window mount AC


i have a window mounted AC in my grow room. the AC unit has a white piece of foam about halfway threw the unit. when lights are out i can see the styrofoam glowing from the sunlight. is the sunlight able to penetrate the foam? will this screw up the 12/12 dark cycle? Thanks in advance Johnbs8


Active Member
There has been lots of debate about whether light leaks cause herming or not. You'll also find lots of tips of how to solve the problem if you decide it is, indeed, a problem. Use google advanced search and you can find many threads right on this forum discussing the issue. Just put in the bottom field "Search within a site or domain:" and search for "light leaks" in the top field. Here's the search page:


Active Member
By the way, from my own research, the general consensus seems to be that if the light is bright enough for you to distinguish color on the leaf, then it's bright enough for the plant to synthesize it. Even then, though, lots of debate over whether it's a problem for the plant or not.


i cant see the leafs on the plants. i cant see my hand in front of my face. but at the AC unit i can see the glow of the foam threw the vent. its prolly alright. ill have to see by trial n error lol ill def do the search thing though although you know how that goes. one says yes the other says no... thanks for the replys guys. John

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I took the vents out of my air conditioner and then painted the foam with flat black paint, three coats and then put the vents back in. Problem solved. It doesn't stop all the light but it does diminish it by about ninety percent and so far no problem with hermies and that was over a year ago.

I also caulked the seems as best I could and let the caulk dry before painting.