Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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soon you won't be able to get into a public venue or airplane without a covid vaccine
That's not true. At least not for the public venue part. In California the recent road map which was released yesterday specifically mentions that that a negative covid test can substitute for a vaccination. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, there are also plans for a weekly worker testing program for the entertainment industry. I am part of a group forming a new temporary outdoor venue this summer. There are zero plans for required vaccine requirements. This is at a venue which will be under the umbrella of the State of California. You also seem to forget that there are still freedoms of religion in this country, and no one may be excluded from a venue based on their religious beliefs; if a vaccination in in conflict with one's religious beliefs, you are protected under constitutional law. They will have to allow for exemptions in these circumstances, hence the covid test option.
That's not true. At least not for the public venue part. In California the recent road map which was released yesterday specifically mentions that that a negative covid test can substitute for a vaccination. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, there are also plans for a weekly worker testing program for the entertainment industry. I am part of a group forming a new temporary outdoor venue this summer. There are zero plans for required vaccine requirements. This is at a venue which will be under the umbrella of the State of California. You also seem to forget that there are still freedoms of religion in this country, and no one may be excluded from a venue based on their religious beliefs; if a vaccination in in conflict with one's religious beliefs, you are protected under constitutional law. They will have to allow for exemptions in these circumstances, hence the covid test option.
You cannot get into a SF Giants baseball game without proof of Vaccine or recent neg test
You cannot get into a SF Giants baseball game without proof of Vaccine or recent neg test
Isn't that what I just said? The option for testing in lieu of vaccination?
Also, btw the reason they are requiring that is because of the aforementioned new road map, which was just released. Basically what it says is that venues may reopen to a much greater capacity (5x more in some cases), if all patrons are tested or vaxxed. It's the state's way of putting the burden on individual venues.

Here's the link to the latest roadmap: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CI.../COVID-19/Dimmer-Framework-September_2020.pdf

9/11 the day that the 24 hour news cycle was birthed.

(Note: I know nothing about this video source)

I am really going to be curious what is birthed from the 24/365 (political) news cycle that the pandemic brought us.
Pretty ironic,9/!! is when the news ticker scrolling along the bottom of TV was introduced, what's ironic is Rudy, the nation embraced him that day as the dogged leader of NYC standing up bravely in the face of a catastrophe now he is the definition of "fall from grace" a unrepentant,misinformation spewing,conspiracy launching,bootlicking,purveyor of the Donald regime. SAD and DISGRACEFUL ccguns
Hell no. Not a chance. I believe everyone is entitled to make their own decision on this one and that's mine. I don't try to talk family out of it, or claim to have any proof it could be harmful.
At least you are not actively harming your family with propaganda.

I simply don't inject things into myself for any reason.

Yeah, that I agree with. Unfortunately though we are living in a pandemic and is the very definition of a 'reason' to get the vaccine to keep you and anyone that you come in contact with from spreading this very dangerous virus.

I've never gotten flu shots and I get the flu WAY less frequently than all the people around me who do get shots.
Do you work in close contact with the public? With a lot of people in a closed air environment?

I believe we (collectively) today place too much hope and trust in pharmaceutical companies, across the board. I don't trust them at all personally.
I think this is a pretty naive statement.
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I think that humanity has been deliberately steered away from very effective, natural remedies for countless ailments in favor of a quick fix, take a pill and forget about it mindset. I think attention needs to be shifted to the fact that these pharmaceutical companies are not in the game for our well being, but instead they're in it for money, and prolonging illness.
I think that this mindset is pretty insulting to all the scientists and pharmacists that dedicate their lives to helping humanity.

Especially because you say that they are 'prolonging illness', and unless you mean the lifespan is the illness. But that I guess is the reason for all the Anti-Vaxx trolls pushing propanganda to keep our society unsafe and further divide us.

