Window Effecting My Grow?

I have a week old sprout that has been growing on my window cell. I am just curios because I noticed no growth today, does the window screen on the window effect the sun's energy (light, sun rays) going to the plant at all? And does the glass on the window strengthen, weaken, or does NOT effect the sun light coming through what so ever? Just by common theory, I believe the screen and glass on my window have no effect to the growth at all.
I just wanted to be 100% sure because I am fairly new at this and wish for a successful grow as I didn't last year.
Please help, with actual experienced knowledge and not just your own theory, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Common theory? You mean the collective opinion of a bunch of people who never listened in physics class?

Both glass and a screen will affect the wave lengths of light hitting your plant but all in all, your seedling should be unaffected by the by these filtering qualities.

Best advice I ever got when dealing with seedlings...leave them the fuck alone.