Willie Nelson popped with 6 oz of pot.


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Country Legend Willie Nelson Charged With Pot Possession in Texas

Published November 27, 2010

Associated Press
Country legend Willie Nelson

SIERRA BLANCA, Texas -- A U.S. Border Patrol spokesman says country singer Willie Nelson was charged with marijuana possession after 6 ounces was found aboard his tour bus in Texas.
Patrol spokesman Bill Brooks says the bus pulled into the Sierra Blanca, Texas, checkpoint about 9 a.m. Friday. Brooks says an officer smelled pot when a door was opened and a search turned up marijuana.
Brooks says the Hudspeth County sheriff was contacted and Nelson was among three people arrested.
Sheriff Arvin West didn't immediately return a phone message left at his home Friday, but he told the El Paso Times that Nelson claimed the marijuana was his. The singer was held briefly a $2,500 bond before being released.


Well-Known Member
ive said it before and ill say it again .....get rid of the bus that says Willie Nelson on the side of it!lol


Well-Known Member


Man what's this world coming to - just pot? At least some ACID or Mushies too or something. Mind you these "Authorities" never have a clue anyways..


Well-Known Member
Willie is the shit! He should have free reign to do what he wants! That cop didn't profile at all, what a fuck head!
thats like pulling over a Pepsi truck and finding...........Pepsi.

Willie and Pot go hand in hand.

He will pay the fine and be on his way, celebrity status and all.


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But can you imagine the Cheech & Chong scene when the bus doors opened up & all that aeromatic smoke billowed out?
Willie's like "Thats right, thats my shit".


Well-Known Member
What kind of cop would actually arrest Willie Nelson for marijuana? I would think old american folk singing icons would have some sort of immunity to marijuana possession laws....I mean what?! It's Willie freaking Nelson!!! Oh Yeah! I hope he feels like the greatest cop in the world...He figured out that Willie Nelson smokes pot! What detective work... Marijuana is used to heighten creative ability and ideas...So many popular song writers use marijuana regularly...which to me says that if you like and enjoy the music you are also enjoying the effects of marijuana...In other words "Quit yer Bitchin'" Can you imagine what that cellblock sounded like for the 10 minutes Willie Nelson was probably in there for?...

Anyway enough...this is ridiculous!


Well-Known Member
this is some bullshit..im okay with gay ass wiz khalifa or whatever his name is getting popped. but willie fucking nelson, this is a goddamn injustice to the world lol.