Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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but i hate Trump and im not republican even in the slightest - i vote blue.....so now what?

maybe i should get the shot because the blues get it? i mean cmon with the politics already
Great, glad to hear you are not a Trumper, there's hope for you, but it doesn't mean your head is not filled with disinformation and bullshit about vaccines. Your lack of knowledge and understanding on the subject is apparent and you are not familiar with science and how it works. Some here will cajole you, some will insult you and some will try to inform you, I'll do all three at once.
Being 99 and 50 weeks old had nothing to do with it. Lol.
He even survived two destroyers sunk under him in the Mediterranean before America ever got in the war, the dive bombing attacks around Crete were quite something. Not many world war 2 vets left and he was one, a combat veteran too.
Just wanted to say thanks to the Canadians here in particular, fighting the good fight. I don't know how the fk you put up with us.
You are a blood-thirsty psychopath who wants to murder innocent people with flame throwers simply because they have an opposing opinion. Your opinions are meaningless to me. No are no better than a Nazi.
Ok I'm a psycho, but a nice one! Learn when someone is trolling a Trumper. I can be very nasty and very nice too, just like most normal folks. I cared enough to try and inform you about how vaccines work, but information is not the issue, fear is.
Just wanted to say thanks to the Canadians here in particular, fighting the good fight. I don't know how the fk you put up with us.
No problem we are basically the same, it's just that America has particular historic and social baggage that is supported by one of two major political parties and almost half the voters. This has and is impeding social and now economic progress, and fueling extremism. I'm here because I'm a liberal who believes in the rule of law under a constitution and if America loses it's democracy my country is fucked. I fight here so I don't fight at home, but my fighting days are largely over, not that I made or make any difference at all in the outcome. Everybody fights in their community and confronts evil and stupid where they find it, to an extent, this is also a community of sorts. America is back on it's feet again, Joe's vaccine roll out and responsible government are proof enough, just make sure you keep the republicans out of power, they are unfit to govern and have become a real and present danger to the constitution and rule of law.
Im 56 with cardiac problems and diabetes among many other health issues....you bet your ass I got my vaccine. I got the Phizer and got the second booster 3/1/21. it couldnt come quick enough for me. Plus popping 1000mg Vit C daily, 5000iu of Vitamin D and 50mg of Zinc along with a elderberry, echinacea, garlic, and selenium supplement. I still wore a mask today while out shopping.
Im 56 with cardiac problems and diabetes among many other health issues....you bet your ass I got my vaccine. I got the Phizer and got the second booster 3/1/21. it couldnt come quick enough for me. Plus popping 1000mg Vit C daily, 5000iu of Vitamin D and 50mg of Zinc along with a elderberry, echinacea, garlic, and selenium supplement. I still wore a mask today while out shopping.
You were sure covering all the bases! I even was looking at freezing and roasting my ass off to build a stronger innate immune response. :lol:
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You were sure covering all the bases! I even was looking at freezing and roasting my ass off to build a stronger innate immune response. :lol:

I hear that Cold Water Shock Therapy works! But with Coronary Artery Disease I gotta pass on that one :)

My wife contracted covid in June of last year. I was on the vitamin regime that I listed above and had been for 3 months. She was sick sick sick. For two weeks I slept next to her in bed while she coughed and hacked away and I didnt catch it. She and my Sister in Law and her Husband all caught in from her Mom who ended up in the hospital for a month, missed 3 1/2 months of work and is lucky to be alive today.
I hear that Cold Water Shock Therapy works! But with Coronary Artery Disease I gotta pass on that one :)

My wife contracted covid in June of last year. I was on the vitamin regime that I listed above and had been for 3 months. She was sick sick sick. For two weeks I slept next to her in bed while she coughed and hacked away and I didnt catch it. She and my Sister in Law and her Husband all caught in from her Mom who ended up in the hospital for a month, missed 3 1/2 months of work and is lucky to be alive today.
You had it rough and the hot cold has risks without clear benefits or a proper evidence base. My sister takes 10,000 IUs of vit D a day and has for years, but she carries a bit of extra body fat and that absorbs it. I take around 4000IUs myself and figure it might help with avoiding the serious consequences of illness or even contracting it with a low viral load. I would have slept in the basement or moved out of the house altogether with your condition, but sometimes compassion grabs us by the heart and we have no choice.

