Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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It appears the Russian roll of the dice on Sputnik V's safety and efficacy got lucky. A lot of Russians don't trust it though and it would be near the bottom of my choice! I would expect the same issues with this vaccine as with the other AZ and J&J adenovirus vectored vaccines, even though they claim there are none. Many desperate countries are opting for it though, but the Russians can't deliver any volume of it and have to get other countries to produce it.

If it works and is safe then it will be used, even in the EU and South America. India is the worlds largest vaccine manufacturer and are producing the Oxford AZ vaccine now royalty free, but the situation there is dire.
Sputnik V: Proven Vaccine, Political Ploy, or Both?

President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that Russia had cleared the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for use before completing third-stage clinical trials sparked global skepticism. Now that its effectiveness has been independently verified, he's looking to reap geopolitical dividends.
For those afraid of the vaccine, here's something real to be afraid of, new variants are taking down younger people now with severe illness. Don't be a fucking idiot, get vaccinated, "I'll hold off until I see others take it for awhile" is an immoral argument and this point, the risks of vaccination are minimal, the risks of covid are several orders of magnitude worse than any risk from vaccination and include killing other people and burdening the healthcare system. Personal responsibility sometimes entails personal risk, but in this case the risk of vaccination is almost non existent, read this article, death or recovery is not the only outcome. This article also illustrates how fucking stupid anti maskers are and anti vaccers have now reached the same level of stupid. I've had quite enough of amateur epidemiologists with either no, or superficial knowledge, arrogating their "beliefs" about covid, masks and vaccinations, listen to the experts and follow their advice, they have the PhDs and experience, not you and certainly not the asshole on hate radio, or Newsmax. BTW This 1 in 3 does not include those with physical issues associated with covid survival and there are just as many, or more than those with mental issues.
1 in 3 Covid survivors suffers neurological or mental disorders: Study (cnbc.com)

1 in 3 Covid survivors suffers neurological or mental disorders, study finds
  • One in 3 Covid-19 survivors has suffered a neurological or psychiatric disorder within six months of infection with the virus, a study has found.
  • The results were based on an observational study of more than 230,000 patient health records.
  • The study was published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal.
One in 3 Covid survivors has suffered a neurological or psychiatric disorder within six months of infection with the virus, an observational study of more than 230,000 patient health records has estimated.

The study, published Tuesday in The Lancet Psychiatry journal, analyzed data from the electronic health records of 236,379 Covid patients from the U.S.-based TriNetX network, which includes more than 81 million people.

This group was compared with 105,579 patients diagnosed with influenza and 236,038 patients diagnosed with any respiratory tract infection, including influenza.

Overall, the estimated incidence of being diagnosed with a neurological or mental health disorder following a Covid infection was 34%, the study led by researchers at the University of Oxford found when looking at 14 neurological and mental health disorders.

For 13% of these people, it was their first recorded neurological or psychiatric diagnosis.

The most common diagnoses after having the coronavirus were anxiety disorders (occurring in 17% of patients), mood disorders (14%), substance misuse disorders (7%), and insomnia (5%). The incidence of neurological outcomes was lower, including 0.6% for brain hemorrhage, 2.1% for ischemic stroke, and 0.7% for dementia.

After taking into account underlying health characteristics, such as age, sex, ethnicity and existing health conditions, there was overall a 44% greater risk of neurological and mental health diagnoses after Covid than after flu, and a 16% greater risk after Covid than with respiratory tract infections.

Since the coronavirus emerged in China in late 2019, over 132 million infections have been reported, including more than 2.8 million deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Paul Harrison, lead author of the study from the department of psychiatry at Oxford, said the study highlights the need for health systems to be equipped to deal with potentially higher numbers of neurological disorders in survivors of the virus.

“These are real-world data from a large number of patients. They confirm the high rates of psychiatric diagnoses after Covid-19, and show that serious disorders affecting the nervous system (such as stroke and dementia) occur too. While the latter are much rarer, they are significant, especially in those who had severe Covid-19,” he said.

“Although the individual risks for most disorders are small, the effect across the whole population may be substantial for health and social care systems due to the scale of the pandemic and that many of these conditions are chronic. As a result, health care systems need to be resourced to deal with the anticipated need, both within primary and secondary care services.”

Dr. Max Taquet, a co-author of the study, said further research needs to be done to see “what happens beyond six months.”

“The study cannot reveal the mechanisms involved, but does point to the need for urgent research to identify these, with a view to preventing or treating them.”

Since the pandemic emerged and spread throughout the world in spring 2020, there have been a number of investigations into the short and long-term effects of the virus. The University of Oxford’s psychiatry department noted that there has been growing concern that survivors might be at increased risk of neurological disorders.

“A previous observational study by the same research group reported that Covid-19 survivors are at increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders in the first three months after infection. However, until now, there have been no large-scale data examining the risks of neurological as well as psychiatric diagnoses in the six months after Covid-19 infection,” the department said.

