Wilted, Sad, & Moist OUT OF NO WHERE! (pic)


Active Member
Meta, you're a stand up dude.
I am using a ph 6 brita filtered tap water.
It's so freakin strange how one dies, then another & now another is showing signs.
I think they are all master bubba as well. Maybe I just got bunk seeds who decided to die after reaching a cerin point. :/


Well-Known Member
Meta, you're a stand up dude.
I am using a ph 6 brita filtered tap water.
It's so freakin strange how one dies, then another & now another is showing signs.
I think they are all master bubba as well. Maybe I just got bunk seeds who decided to die after reaching a cerin point. :/
I highly doubt these are bunk seeds, and I'm almost sure that is it some form of user error, but it's the kinda thing you wanna figure out, cause designer seeds are expensive, and you don't wanna kill MJ. So you said you're taking the cubes out to water them? Touching them with bare hands repeatedly, and not washing your hands before? Hmm...I dunno, coulda introduced some sortaa microbial enemy to plants. The fact that another is now dying off is not a good sign, and if you don't nip this in the bud soon, you could lose the whole batch.


Well-Known Member
What kind of root stimulator are you using, and how close are those CFL's? 90 is a little warm for seedlings, DO you have a fan for air circulation inside the grow area?


Active Member
4" inline out
80mm CPU in
6" from light

Also added a table top fan laying on the bottom below the rack to help push air.


Well-Known Member
But nothing moving the air around the plants themselves? What sorta 4" inline fan, like a real duct fan? If so, probably don't need the intake fan, just a hole. I'd think you would want circulation in the 6" of air between the seedlings and CFL's...Where are you taking the temperature readings from, next to the seeds? So you have the table fan onj the bottom of the tent/area, puishing cooler intaker air up towards the top? I like that, but you might want to try repurposing it to move the air between the bulbs and plants.


Active Member
My next plan of action is to dremal out where I had placed vent holes. This way I will have 0 chance of blockage from outside the box.
I am growing in a mini fridge at the moment while they are seedlings.
I think the insulation from the fridge keeps the inside hot.


Well-Known Member
Well, as long as you have good air flow, the inside of the fridge should only be a couple degrees higher than the ambient air temp in the room that your intake draws air from. Duct fan...

Fan A

Fan B

Fan A or fan B, my friend?


Active Member
Fan A

The CPU fan really sucks.
I think once I dremal out the hole then I'll really see if I can get the air flowing.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think a large part of your heat issues are caused due to that intake fan as well...You said 80mm? That is a little over 3 inches, and you have a 4" fan pulling air out of the cab. If I had a 4" exhaust on a mini fridge, I would want at least 2 three inch holes, or one big 5 or 6 inch opening for intake. Your exhaust fan is pulling through resistance, since your intake can't supply air as fast as your exaust wants to suck it out. Get rid of the PC fan, dremel larger holes. How important is the stealth aspect for you?