Wisconsin Outdoor Growing. Clones Strong Enough?

So I just took clones from an indoor plant. The clones are a week old and still look somewhat down. They will be ok by the end of week 2 most likely.

Now my question is will my clones survive if I plant them
outside next week. They are about 4 inches out of the ground.

If I plant them outside in let's sayy Wisconsin would they survive?
And would I be too late to plant in Wisconsin?

Should I wait to see new green to grow before replanting them
Do I have to do anything to get them
use to outdoor conditions or can I just put them right out there

Wisconsin is in the 70s I believe right now.

Thanks :)


Active Member
The weather if FINALLY getting beautiful out here isn't it! Now, as far as planting outside now and it being late. No absolutely not. Hell they're just getting field crops in. lol You can plant outside anytime of the summer really. The later you are just means your plants won't grow huge is all. They will be small and what not but still good. Your plants should reach maximum size, it's still plenty early enough though. To get them acclimated to the outdoors you could set em out during the day and bring em in at night but the nights are really starting to warm up now so you should be fine just throwing em out for good now. I don't foresee any frost coming anymore. lol Next, for size of your clones and whether or not they're big enough, as long as they have good roots established they will thrive. But, be sure to give them some kind of protection, like chicken wire or something to fend off rodents, cuz when they're that small well,,,, about one healthy feeding to a rabbit and they're toast. I'm thinking about starting a few just to throw out and let go for the summer. Aint started them yet but will soon usually I got em all out by now but trying the indoor thing so aint been to worried about it by the time it rolls around they should make atleast 4-5 ft tall. good luck to ya, hope this helped you out.

sgt d

Well-Known Member
Yeah, what the cutie with the bong said. Personally, I'd let em veg inside as long as I could stand to before putting em out. At least two more weeks, or until I saw strong, vigorous new growth. The day before/day of putting em out, I'd water em with B vitamin to help cushion the shock, and I'd keep that up for a week or 2. Whenever I water, there'd be some B vitamin in it. I swear it helps.

Make sure your local sunlight situation isn't such that it'll make em start to flower right away, unless that's what you're after. If it's not, and you're still gonna put em out, see if you can't arrange for some light to shine on them at night, to keep em vegging. They don't need much; if you can read a newspaper headline, it's enough light...


Well-Known Member
When you put them out, start them in the shade and slowly (over the course of a week) move them into direct sunlight.
Thanks that was the plan, and if I am correct when planting outside the yeild is bigger most of the time?
Can I use the normal ground dirt if broken up? Or should I put store bought dirt?
Or Maybe a mix of both?

There is moss growing on the ground