Win Pineapple Chunk 5 seeds - 2 Prizes from Gorilla SeedBank

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Win Pineapple chunk Gorilla Seeds
We are giving away Pineapple Chunk - 5 seeds to each winner.
2 prizes available here.
And more prizes on the main post here
Winners to be announced on June 29th or thereabouts on this page - check back then!
Let us know why you should be the winner of this great prize!
To be honest dont know why i should win these genetics but it would just be absolutely amazing to have the chance to grow and ahoq aome goeilla genetics from you guys and to be able to show and grow my first strain by you guys and to show others who haven't been able to work with your stuff to see what they can expect when they grow some of your guys genetics that is why i think i should win these if anything cheers
To be honest dont know why i should win these genetics but it would just be absolutely amazing to have the chance to grow and ahoq aome goeilla genetics from you guys and to be able to show and grow my first strain by you guys and to show others who haven't been able to work with your stuff to see what they can expect when they grow some of your guys genetics that is why i think i should win these if anything cheers
missed the boat.gif
Win Pineapple chunk Gorilla Seeds
We are giving away Pineapple Chunk - 5 seeds to each winner.
2 prizes available here.
And more prizes on the main post here
Winners to be announced on June 29th or thereabouts on this page - check back then!
Let us know why you should be the winner of this great prize!
I'm on my first indoor tent grow. Lots of learning left. I built the tent myself to do it cheaper and added auto water, 2 blue, red, blue red spectrum lights and 1 full spectrum. Seeds are expensive and I'd love the chance to try these.
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