Just look at how long marijuana has been kept "illegal", and think about how many different ailments medical patients claim it helps them with. Big pharma has absolutely played a part in keeping that very effective natural remedy out of our hands in favor of their pills for everything you can think of.
I was going to disagree with you on this, but thought that I would check, and did find a company that indeed did try to stop Marijuana legalization:

A company names Insys Therapeutics did put up a lot of money in Arizona to stop the legalization drive.

And when I looked at who they were it made more sense that they were the Fentanyl producers, and the founder is serving 66 months in prison for being a criminal.

Criminals taking advantage of people does suck, especially when it gets used to keep people unsafe when we have hundreds of thousands dying from this virus.

Now, am I going to inject something these same companies rushed thru production and trials into my veins? Hell no. Politics and all that crap aside. That's how I feel about it.

You are incorrect about this and if I was you I would question everything you think you know about it on something like the AP news. And you are right it is your body, and your choice, but I would question why you 'feel' the way you do now that we know this attack on our society has effected us all in many many ways that have harmed our decision making.

Sorry if this question has been asked and answered already but I got to ask this. The wife and I are scheduled to get our first round of the covid vaccine this weekend, not sure which one yet. My questions is what happens if you already have covid and then get the vaccine? I've been told that you don't get tested for covid before getting the shot and I'm worried that if you have it something bad might occur. Thank you for any information anyone can give.
My wife was in the ER for a few days around September last year and had her shot and just had the sore arm and felt flu-like for about 3 days. I checked the CDC website and they just mention that if you are currently sick to not get it.

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Pretty ironic,9/!! is when the news ticker scrolling along the bottom of TV was introduced, what's ironic is Rudy, the nation embraced him that day as the dogged leader of NYC standing up bravely in the face of a catastrophe now he is the definition of "fall from grace" a unrepentant,misinformation spewing,conspiracy launching,bootlicking,purveyor of the Donald regime. SAD and DISGRACEFUL ccguns
And dangerous.
What was the old line about Hagler....." Destruction and Destroy ".........great fights.
One of my favorites,Marvelous Marvin,and not just because he was 30miles away from me either,everything about Marvin was class.His preparation,respect for the game,knowledge of boxing's history,the way he conducted himself,and most importantly his word,went out bitter over Leonard loss(at worst for Marvin,a draw,He threw w/bad intentions,did more damage,and pushed the fight(no way reigning champ loses belt in that fight)said he was done and true to word WAS DONE,so glad Marvin didn't attempt a comeback past his prime,very refreshing and rare in boxing business.ccguns
One of my favorites,Marvelous Marvin,and not just because he was 30miles away from me either,everything about Marvin was class.His preparation,respect for the game,knowledge of boxing's history,the way he conducted himself,and most importantly his word,went out bitter over Leonard loss(at worst for Marvin,a draw,He threw w/bad intentions,did more damage,and pushed the fight(no way reigning champ loses belt in that fight)said he was done and true to word WAS DONE,so glad Marvin didn't attempt a comeback past his prime,very refreshing and rare in boxing business.ccguns
A special ass kicking man....loved him and that era, that group of fighters back then........don't enjoy the cage match shit....that, to me is a different sport....I'm more old-school.......don't enjoy those street fight free-for-all's.
Just as a FYI for those of you who think the current vaccines should be mandatory, that's not legally possible as the vax is currently under Emergency Use Authorization, and anything approved by the FDA under that category may not be mandated.

