Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I didn't want to write this because of the trolls but I feel this needed to be known.

10 days after my shot I had a hypoglycemic attack and 2 hours later came down with a case of acute pancreatitis. My upper belly was bulging out and the pain went around to my back. It has been the worst attack I have had over the years. It's lasted a bit over 3 weeks now and has subsided slowly and steadily. Every time I do physical work it swells up again and I have to rest for a while.

The kicker? I don't have diabetes. I don't take medication for it. I have controlled it for 20 years with diet alone, but sometimes I fail and eat like crap a few days straight. Hypoglycemia? Never. Not that I know of. I've had a few pancreas attacks before but never like this one. I had symptoms of full on diabetes for a full week after the attack. Bad circulation from my knees down. Sharp burning pain on the outsides of my knees going down both legs. Cool toes to the touch and slight numbness. This would come and go after any meal I ate. WITHOUT my sugar going over 130. Once I digested I could actually feel my hands and legs warming up. Weird shit had me confused as fuck.

I also have CAD and take blood thinner and bp meds. I noticed a correlation between the cold/numb feelings and my pancreas swelling after meals but my sugar was in range every time.

Was it the shot? I have no idea. But I missed my second dose because of this and I don't intend on getting the next one until I feel better and talk with my gastro doc.
How much exercise are you getting? I recently bought a Fitbit inspire 2 fitness tracker (smart watch) ($89 CDN) and it's doing a pretty good job of whipping my ass into shape! I've been keeping a food journal for over a month and eating 2000 high quality calories a day. Both the fitness tracker and the food journal are pretty good motivators, so was quitting smoking pot back in the beginning of April!

The HR monitor works great and the reviews say the sleep tracker even works great too!
I was moved into eligibility in my area as of Friday and got my first shot of Moderna or Pfizer booked for June 9th. Hoping it will help out on my long hauler symptoms that keep getting worse and longer. Huge bouts of nausea, headaches and lack or energy/appetite even with my herbal friends helping. Had blood work done and they think my Covid long hauler stuff has given me high iron. Funny thing is that I was asymptomatic minus some headaches With Covid while everyone else had it pretty bad. Lost an aunt and my neighbour lost both parents to it within 3 weeks of each other
I was moved into eligibility in my area as of Friday and got my first shot of Moderna or Pfizer booked for June 9th. Hoping it will help out on my long hauler symptoms that keep getting worse and longer. Huge bouts of nausea, headaches and lack or energy/appetite even with my herbal friends helping. Had blood work done and they think my Covid long hauler stuff has given me high iron. Funny thing is that I was asymptomatic minus some headaches With Covid while everyone else had it pretty bad. Lost an aunt and my neighbour lost both parents to it within 3 weeks of each other
Hope it works out for you. Sorry to hear about your losses. It's been an awful year.
How much exercise are you getting? I recently bought a Fitbit inspire 2 fitness tracker (smart watch) ($89 CDN) and it's doing a pretty good job of whipping my ass into shape! I've been keeping a food journal for over a month and eating 2000 high quality calories a day. Both the fitness tracker and the food journal are pretty good motivators, so was quitting smoking pot back in the beginning of April!

The HR monitor works great and the reviews say the sleep tracker even works great too!
Most everything I fix for my meals is entered into Mastercook an app that not only stores recipes but also calculates nutrition and calories by recipe and by meal if you want. It's a real eye-opener either way -- when I'm trying to lose weight, I sabotage myself by eating too little and of course, if I'm not watching it, I will overdo it too. Also, salt in one's diet is a tricky one to manage without a good way to keep track.
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Most everything I fix for my meals is entered into Mastercook an app that not only stores recipes but also calculates nutrition and calories by recipe and by meal if you want. It's a real eye-opener either way -- when I'm trying to lose weight, I sabotage myself by eating too little and of course, if I'm not watching it, I will overdo it too. Also, salt in one's diet is a tricky one to manage without a good way to keep track.

I am cookin my own meals since the pandemic as well, on and off but I am trying to prep for a couple days at a time cause I work 14 hr days. I feel much healthier when I eat home cooked food with fresh ingredients but the exercise thing I need to step up it is just hard to figure out a routine that will work when I can't leave and don't have much area to run ... maybe pickup a jump rope like when I was a kid.
Like some puke who doesn't have guts and character enough to get vaccinated is gonna be honest about wearing a mask! Soon they will mostly be infecting each other and giving the gift of death and suffering among themselves. There will still be plenty of the innocent for them to murder though.

