winter growing


Active Member
hey i have a plant in the window at the moment. i was just wondering what kind of light the sun gives off in the winter

and someone should probably cross breed a cannabis plant with a pine tree...haha, i wish


Well-Known Member
depends where you live. i live in the northern part of the US and we dont have much sunlite during the winter, its mostly cloudy here which sux.


Active Member
and growing outside during the winter.

so non knows what light the sun gives off in the southern ontario canada winter


Active Member
hello fellow canadian, i can tell you right now it wouldnt be much, cause the earth is on a different axis right now as the closer we get to winter the less powerful the sun will be cause were farther away. i could only imagine you wouldnt get a very good grow if at all, maybe get some autoflower loyryder and tell us how it goes, yah never know you might stumble upon something


Well-Known Member
autoflowering is the only way it would be possible. the light scedual that the sun has in the winter just isen't enough to sustain full cycle growth.

but it can be done, i know a guy in the okanagan valley that does this, one normal crop+ one auto flowering crop in the winter for 2 outdoor harvests each year.