That's another subject, and still based on beliefs and not proven datas. Variants could also appears on vaccinated populations. But yes still not relevant for the subject.
Did you read my point ? The same people are as much threatened by a simple flu as covid, and as far as i know we don't blame all non vaccinated people against flu for killing immunocomprised people. And it would be as stupid as you calling killers non vaccinated people against covid.
Simple covid? I have not heard it called that before. Now as far as the Flu and people with previously underlying conditions. First, we have had the Flu for many years and we have never had people so seriously sick that we flew patient out of province to be treated. We have not had to convert regular wards into isolation wards due to the flu. We have not had to cancel surgeries for the flu.
"The impact of the pandemic response on Manitoba’s hospitals has resulted in a massive backlog of surgery and diagnostic procedures. Doctors Manitoba has been advocating on behalf of patients and their physicians for a plan to clear the backlog. As part of our work, we have created a dashboard to monitor the size of the backlog.
Our estimate of the backlog includes surgeries, diagnostic imaging tests such as MRIs and ultrasound scans, and other diagnostic procedures such as allergy tests and endoscopies. The pandemic backlog has reached 152,116 surgeries and diagnostic procedures, an increase of 6,675 from our November estimate."
Here is some data, month to month in easy to digest pictures.
Monthly covid cases. We had about 74% fully vaccinated and 20% unvaccinated with the unvaccinated causing 70% of the hospitalizations, 86% of the ICU admissions and 72% of the deaths.

As the virus spread to the greater population more of the vaccinated ended up in hospital although the death rate remained the same with the unvaccinated being 78% of the deaths
The older you get the more likely you will be hospitalized but half the ICU and hospitalizations come from the under 50 age group. 72% of cases have an underlying condition, Hypertension (high blood pressure) being the greatest.
We had a low infection rate in our biggest city under 3% test positive rate, the majority of covid cases were from 20% of the population in the south east corner of our province who were only 20% vaccinated. The government would not crack down on the area due to them voting for the governing party. It is about an hour drive into the city, these people were anti-mask also. One was my sister's sister in law who said there was no covid there. She ended up getting shipped to the city ICU and was in a coma for about two weeks. She now is back in the rural hospital getting physiotherapy on how to breath on her own again.
My sister caught covid from her daughter, who's kids have it, they caught it from her husband. He is a rural parametric, four days ago there was an article in the paper on the shortage of them as they are quitting and finding other work.