doing anything?
Everyone has their own predetermined bias on this topic. If numerous scientists are willing to risk their economic livelihood over something - it's safe to say they are on to something. The guy who invented the mRNA vaccine says you shouldnt take it - i dont know WHY he would say something like that if he didnt have a good reason to say it
Everyone has their own predetermined bias on this topic. If numerous scientists are willing to risk their economic livelihood over something - it's safe to say they are on to something. The guy who invented the mRNA vaccine says you shouldnt take it - i dont know WHY he would say something like that if he didnt have a good reason to say it
He didn't say it, and it was a woman and a man working together who "invented" the mRNA vaccines over many years.
Everyone has their own predetermined bias on this topic. If numerous scientists are willing to risk their economic livelihood over something - it's safe to say they are on to something. The guy who invented the mRNA vaccine says you shouldnt take it - i dont know WHY he would say something like that if he didnt have a good reason to say it
Don't take the vaccine then, just shut up and don't bother anybody if you get covid, you obviously know more than the doctors and experts so there would be very little point going to the hospital. Stay home and treat yourself, or head to the nearest feed store, at least you'll die worm free.
He didn't say it, and it was a woman and a man working together who "invented" the mRNA vaccines over many years.

The inventor of mRNA vaccines said ‘the government is not being transparent about the risks’ of the COVID-19 vaccine after YouTube deleted a video where he discussed potential risks for young adults and teens.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that’s now being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, said "‘My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data,’ Malone said. ‘And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.’ "
Everyone has their own predetermined bias on this topic. If numerous scientists are willing to risk their economic livelihood over something - it's safe to say they are on to something. The guy who invented the mRNA vaccine says you shouldnt take it - i dont know WHY he would say something like that if he didnt have a good reason to say it
Good detective work!
The inventor of mRNA vaccines said ‘the government is not being transparent about the risks’ of the COVID-19 vaccine after YouTube deleted a video where he discussed potential risks for young adults and teens.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that’s now being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, said "‘My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data,’ Malone said. ‘And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.’ "
They aren't experimental, they came out of EUA a week ago. Get the jab or get the fucking axe.
Everyone has their own predetermined bias on this topic. If numerous scientists are willing to risk their economic livelihood over something - it's safe to say they are on to something. The guy who invented the mRNA vaccine says you shouldnt take it - i dont know WHY he would say something like that if he didnt have a good reason to say it

They aren't experimental, they came out of EUA a week ago. Get the jab or get the fucking axe.

Well ANYONE with even a FUNDAMENTAL understanding of vaccinations knows that the JAB actually has nothing to do with COVID.

If you are vaccinated you are not at RISK of infection, unless what you took is NOT actually a VACCINE but something else... which is most likely the case
The inventor of mRNA vaccines said ‘the government is not being transparent about the risks’ of the COVID-19 vaccine after YouTube deleted a video where he discussed potential risks for young adults and teens.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that’s now being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, said "‘My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data,’ Malone said. ‘And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.’ "

Yes i know they say that Malone had nothing to do with HUMAN mRNA invention - he helped the FIRST mRNA vaccine - which was used on animals and later developed for humans.

The only time a leftist fact-checker ACTUALLY debunks anything - is when its something leftists made up and pretend that the right wing believe it
Well ANYONE with even a FUNDAMENTAL understanding of vaccinations knows that the JAB actually has nothing to do with COVID.

If you are vaccinated you are not at RISK of infection, unless what you took is NOT actually a VACCINE but something else... which is most likely the case
Proof positive.