Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics


Well-Known Member
right i dont know if mentioned this but i recently had some mad disease spread like wild fire through my veg room. it killed all my mothers clones and even got to the aerocloner i couldn't for the life of me diagnose this disease i checked all the deficiencys and asked around a little checked 3 growing books and cleaned everything over and over. but alas my efforts where for nothing. so with little time to spare i managed to scrape a cutting (a tiny raggid horrible little thing) from every mother and built a new cloner which i isolated from the current veg cab. i put the cuttings in and hoped for the best. i managed to root the bubblegum, black russian, white rhino and devil then nurse the little scraggy ill cuttings back to good health. but i lost the flag ship of my grow BLUE CHEESE i could have cried, of all the cuttings to not root it had to be that one. but then too my surprise the rhino cuttings began too smell like sour milk and blueberrys......its only fuckin blue cheese, i have took a clone off it in the hopes it will root and reveg. so now i have loads of tiny mothers and few plants in veg but the disease is gone and now i'm back in the game.

so heres a few pics



Well-Known Member
so the first pic is veg cab with rhino in bottom left, black russian in bottom right, above that is the bubblegum then the three just above the rhino are my own rhinopunch (from seed) then in small pots are three ill looking devil clones. then we have the aerocloner with 1 blue cheese cut. 5 devil cuts and 3 red cherry berry cuts.

then we have blue cheese, flower cab, devil, blue cheese and then another of the flower cab.<in that order
sorry about the fucked up pics guys.......i am shit at em

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wow you should have posted man maybe omeone could have identified it, quick thinkin saved the day tho fella. your buds always look fat as hell, im sure im putting too many in my tent...

god save the blue cheese!!!


Well-Known Member
wow you should have posted man maybe omeone could have identified it, quick thinkin saved the day tho fella. your buds always look fat as hell, im sure im putting too many in my tent...

god save the blue cheese!!!
too many? NEVER. lol. its not the numbers mate at week 3 of flower i identify anything that wont form a bud (by bud i mean i can put presure on it and it wont squash) and remove it and that seems to make the others explode. and too be honest if i all this hassle had not happened then i would have twice as much in. also i find a decent height and thick stems are essential. and i have not ph'd my water or used any boosters for last 12 months ans since then my yields have improved. WTF IS THAT ABOUT

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
now that is very interesting. no boost at all? man you need to do a side by side. one with one without. i cant understand how that works. lol

i have to admit ive been lax in my pruning i generally only take off the bottom of the girls that wont get light n let the rest do their thang.

youll have some company for your girls soon ;)