Wilting plant


Hey there guys, just got a couple quick questions..Got a plant that I have been vegging for a few weeks under two t8 6500k fluorescents. It's about 18" tall and looks really healthy except my fan leaves are wilting down. It's in miracle grow organic soil, has some plant food in it but all I give them is water.. The temp in the room where it is stays from 68 to 74 degrees all day. I added two 23 watt cfls yesterday and checked on her today and still wilting. I'm giving 18/6 right now but was started at 24/ then to 20/4.Transplanted a few weeks ago but it was doing fine until just recently. I buy jugged water from the grocery store and make sure the ph is around 6.2 before giving it to the plant. (I read somewhere that the best ph is between 5.9 and 6.4 so correct me if I'm wrong.)Can't think of anything else to add but if you have any questions or can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated. +rep for anyone with info for me


Active Member
try not to change the light schedule to much could stress it to a hermi, but as others will say on here we need pics to get a better understanding of whats goin on, but if i were u id invest in some nutes.. i use to think it'd be alright without nutes which somehow some people can but with me nutes make a big difference esp. micro nutes. and i have my ph around 6.8-7.0 so ph drifts dont drop it down but then again i use ffof


Awesome. I'll definitely look into some nutes if you think it's a good idea..I will try to get a hold of a camera and post some pics. Just don't have one handy at the moment. Thanks! +rep


Does the ph, temp, lighting and everything at least sound in order? I'd like to be able to eliminate some possibilities..


Active Member
yeah man u made it past a foot, be proud of yourself some people cant even get it off the ground, as for lights tho try and add some more 18in is pretty big for two cfl lights esp knowing that cfls actual light for growth is only good up to 6 inchs, but u sound on the right track good luck get them pics up when u can! also 68-78 is alright just dont go any lower or any higher, but im growing an indaca and she loves the cold it just depends on the strain


Active Member
everything seems to be in order maybe over water or under lack of fresh air, poor drainage prally cuz the MG organic doesnt have nothing besides wood chips to hold air and aid drainage.


I really wouldn't think I'm over watering cause I usually stick my finger about two inches into the soil and if there's moisture I hold off. As for the fresh air, it is enclosed in a closet but I try to leave the door open when I'm home. I would ope the window to the room but it's very cold out where I live and it doesn't seem like a good idea..I usually try not to give it enough water that it has to leak out the bottom but if that's a bad idea please tell me.. Put a lot of work into this and would hate to see it fail.


Active Member
dude i feel you the first grow i had, i spent about 140$ getting supplies, lights, nutes ect, just one plant would be enough to get started on things for my next grow, i could afford more...but no like many things in life do.. i got slapped in the face with not one, not 2, but three males..months, supplies ect, wasted, but if its one thing ive learned is that its actually really hard to completely kill your plant, from how i understand it u said it has just some droopiness trust me, youl be alright things could be much worse good luck man dont give up youl win in the end..hopefully haha (you'll be just fine.)


Active Member
yes i do lol same light setup as u from how u explained haha, just 4 cfl bulbs (adding 3 more when it gets alittle bigger) started flowering on monday after seeing 3-4 preflowers, its already starting to stretch after a week of flowering :hump: hopefully il get to see me some pistols for the 2nd time growing haha im one of those ppl that are lucky enough to get 4 outta 4 males ...woohoo <_< haha anyway heres the thread for it
