Wilting leaves


It's about the 5 week and my leaves are starting to wilt. I've been using regular water, just started to add some fert when i noticed the leaves wilt. I had a few gnats before so I stopped watering for three days. The gnats disappeared, but that is when the wilting occured. Do you think it lack of water or another problem? I've got 2 flour and a ufo light on it.



Well-Known Member
i would say water. Do you ph your water and soil?? Plants look rather healthy other than the droops. I would also think about super cropping ar at least fim topping these guys as they are pretty bushy. More yield if you do so. give them a good amount of ro water or ph'd water, and i mean a=quite abit and thenleave them alone for a week and see if they bouce back. constantly check ph during this time... good luck bro



I use distilled water. I don't have a PH tester, but i'm assuming that would not be a issue since I haven't used any fert until just a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
your soil will need to be ph'd regardless of nutes added, soil acts as a buffer but it will fluctuate as it uses the nutes that are built in. the yellowing could be a complete NPK defecicancy. Typically potassium in this case. But your 3rd pic looked good. Seems u have it under control. Go organic!!!
