Well-Known Member
I apologize if I am wrong. But the casual plug of a horse dewormer that is being used to sow confusion about the viral treatment makes me think,
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If you are a real person and this is a true post, I hope your sister keeps her head up and that people in your area figure out the importance of listening to the medical professionals that are trying to save all of our lives/health.
Can't tell if you are maliciously spreading disinformation or simply uninformed yourself. But Ivermectin has not been shown by credible sources for information to be safe and effective to treat covid patients.
other than that, I'm sorry to hear about the terrible situation in your area. Where is it that you describe?
"terrible situation" everywhere is a terrible situation. Many places much worse than here. Florida, Mississippi etc.
Im very real and Im not spreading shit. I merely shared points from a conversation we had last night with someone who is working with these patients everyday in the ICU ward. And while they shouldnt be discussing hospital business no names were mentioned. If your wife is a nurse we all know darn well she talks to you about hospital business. Take it for what you want, believe what you want. I could care less. I just joined in on the thread like everyone else and shared a family discussion.
Ivermectin has not shown to be effective or not effective on Covid. Matter of fact Ive seen an internet claim that it may even be harmful. It certainly has not been approved for standard treatment. It was experimental and agreed to by both Dr. Creticus Marek and patient John Johnson age 55 at Tahlequah City Hospital. I will say this "she" had heard about this before the article even came out and while they have not used it here the word is spreading that it may be a possible treatment.
People are desperate, their husbands, wives and children are dying. She talks to the families every day begging her and the doctors to tell them their loved one in going to live. She tries to hold back the tears feeling their pain. She's a compassionate woman something that we dont have enough of today. And worse are the ones she personally knows after living here 40 years. Everyone is looking for a breakthrough treatment everyone is looking for a miracle be it experimental or approved. I know if I contract Delta and Im on a vent Im probably not coming off of it so give me an experimental treatment I would have nothing to lose.
I will tell you this, those people dying from the Delta Strain 98% of them were unvaccinated. We have three Doctors and one PA in our family and several RNs and they have strongly recommended that we get the vaccination. I got mine way back in March because I have higher risk factors and Im fixing to get a booster as soon as it comes available for my designated group.
Im done with the conversation, take the vaccine or dont take the vaccine do whatever you want....its on your (and those around you)