Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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The really funny part is that if his moronic viewers actually go out and do that, they will be the ones going to jail for filing a false report.
No one goes to jail for reporting fake crime, look at all the hate crime hoaxes blacks and jews do by drawing swastikas on their dorm room doors and reporting it to police, they never get locked up.
No one goes to jail for reporting fake crime, look at all the hate crime hoaxes blacks and jews do by drawing swastikas on their dorm room doors and reporting it to police, they never get locked up.
You mean the colleges that rich white people pay to have coaches help them get into because they can't get in on their own shit grades?

Because much like your race baiting example, my example is a extremely small subset of the people when compared to all the ones that didn't break the law trying to get what they wanted by lying.

I hope your future health problems were worth the virtue signal.
Is that troll for not catching a very deadly disease during a global pandemic is worth a sore arm and maybe feeling flu-like for a few days?
Yall remember when these folks looked up to milo "some kids want to be fucked" yianopolis. That was pretty funny.
No one goes to jail for reporting fake crime,
Penalty for violating O.C.G.A. §16-10-26
A person convicted of false report of a crime in Georgia will be charged with a misdemeanor. In Georgia, misdemeanor charges carry up to $1,000 in fines or up to one year in jail or both.

Next moronic comment?
CDC says it's OK for vaccinated people to go outdoors without a mask.

NEW YORK (AP) — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eased its guidelines Tuesday on the wearing of masks outdoors, saying fully vaccinated Americans don’t need to cover their faces anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers.

And those who are unvaccinated can go outside without masks in some cases, too.
I hope your future health problems were worth the virtue signal.
Patriots have been leading by example forever, not waving flags around and blowing their horn with chests puffed out. Patriotism is about love, of our families, friends, communities, fellow citizens (not just some) and country. Even though many here think you are a stupid cunt, they nonetheless love you enough to encourage you to get the vaccination.

When people call you a fool they are speaking the truth and it is really and act of love! :lol: Consider this virtue signaling and with a signal we send a message and the message is, I care about others, my country and myself, patriotism.
Patriots have been leading by example forever, not waving flags around and blowing their horn with chests puffed out. Patriotism is about love, of our families, friends, communities, fellow citizens (not just some) and country. Even though many here think you are a stupid cunt, they nonetheless love you enough to encourage you to get the vaccination.

When people call you a fool they are speaking the truth and it is really and act of love! :lol: Consider this virtue signaling and with a signal we send a message and the message is, I care about others, my country and myself, patriotism.
Yeah right. What do Canadians know about 'Patriotism'?
Yeah right. What do Canadians know about 'Patriotism'?
Enough not to stick their dicks in the air with the flag attached! Perhaps it's an antiquated sentiment in this modern world, but none the less a useful concept and practical device for promoting national unity and social cohesion. I dunno about you, but I'd rather be a Canadian than anything else and think (according to data) that we are among the best countries in the world and ranked #1 in some credible surveys for quality of life. I can't speak for others, but I'm a patriot and I feel the same kind of love all around me. Canadians are patriots, we just don't show it much, except on Canada day when I put a big Canadian Flag on my front porch.

Americans are much the same way, the ones you see waving the flag around and wearing it as clothing are not patriots, far from it, they are traitors and support the cause of treason in their own homeland. Be glad we don't have nearly as many in Canada and that they don't have a political home, but angrily wander the wilderness. We legislated against hate and we did it with guns, the results are apparent. As a member of the federal Liberal party of Canada I advocated for this stuff a long time ago because I believed it would work as did many others.
It is a very real and very dangerous virus for the terribly old and the morbidly obese. 85 percent of vaxholes in this thread alone just love to eat their McDonalds cheeseburgers while breathing in their own bodily waste through their beloved masks all day, every day. And to top it off, they eat in front of the TV while watching the news, getting high to the point of actually believing it. Hence their desperate need for a jab of novel, experimental mRNA and GMO tech injections.

Vaccine patriotism is the loyalty of sheep, nothing more. The so called love of these people is like that of an alcoholic and his drinking buddy. The alcoholic loves his drinking buddy, he says. It is his best friend in the world, right next to his beer. Then one day drinking buddy says thanks but no thanks, he had enough beer and will now a live healthy sober lifestyle. Drinking buddy just went from buddy to the worst person in the world, a traitor even to his ”race and nation”, for not drinking more beer, or in the case of these vaxholes - not taking the buddy jab, pro patria. Nope, still not doing it.

How about offering a free cheesburger wih the jab, maybe you could get more retards like y’all to take the jab then?
Penalty for violating O.C.G.A. §16-10-26
A person convicted of false report of a crime in Georgia will be charged with a misdemeanor. In Georgia, misdemeanor charges carry up to $1,000 in fines or up to one year in jail or both.

Next moronic comment?

not to mention the resources that you will be billed for such as SWAT, Air Life Helicopter etc. it's not a package deal everything is line item to the City Manager.
It is a very real and very dangerous virus for the terribly old and the morbidly obese. 85 percent of vaxholes in this thread alone just love to eat their McDonalds cheeseburgers while breathing in their own bodily waste through their beloved masks all day, every day. And to top it off, they eat in front of the TV while watching the news, getting high to the point of actually believing it. Hence their desperate need for a jab of novel, experimental mRNA and GMO tech injections.

Vaccine patriotism is the loyalty of sheep, nothing more. The so called love of these people is like that of an alcoholic and his drinking buddy. The alcoholic loves his drinking buddy, he says. It is his best friend in the world, right next to his beer. Then one day drinking buddy says thanks but no thanks, he had enough beer and will now a live healthy sober lifestyle. Drinking buddy just went from buddy to the worst person in the world, a traitor even to his ”race and nation”, for not drinking more beer, or in the case of these vaxholes - not taking the buddy jab, pro patria. Nope, still not doing it.

How about offering a free cheesburger wih the jab, maybe you could get more retards like y’all to take the jab then?

i heard you can pre-order the nano chip from Microsoft that won't keep track of your red meat consumption ..you know that's where they're going with this..one day counting your steps..the next, your beef!

Liberate Angus!
Liberate Holstein!
Liberate Piedmontese!