Wilma 8 pot. Advice needed.

Hi guys.
I posted this in the Hydro section at first but have had little response so here goes again.

We have a Wilma 8 pot that we have recently set up.
Plants look lovely, everything is good in the garden.
Now cos we had a load of A & B left from when we ran run to waste and our next grow will be a proper hydro clay pebbles jobbie we've been using up our old stock before buying some Aqua Flora or similar.
(These plants were already started in coco before we got this set-up)
Just gone on to 12 hours so my question.....

It's time to add Boost. How much? Before I made feed up in buckets according to Canna's recommendations.
Now we have a 70 litre reservoir I'm not sure how much to add. Should I make up the full amount or half strength like I've been doing with the A & B?

When it comes to adding PK what's the score there? As it's only added for one week is this a good time to renew fresh feed and change the water after that week is over or does it get used/diluted naturally?

I've been using the blue spikes and running the pump twice a day. Should I be using them black drippers and leave it running all the time? Seem to be doing fine as they are and if it isn't broke I won't try to fix it. What works best?

This Wilma is the best thing we have invested in so far and I want to get the best out of it I can so any help would be appreciated.
Ta Guys


Well-Known Member
I used the same equipment before moving to soil....
Put the full amount of Boost in (yeh! loads isn't it?) and a week after P/K would be a good time to put a fresh load of nutes on...One of the reasons of my moving to soil was the amount of nutes etc I used in my 70 litre res.
If the spikes work...you know it don't need no fixin'! ;)

(Edit) Got any pics of your plants?...I'v never seen an 8 pot wilma in action
Sorry for the delay in replying. Pics are always a bugger to take cos the lights always seem to cause funny lines on the photos.
One big surprise. Loads less food used than before getting this Wilma and plants are twice as big as I got from the same clones when just on run to waste.
I've just set up another grow room but instead of buying another Wilma system I just bought the spray bar and drippers (£15) a pump (£15) plastic tray (£13) and a plastic dustbin from B&Q. Bit cheaper than £145 for a full new system.
Biggest benefit of doing big feeds is you don't have to be as precise dicking about with PH and Ec readings as it stays a lot more stable.