Are you trying to change minds?
Ontario has asked, and the army has been deployed, to deal with the influx of covid cases in the hospitals. We were to late to the gate and missed the race. Keep healthy, wear a mask, take the shot (if you can).
Please do research on how these vaccines work.
You’re going to be eviscerated posting stupid memes.
That’s no way to go through life.

They work well for the manufacturers, having legal immunity. As far as the medical efficacy of the various "vaccines", I'm not impressed. On the whole, I consider "covid" a tool to control people and for some to feast off the attendant idiocy.

No, I'm not going to be eviscerated, If I were eviscerated, I agree, gutless would be no way to go thru life.

Thank you for saying please though.
Are you trying to change minds?
There are many ways to change minds, cajoling, frightening, convincing and ridicule are among them. Reason seldom works on those who operate on "feelings" like the fear driven, doctors use lollipops on children though. Many people can be convinced with facts and evidence and most of those have been vaccinated in America, but there are the recalcitrant, those who don't care about others enough to wear a mask or get vaccinated because they bought into bullshit or are too stupid to care.

It will be a long time until children are protected with vaccination and meanwhile the variants are sickening and killing them. I was vaccinated a few days ago, but it will be awhile for the kids and they depend on responsible adults to protect them.
Tucker Carlson told his viewers to call 911 on people who have kids wearing masks in public because it's "child abuse." Honestly, I think his terrible acting career is about to end.
It appears the Russian roll of the dice on Sputnik V's safety and efficacy got lucky. A lot of Russians don't trust it though and it would be near the bottom of my choice! I would expect the same issues with this vaccine as with the other AZ and J&J adenovirus vectored vaccines, even though they claim there are none. Many desperate countries are opting for it though, but the Russians can't deliver any volume of it and have to get other countries to produce it.

If it works and is safe then it will be used, even in the EU and South America. India is the worlds largest vaccine manufacturer and are producing the Oxford AZ vaccine now royalty free, but the situation there is dire.
Sputnik V: Proven Vaccine, Political Ploy, or Both?

President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that Russia had cleared the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine for use before completing third-stage clinical trials sparked global skepticism. Now that its effectiveness has been independently verified, he's looking to reap geopolitical dividends.
It would be neat to be able to get an empty vial of all the brands of vaccines and make a display of them. I can definitely see an art exhibit in the future that might include such a piece . The different labels and lettering are fascinating from each country .
Tucker Carlson told his viewers to call 911 on people who have kids wearing masks in public because it's "child abuse." Honestly, I think his terrible acting career is about to end.
The really funny part is that if his moronic viewers actually go out and do that, they will be the ones going to jail for filing a false report.
Tucker Carlson told his viewers to call 911 on people who have kids wearing masks in public because it's "child abuse." Honestly, I think his terrible acting career is about to end.
I can see new law and FCC regulation of cable and social media, foxnews should be removed from the air and cable for their pandemic coverage, it helped Trump to kill hundreds of thousands of citizens. Lies kill people, Trump proved this and Foxnews helped him do it. If they want bullshit, they should have to search for it online in out of the way places and not have it thrown in their faces with Facebook or YouTube. The government should lead a class action wipe out lawsuit against Foxnews/Newscorp on behalf of their many covid victims. Foxnews is a public health menace and a threat to constitutional government, it's not a question of politics, but of national survival, social division for profit is dangerous.
They started this earlier than I thought and I figured the feds would do it. People over 35 who eschew masks and vaccines are brain washed morons and not worth the money.
COVID-19 UPDATE: Gov. Justice: West Virginia offering $100 savings bond to residents age 16 to 35 who choose to get vaccinated (wv.gov)
COVID-19 UPDATE: Gov. Justice: West Virginia offering $100 savings bond to residents age 16 to 35 who choose to get vaccinated
During Monday’s briefing, Gov. Justice announced that as part of his ongoing initiative to get more younger residents vaccinated, West Virginia will begin offering a $100 savings bond to each person from 16 to 35 years old who chooses to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

“We have vetted this in every way that we possibly can to be assured that we can use our CARES dollars to do exactly just this,” Gov. Justice said.

The incentive will be retroactive, meaning all West Virginians age 16 to 35 who have already been vaccinated will also receive a $100 savings bond.

“Our kids today probably don’t really realize just how important they are in shutting this thing down,” Gov. Justice said. “I’m trying to come up with a way that’s truly going to motivate them – and us – to get over the hump.”

The Governor went on to say that the goal is to get over 70% of West Virginia's eligible population vaccinated. Of the 1.47 million West Virginians who are currently eligible, just 52% have received at least one dose to date, with demand for vaccines dipping in recent weeks.
They work well for the manufacturers, having legal immunity. As far as the medical efficacy of the various "vaccines", I'm not impressed. On the whole, I consider "covid" a tool to control people and for some to feast off the attendant idiocy.

No, I'm not going to be eviscerated, If I were eviscerated, I agree, gutless would be no way to go thru life.

Thank you for saying please though.
Ah. So you’ve chosen willful ignorance.
Good luck!