I was moved into eligibility in my area as of Friday and got my first shot of Moderna or Pfizer booked for June 9th. Hoping it will help out on my long hauler symptoms that keep getting worse and longer. Huge bouts of nausea, headaches and lack or energy/appetite even with my herbal friends helping. Had blood work done and they think my Covid long hauler stuff has given me high iron. Funny thing is that I was asymptomatic minus some headaches With Covid while everyone else had it pretty bad. Lost an aunt and my neighbour lost both parents to it within 3 weeks of each other
That's devastating man,try to hang in there,Covid cost my ass in a roundabout way, my old lady is a breast cancer survivor and I did everything including arguing about her leaving the house to keep her safe, but all doctors visits got postponed and this and that, she was supposed to get a replacement self administered cholesterol shot for the one I was giving her and everything got fkd up, she didn't take the pill version cause it gave her heartburn. Long story short she developed a blood clot,it went to the brain causing her to have a stroke in her sleep( the worst way to have it since it has time to do more damage and the stroke med. can't be administered. 4 months later she has virtually no movement on left side and slurred speech(Covid protocol in place I've only seen her once and now am all alone at home). I blame this sad and unfortunate shit on the pandaemic and lack of communication it fostered.ccgun
Like some puke who doesn't have guts and character enough to get vaccinated is gonna be honest about wearing a mask! Soon they will mostly be infecting each other and giving the gift of death and suffering among themselves. There will still be plenty of the innocent for them to murder though.

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Have ho idea how that no mask "I'm vaccinated "policy can work my vac. card is a cheap ass paper joke, easy to duplicate fraudulently IMO, can't see this being used as proof, but that's all I've got to show as of now.ccguns
That's devastating man,try to hang in there,Covid cost my ass in a roundabout way, my old lady is a breast cancer survivor and I did everything including arguing about her leaving the house to keep her safe, but all doctors visits got postponed and this and that, she was supposed to get a replacement self administered cholesterol shot for the one I was giving her and everything got fkd up, she didn't take the pill version cause it gave her heartburn. Long story short she developed a blood clot,it went to the brain causing her to have a stroke in her sleep( the worst way to have it since it has time to do more damage and the stroke med. can't be administered. 4 months later she has virtually no movement on left side and slurred speech(Covid protocol in place I've only seen her once and now am all alone at home). I blame this sad and unfortunate shit on the pandaemic and lack of communication it fostered.ccgun
Sorry to hear about your and your wife's misfortune, covid has many costs. Those who help spread it by not wearing masks, social distancing, or not getting vaccinated for no reason other than bullshit are selfish pricks and it's blindingly obvious. People like you and your wife pay the price for Trump and the assholes who support and believe him, covid didn't have to be nearly as bad in America as it is.
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Sorry to hear about your and your wife's misfortune, covid has many costs. Those who help spread it by not wearing masks, social distancing, or not getting vaccinated for no reason other than bullshit are selfish pricks and it's blindingly obvious. People like you and your wife pay the price for Trump and the asshole who support and believe him, covid didn't have to be nearly as bad in America as it is.
There's no doubt about those facts man, I've come to despise Cheeto's enablers and his support network more than the dickhead himself since I've ALWAYS believed he was a narcisstic,vile,lying ass chretin who chews people up until their no longer useful to him like bubblegum, and anyone who even brushes up against tyhe prick smells like they've been shoveling manure all day. But point is I know/knew what he is/was what I didn't comprehend was the fk nuts who still line up and voice support for him. Until fk face showed up in the Wh. House in had no idea in hell that people could be this gullible, it's shocking and disconcerting to me that this is what a decent percentage of my fellow American citizens are all about and certainly reinforces any loner tendancies that have with my situation now.ccguns
I am cookin my own meals since the pandemic as well, on and off but I am trying to prep for a couple days at a time cause I work 14 hr days. I feel much healthier when I eat home cooked food with fresh ingredients but the exercise thing I need to step up it is just hard to figure out a routine that will work when I can't leave and don't have much area to run ... maybe pickup a jump rope like when I was a kid.
Yah, same problem here. Except -- 14 hour days? That's not sustainable if one wants a life outside of work. Not for me, at any rate.

What I do every day:

Jumping jacks
walking lunge
mountain climbers (a one-legged plank where you switch from on leg to the other)
and such.

Ride a bicycle. Maybe not for everybody depending on where they live but walking is good too.

It's not the same as a fitness club or long walks but can be done inside. It's been really good for my back.

something like this:


Good on you that you prepare most of your own meals. For me it's a hobby that I find relaxing and meditative. I've been working on no-leftover meals that can be cooked about an an hour. Lately, this cookbook has been a good find: But it's a bit of a challenge for beginners.

The Wagamama Cookbook.

