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Missouri taxi company refuses vaccinated, masked customers
The owner of a Missouri taxi company said his transportation service will not pick up passengers who wear masks or have received the COVID-19 vaccine, despite a surge of new cases in the state.

“We don't allow any type of masks in our vehicles. The second one, we're very against the vaccines, and we do not wish to have people in our vehicle that did the vaccines,” owner Charlie Bullington told KMOV in an interview that was published on Thursday.

According to the taxi service’s website, Yo Transportation operates in Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Montgomery, St. Charles, St. Louis and Warren counties. KMOV reported that the business has operated for 16 years.

During the interview, Bullington also said, “I understand Missouri is one of the top three states with the lowest vaccination rate, so I am proud of all the Missouri people for standing against this.”

According to Becker’s Hospital Review, as of Friday, Missouri actually ranked 39th among states based on percentage of population fully vaccinated. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, about 42 percent of the state’s population is fully vaccinated.

Customers on Yelp and Google have complained about anti-masking messaging they received from the company, the Riverfront Times reported.
One reviewer who said they were denied a ride said the driver texted them multiple times afterward.

"This man spent 2 hours harassing me via text about his anti mask nonsense. I had to ask him three times to leave me alone," the reviewer said, the Riverfront Times reported.
I'm glad too, karma is a bitch.

Lately sometimes I think covid delta is designed to kill morons and assholes, it sure is hard on republicans and others who can't seem to think straight.
Without herd immunity, cull the herd.
Someone needs to track down Scott Atlas, Trump's covid "expert" and advocate of herd immunity, when he knew this vaccine was in the works and looked real good. The need to ask him if he's been vaxxed or if he went with his theory, the one he was trying to cram down the experts throats. Maybe Scott should make a PSA promoting vaccines to the Trumpers, Trump should, but he doesn't give a fuck about his supporters.
Cassidy on rising Louisiana COVID crisis: 'All we need to do is get vaccinated'
Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy (La.) on Sunday urged his state to get inoculated amid a nationwide spike in COVID-19 cases, concluding that “all we need to do is get vaccinated" to end the pandemic.

Louisiana is experiencing one of the largest surges in COVID-19 cases, leading to worries about the state's hospitals.

The state saw 6,116 new cases on Friday, which was up from the less than 1,000 cases Louisiana was averaging per day in June, according to data collected by The New York Times.

“We have it within our power to stop it. Each person that is vaccinated now protects not only herself or himself, but those around them because no longer is she as likely to pass the infection to others,” Cassidy told host Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“If we don't want this, we have it within our control, all we need to do is to get vaccinated,” he added.

Cassidy, who is a doctor, said there are two ways to stop COVID-19 from spreading: get vaccinated or wear a mask.

“If you have a large percentage of your population which is not vaccinated and your infection rate is going up you got one of two choices: if you're inside, either you're vaccinated or you have to wear a mask,” Cassidy said.

“Otherwise you're too great a risk to further spread infection, to further pack those emergency rooms, to further prevent people who have terrible accidents from getting cared for, because the hospital is full of COVID. And there was a choice,” he added.

The Republican senator told Bash that the way to prevent mask mandates is by getting vaccinated.

“On the other hand if we don't want mass mandates, get vaccinated. The infection rate goes down, and you don't have a mandate,” he said.
Lolololol, Rollitup fear porn 24/7/365 by the best paid big pharma pushers on the internet.

Carry on and spend your money well.