Go to your doctor, listen to their advice and get vaccinated, even if you have to do it in their office with an EpiPen in yer hand, just make sure it's an mRNA vaccine. You are controlled by fear, not logic, suck it up and go to your doctor for counsel, if they say you should not get vaccinated, seek a second opinion, or switch from the osteopath to an MD. I'm tired of the rationalizations, perhaps you are just afraid of needles.
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A special ass kicking man....loved him and that era, that group of fighters back then........don't enjoy the cage match shit....that, to me is a different sport....I'm more old-school.......don't enjoy those street fight free-for-all's.
Well MMA is a different breed,and I would say there is a lot more to worry about in that game,the main thing in that sport is your gas tank,fatigue makes cowards of men is a very true statement,out of gas out of fight. I,m familiar w/it as I trained some when I was younger,the ground fighting can be boring , the strategy and skill required to pull off some techniques are very subtle to the uninitiated eye. And adding rounds has kind of ruined it IMO. Wish boxing had the charasmatic fighters from the past though, 50's through 80's were the golden years IMO, some of the B/W footage of fights from 50's are absolutely classic so much talent all at the same time, incredible 15 round bouts.ccguns
Go to your doctor, listen to their advice and get vaccinated, even if you have to do it in their office with an EpiPen in yer hand, just make sure it's an mRNA vaccine. You are controlled by fear, not logic, suck it up and go to your doctor for counsel, if they say you should not get vaccinated, seek a second opinion, or switch from the osteopath to an MD. I'm tired of the rationalizations, perhaps you are just afraid of needles.
I'm not afraid of needles. I got allergy shots weekly for years as a child. Had a bad reaction once, which wasn't fun. I'm not telling you what to do with your body, so not sure why you're trying to tell me what's best for my body. You have an opinion based on limited info. I know what's right for me, thank you.
each test is only good for 72hrs.......you gonna test every 3 days?:roll:
It would be weekly. There is a weekly worker testing program. The requirement depends on venue specifics and county tiers. My venue this summer will be outdoors, and we will likely be in the yellow tier, so no test of vaccine is required in those conditions. When I move back to my indoor venues in fall, it may be a different story by then.
It would be weekly. There is a weekly worker testing program. The requirement depends on venue specifics and county tiers. My venue this summer will be outdoors, and we will likely be in the yellow tier, so no test of vaccine is required in those conditions. When I move back to my indoor venues in fall, it may be a different story by then.

Probably not going to happen if the epidemic is still with us. The CDC says we need between 75% and 85% of the population vaccinated before that's even possible.

You don't mind your industry dies, do you?

Trump said the same last year.
Yeah, well that guy is an idiot, and whatever he said was a year ago. We are at a different point now. Here's the curve for my county, which shows a steady decline since around Jan 15th..

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Probably not going to happen if the epidemic is still with us. The CDC says we need between 75% and 85% of the population vaccinated before that's even possible.

You don't mind your industry dies, do you?
LOL, our industry is bouncing back now. Employers are talking to us about July and August events now. It's gonna be fine.
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I made another thread about this awhile ago. A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

Virologists have been working with Corona viruses for much more than 15-20 years. The common cold is carried by a Corona cell. This is one of the reasons for such a quick vaccine.
Science is an ever changing field of study.
Yeah, well that guy is an idiot, and whatever he said was a year ago. We are at a different point now. Here's the curve for my county, which shows a steady decline since around Jan 15th..

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"and soon it will just go away" If Trump hadn't killed 400,000 with his lies and distortions, I'd laugh.

The entire state of California is doing pretty good. Your governor was so tough on the virus, he triggered a recall movement. Good for him.

It didn't "go away last year. What happens is people see the spike in cases, they tighten up their practicing of social distancing and then when it gets better, they loosen up and the virus gorges again. Just like what happened in June and July of '20. What you propose is an endless cycle of death. Your industry will die if that keeps up.

Your hesitancy is understandable, given your issues with allergies. What is not understandable is why you are hooked on the idea that the CDC is wrong and your shitty little newsletters and gossip circles are selling you good information.

Your industry can't reopen until the epidemic is over. You can deny it all you want, stage hand, but there aren't going to BE any large venues until
LOL, our industry is bouncing back now. Employers are talking to us about July and August events now. It's gonna be fine.
Says the person who believes the virus is "just going to go away".

After Trump said that, 500,000 people died. Maybe you should listen to Dr Fauci instead.