Wilted one week into flowering


Sour D was put outside a week ago. Seems maybe a couple problems.

First one is wilt. Yesterday, I noticed in the evening time, the leaves drooped. Soil was moist. 1/3 coco coir 1/3 lava rock 1/3 Kellogg organic potting soil 3 gallon cloth pot. Tonight I noticed the plant was leaning. Gets fairly windy here. Perhaps wind damage? I staked the plant. Maybe heat stress? It's been vegging for 7 weeks under LED. Set in shady area for 4 days then moved to full sun. Nutrient burn? I fertilized with EJ Seablast grow 1 tbs per gallon. PH water 6.0. EJ Seablast bloom on 5th day of flowering. Same night the problem began. Last night, I moved it back to the shade for the day. Leaves seemed firm until this evening. Then drooped down again. This is when I noticed the plant was a little loose in the soil and staked it.

Also, the new growth of the plant seem a little yellow Nutes?

Anyways, here's a photo. I have 3 others outside that aren't having these problems.

Any advice would be most appreciated.



Well-Known Member
how much light is it getting per day? and when you say the soil is moist, are you keeping it moist or is it real dry when you water?

also this may seem obvious but are you sure the earth juice says one tablespoon per gallon? the only ej I have is assist (saponin) and I only use half a teaspoon of that when I use it (bottle recommends a full teaspoon).


She was just transplanted a quart pot into the 3 gallon smart pot. Definitely not rootbound. The soil is dry before I water. I'm in Maui and we are just about 12/12. It's definitely hotter outside than my veg room. Sour D is recommended for our environment and can tolerate the higher temps. Temps are a lot hotter this year. Setting all kinds of records.

She looks as happy as can be right now. I'll post an update this evening. I'm thinking she's just in shock from the wind and outside environment.


I think the issue is solved. This afternoon 1pm, I noticed she was starting to wilt. It was really windy. I moved her to a more protected spot for the rest of the day. I just checked her out when I got home. Still a little wilted, but nowhere near as the last two nights. I imagine it was just very stressful after transplanting and environment change. I haven't had this problem with the plants put out before because we haven't had our tradewinds for a while (just the heat). We've been getting 20+mph winds over the last few days. An element I wasn't anticipating. For now, it's a lesson learned.

