Wilted plants?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I have a problem with my plants and was wanting a little help. They're are 3 weeks old as of today and his is what happened leading up to my problem. I have black buckets and my res temps were hitting 86* by the end of the light cycle. So I invested in a chiller and painted my buckets white. While doing my improvements I put my plants in a Coleman cooler filled with water. I had two boards stretched across to support my net pots. They were in there for around 4 hours and started to look a little wilted. I painted my buckets and let the paint dry for an hour or so before I put them back in. About and hour later I checked in on them and they were looking pitiful. It's been 20 hours since I put them back in their buckets and they're looking a lot better now but they're still wilted. I filled the res with fresh water and added some florashield per instructions on the bottle. I had been using GH nutes at 500 ppm but as of right now they're just on straight water and florashield. I'm a little scared to add nutes just yet because of they're condition.

Here are some pics. If anyone can help me out and ease my mind I would be very grateful.

The last pic is the runt of the four and it seems to have come around more than the others.

Thanks :wall:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. That's what I'm doing now, being patient. I think they're gonna snap out of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, they have grown nicely! Did you ph the water and FloraSheild to 5.8ish in the cooler and/or now in the buckets?

The room is looking Great 2! They were doing good before the flush, So I would go ahead and nute the res back to 500ppm, and kick it up to 800ppm in 2-3 days. I have been vegging at 1100 ppm with the GH 3 part nutes with great success.


Active Member
I need some help. I have 1 plant growing in soil under 400 watt HPS. it looks stunted and the leaves are curling up. The pics are in my album on here. I have my light about 2 1/2 feet above the pot is that too close? any advice appreciated. This is my second grow. First indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, they have grown nicely! Did you ph the water and FloraSheild to 5.8ish in the cooler and/or now in the buckets?

The room is looking Great 2! They were doing good before the flush, So I would go ahead and nute the res back to 500ppm, and kick it up to 800ppm in 2-3 days. I have been vegging at 1100 ppm with the GH 3 part nutes with great success.
What up dmoose I didn't in the cooler but I did in the res. They haven't changed much since my last set of pics. I'll I'll add the nutes now and hopefully I'll see an improvement in the morning. I'll update with pics in my journal in the morning.



Well-Known Member
I need some help. I have 1 plant growing in soil under 400 watt HPS. it looks stunted and the leaves are curling up. The pics are in my album on here. I have my light about 2 1/2 feet above the pot is that too close? any advice appreciated. This is my second grow. First indoor grow.
Hey bud I wish I could answer your question but I can't. I can say I think your light is far enough away. I'm using a 400 watt as well and I kept mine around 20 inches for the first 3 weeks.

Try to start your own thread so that it pertains to your problem only and try to add as much information as possible like what your feeding it and your room temps. You might also want to add some pictures in your thread or have a link to them and you might get a better answer.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What up dmoose I didn't in the cooler but I did in the res. They haven't changed much since my last set of pics. I'll I'll add the nutes now and hopefully I'll see an improvement in the morning. I'll update with pics in my journal in the morning.

Excellent! You should see a pretty Quick recovery, once recovered and starting to takeoff, start bumping the nute load. They are big enough to handle full strength GH, but ease into it and read the plant.

I am Loving the paint job, so clean, so Pro! What have you noticed about temps and res temps? Are you gonna do another hourly check and post the results? I predict the plants are back to normal by lights on tommorrow, if not earlier.

martyhowy - you need to post more information about nutes, soil, watering frequency, and post some clear pics, but i will take a stab at it.... it looks as though it may be a bit overwatered and begging for food? How'd I do? Hehehe Shoot me a PM, and I'll try to guide you back to health.

bongsmilie Good Luck!