Windowsill grow Uk… help?


New Member
Ok so while high as a kite back in late feb I decided to germinate a bag seed, not really expecting much. I don’t have any equipment and have just let this plant grow in some generic soil, and just watered occasionally. It was on the windowsill but due to the size it now sits in my bath ( best room for lighting ). Anyways today I’ve noticed what looks like pistils to me? Is it showing as female?
Is this pre flower or just showing maturity?
And where should I go from here?
Is it likely to yield anything?
I feel like it would do much better with some lights but moneys really tight right now. Any cheap options? Should I be feeding it?
As from my username, I really have no clue and would appreciate any help!

Thanks, A



Well-Known Member
Congrats it's a girl. Other than being very stretchy it looks healthy actually I cant believe it hasn't been fed since Feb lol. You can top and train to manage size. Yield? Imo nothing without a decent light. Although the experience time counts for something being optimistic


New Member
Congrats it's a girl. Other than being very stretchy it looks healthy actually I cant believe it hasn't been fed since Feb lol. You can top and train to manage size. Yield? Imo nothing without a decent light. Although the experience time counts for something being optimistic
if I were to get it under a light now would there be hope?


Well-Known Member
Of course. You can keep it vegging as long as needed. Some training and light would improve it greatly imo


Well-Known Member
I cant really give you a cheap light suggestion but they exist. You'll need to start when you get a light on it as it will grow faster and start using up your soil nutes it's been living off for 3-4 months ?Your watering will slowly need to change as well.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Showing maturity. Ready to flower. If you don't put it under a decent light or get it in the full sun, and feed it, you'll just be pissing in the wind.


Well-Known Member
From what I've just seen, you are new to this even if you buy a cheap light, it's more likely than not..your gonna make allot of mistakes and will be lucky to yield anything. And light through that window will yield next to nothing. So what now?!