It's mostly stir-fries with sauces over rice or noodles and ramen. Quick and tasty that use a lot of fresh veg.

But, 14 hour workdays leave no room for much more than eating and sleeping. Good luck with that. I hope it gets better for you. I've worked twelves and it was a grind.
That's devastating man,try to hang in there,Covid cost my ass in a roundabout way, my old lady is a breast cancer survivor and I did everything including arguing about her leaving the house to keep her safe, but all doctors visits got postponed and this and that, she was supposed to get a replacement self administered cholesterol shot for the one I was giving her and everything got fkd up, she didn't take the pill version cause it gave her heartburn. Long story short she developed a blood clot,it went to the brain causing her to have a stroke in her sleep( the worst way to have it since it has time to do more damage and the stroke med. can't be administered. 4 months later she has virtually no movement on left side and slurred speech(Covid protocol in place I've only seen her once and now am all alone at home). I blame this sad and unfortunate shit on the pandaemic and lack of communication it fostered.ccgun
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your wife. Dealing with that through this epidemic must be a real struggle. Last year was awful for everybody but your story is much worse. Hopefully you'll be able to see your wife regularly soon.
Yah, same problem here. Except -- 14 hour days? That's not sustainable if one wants a life outside of work. Not for me, at any rate.

Thank you for all that information, I am gonna check out the cookbook and make a plan to get some more exercise. As far as 14 hour days go, I live on site and its not 14 hours straight constant work but a bunch of little tasks in between just maintaining order. Only do it for so many months a year and then take some time off. Definitely not sustainable forever but so far I have been able to make it work the past 5 or 6 years.
Thank you for all that information, I am gonna check out the cookbook and make a plan to get some more exercise. As far as 14 hour days go, I live on site and its not 14 hours straight constant work but a bunch of little tasks in between just maintaining order. Only do it for so many months a year and then take some time off. Definitely not sustainable forever but so far I have been able to make it work the past 5 or 6 years.
I checked it out from the library and bought a copy after trying it out first. They are very specific about ingredients but the key is fresh veg and I substitute whatever I have on hand. But it's not the end-all, just a good collection of ideas.
Fuck, sorry to hear about that @CCGNZ :(

I remember last summer working with someone else at my former job (suffered a wrist injury and permanent injury now) Anyways it was before masks were mandated and I was walking into a store and a manager was telling us to please mask up. We didn’t have any on us but he was saying Ontario should do it soon. He had friends working in NYC hospitals when they were at their height in the pandemic. He had said his one friend who was a nurse had lost 6 members of his family to it, and was still working. Plus 4 of his fellow nurses/doctors were on ventilators for their life. I never worked that store after that but it now makes me mad at myself and others that we should of been smarter back then. Sadly that stage almost seems to be repeating again with people who got the shots and the people who still don’t think this is anymore then a fucking common cold
Have ho idea how that no mask "I'm vaccinated "policy can work my vac. card is a cheap ass paper joke, easy to duplicate fraudulently IMO, can't see this being used as proof, but that's all I've got to show as of now.ccguns
It’s an honor policy and being honest with yourself. I would hope some unmasked must feel dumb and feel terrible karma. I am hoping more unvaccinated are going to eventually stop being big babies and get the jab.
the vaccination card is a joke. My husband never got his first sticker with his first Jab and then the second jab , at another place, she forgot to put the sticker on and called him up to have him come back. The only traceable info is the vial the dose came from. But who is keeping track of that? There was a story I read on the other Covid thread about a nurse in the UK giving someone the entire vial of the vaccine accidentally. That’s 6 doses worth. Nothing happened to the overdosed person. I am just so happy we are moving forward andgetting back to normal. It’s been a hell of a ride and I am so looking forward to the future. Sorry to hear about your wife . Hopefully she gets better soon.
Geez, some of you guys think that every new member is a "sock puppet!" In case you haven't noticed, this is a very large forum, and we have many new members enroll here every day. With a click bait title like this one, every member wants to post in this thread because every member is interested in this topic.

I think the 'sock puppet' accusation is more to do with other posters challenging their wokeness.
If you've had COVID, you'd have to be mentally ill to take the experimental emergency vaccine after.
I think the 'sock puppet' accusation is more to do with other posters challenging their wokeness.
If you've had COVID, you'd have to be mentally ill to take the experimental emergency vaccine after.
This would be a more viable argument if it werent for the inconvenient fact that having had COVID provides lousy protection against variants. (India.) The vaccine (specifically the mRNA type) provides a far wider protection spectrum than having had the virus.

Objectivity is neither woke nor burgeois. Nice work-in of sanity signaling thouh.