Still waiting to make an appointment here and the site just told me none were available in my area, so I'll hammer it tomorrow. We are in the 65 to 70 YO range here now in NS Canada for the Pfizer.
oh ok - so i should just run out and get the shot because everybody else is

I would ask if you shouldn't get it because the thousands of actual medical professionals (who've put all of their lifetimes of knowledge and actual experience and all the human knowledge of medicine up until right now, into getting us a vaccine to help us from being destroyed by a very nasty virus) telling us that this vaccine science is sound and we should get it to help keep us from losing another 500k people in our nation in short order.

I understand it is hard to see straight with hate radio and the 'entertainers' who pretend they are news on TV spreading the lies and cherry picked narratives that they get off of the propaganda machine that the Republicans have built up over the decades, telling you not to trust 'them' because they are wrong based off whatever bullshit they spun up.

I hear that Cold Water Shock Therapy works! But with Coronary Artery Disease I gotta pass on that one :)

My wife contracted covid in June of last year. I was on the vitamin regime that I listed above and had been for 3 months. She was sick sick sick. For two weeks I slept next to her in bed while she coughed and hacked away and I didnt catch it. She and my Sister in Law and her Husband all caught in from her Mom who ended up in the hospital for a month, missed 3 1/2 months of work and is lucky to be alive today.
That sucks, glad everyone made it to today.
Im 56 with cardiac problems and diabetes among many other health issues....you bet your ass I got my vaccine. I got the Phizer and got the second booster 3/1/21. it couldnt come quick enough for me. Plus popping 1000mg Vit C daily, 5000iu of Vitamin D and 50mg of Zinc along with a elderberry, echinacea, garlic, and selenium supplement. I still wore a mask today while out shopping.

I take Vitamin D and C, zinc, selenium, quercetin, echinamide and mushroom mycelium. Was taking some of that before covid but added a couple things early last year.
You had it rough and the hot cold has risks without clear benefits or a proper evidence base. My sister takes 10,000 IUs of vit D a day and has for years, but she carries a bit of extra body fat and that absorbs it. I take around 4000IUs myself and figure it might help with avoiding the serious consequences of illness or even contracting it with a low viral load. I would have slept in the basement or moved out of the house altogether with your condition, but sometimes compassion grabs us by the heart and we have no choice.

Still waiting to make an appointment here and the site just told me none were available in my area, so I'll hammer it tomorrow. We are in the 65 to 70 YO range here now in NS Canada for Pfizer.

I wish you luck with that! I took the Pfizer my twin Sister was in a later group and got hers (Moderna) through the Dept of Health in another City. Neither of us had any ill effects.

Wife had no one else to take care of her. I just had to hope and pray my immune system was strong enough. My health problems come from 35 years of smoking. So I did that to myself. As for my immune system I havent had a cold in at least 10 years and I've never had the flu my entire life. But Covid scared me to death!

Too bad you arent in the States and close. I got my vaccine through the Cherokee Nation Health System but the Dept of Health here in Oklahoma is vaccinating people from ANY state now so that vaccines dont go to waste. The same idiots that refuse to wear masks, talk conspiracy theories about the virus, the vaccine and anything else they can blame the government for refuse to take the vaccine so there is excess available. People that want it and need it can travel here and get it at any clinic or Walmart etc as a walk-in without being a resident of the state.
I take Vitamin D and C, zinc, selenium, quercetin, echinamide and mushroom mycelium. Was taking some of that before covid but added a couple things early last year.

Everyone should be taking that same cocktail of Vitamins. Each and every one of those is an immune booster! I contribute it to me not catching it from my wife.