Wiring computer fans


Well-Known Member
I have basic knowledge about series and parallel circuits, but before I go shocking myself to death I figured I would check with you guys first.

What is the best way to wire 2 computer fans to some kind of outlet plug? What voltage would I need to find?
This is possible right? Or would I need to use something like a 9V battery?

Diagrams would be great, thanks.
This is for a steath grow btw.


The Stig

Well-Known Member
computer fans uses 12volts DC
you can get a power adapter that has an output of 12v (also check how much amps your fans will use, it depends on the fan specifications, and check how much amps the AC adapter has)

if one ac apdater can handle both fans just plug both of them
also u can use a computer power supply, but for 2 fans would be a waste cost more than an ac adapt.

if u dont have any spare ac adapter just check on any local electronic store, radioshack or similar. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So I need to find a 12V DC adapter that has enough amps to power as many fans as I need?
How would I go about wiring this?



Well-Known Member
you just attach the wires together cover with electrical tape. Its pretty simple really. Its only 12 volts it cant hurt.


Well-Known Member
Im guessing you would be correct, however i've never tried attaching more than one fan to an adapter. Ive got lots of old chargers lying around so never had to.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link JC, that was great.
I have another question, I'm sorry.
I have 5 CFLs. 2 y-splitters. 4 x 23w and then a 65w.
To have them all on my timer, i need them on one plug.
Do I buy one of the cord hangers and then split it open and split it three ways to each adapter?

Please help, thanks