wind burn?


I'm suspecting that I got a little windburn here, just wanted to see what you guys say..

these were transplanted about 2 weeks ago...
running under 600w about 30-35 inches above the canopy
temps peak at 78 and go down to 69-72 during lights off
humidity is always between 43-55.

This happened right after I changed the angle of my fan and turned it up to medium....the plant with the most damage is the one closest to the fan, and the damage wasn't just near the top, in fact most was on the growth tips near the bottom. Also, the damage was ONLY on the growth tips...

this is the damage on most of the plants...minimal but still there..

this is the one closest to the fan..



Well-Known Member
most problems are generally produced by changing the environment, so it could very well be th eproblem, change the fan back and see if any new tips get the same problems



um how about you try blasting your plants with the fan and we can see what happens

srsly tho..I might be in the mood for experimenting if it wasn't hurting the growth tips..shit slows down for a day / two when they get damaged



It keeps happening on random growth tips throughout the enclosure....

Is 45-50% humidity too low for 3rd week of veg?

(they are on week 3 or 4 I think..I got them as teens so I'm not sure)

Brick Top

New Member
You are not experiencing wind burn/dessication due to excessive wind. Judging by the leaf deformation and also leaf color in one picture it appears you have one or more deficiencies and it is possible they are caused by nute lockout due to pH problems rather than just insufficient amounts. What is your pH level?


Active Member
This is surely not wind burn. Wind burn is like brown spots(or areas if its serious) on leaf tips and margins and it happens on lower leaves first. Your problem looks like over fertilizing. Some nutrient is locked out. Wash your soil with fresh water. Don't add nutrients. It'll be helpful if you add vitamins. Just give fresh water until everything gets back to normal. Also Ph should be between 6 and 7.5 as Brick Top mentioned.


New Member
Your a ok ! its normal for some leave ends to deform some times its ok dotn sweat it ! Just grow your baby and keep her happy !


Thanks for helping guys..

All I've given them is Canna Bio Vega, Hygrozyme and Superthrive...

never even gotten over 300 ppm, all water / nutes are ph'd to within a few hundredths of 5.8

I used exactly the recommended amount on the bottle of hygrozyme....but I've heard that people only use a few drops per gallon.. I'm suspecting that I gave them too much. Maybe some day I'll try overdosing a clone on it purposefully and see if the curling is the same.

Anyone seen the results of too much Hygrozyme / Superthrive?