Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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Have you seen what the President is doing for jobs? nada
and it isnt just republicans that are fucked int he head you fucking democrats and all fucked with your obama worship...motherfucker wont even come out with his birth certificate to shut the republicans up.
I am for me and my family, I vote repub. just to keep a little money in MY pocket and not to help the lazy and the unemployed by choice.
fuckel, I hate politics.

You are one sick puppie!
Union is trying to BREAK the great people of Wis. Its a shame. they are being asked to pay for 12% of there healthcare. I would LOVE to only have to pay 12% of my healthcare. Come on the state is broke. unions are gonna ruin our country.

Not really, it is the greedy upper class that is raping and pillaging. Union workers just want a reasonable wage and job security. Unions made the middle class and the elites are trying to get rid of it.
my grandfather lost 2 fingers working in a sawmill at age 9. thanks to the unions you won't see many 9 year olds with missing fingers today.
It is all about how one sees things. Management has been brainwashed into thinking the unions are the enemy, by the owners. The union employees have seen what management does at the bargaining tables for long enough to realize that management does not have their best interest at heart. Are there bad lazy union employees, I'm pretty sure there are. In the type of union work I did, no slackers were allowed, if you were a lazy slob, you hit the bricks pretty soon. Even at the mixer driver division of the teamster union, no shenanigans were tolerated. You showed up, did your job in a professional manner or you were shown the door. If you damaged any company equipment, you were immediately drug tested, if you tested positive, you were done. If you had more than one accident in 2 years, automatic dismissal. When I was a union carpenter, even looking like you were moving at a slow pace could get you fired. I was mostly the foreman on the carpenter jobs, and hand picked my boys for my crew, ran a concrete crew for 8 years, now there's some real work.
You know folks. If it wasn't for the Unions and Wisconsin, we wouldn't have 8 hour work days, 5 day work weeks (that's right, no weekends), workers compensation, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, benefits, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The list goes on and on.
You know folks. If it wasn't for the Unions and Wisconsin, we wouldn't have 8 hour work days, 5 day work weeks (that's right, no weekends), workers compensation, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, benefits, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The list goes on and on.
A 40 hour work-week is for losers and slackers.

Put in 65....

Put in 70....

You MIGHT get my respect.

Otherwise... not so much. :-P

The affluent work their asses off.

Deal with it...

or stage a 'sick out.'
A 40 hour work-week is for losers and slackers.

Put in 65....

Put in 70....

You MIGHT get my respect.

Otherwise... not so much. :-P

The affluent work their asses off.

Deal with it...

or stage a 'sick out.'

I'm still trying find out if you have a point or not. It's like talking politics with a three year old. Can't you find some other thread to troll?
Ahh, the old push poll tactic. First off the people of Wisconsin elected the Governor to do just what he is doing. You equate the people with the unions, which is a flat out miss representation of the facts.

Ask your self if the liberal arts degree you have hanging on the wall represents an actual education, or just that your professors completely molded your thought process.
Ahh, the old push poll tactic. First off the people of Wisconsin elected the Governor to do just what he is doing. You equate the people with the unions, which is a flat out miss representation of the facts.

Ask your self if the liberal arts degree you have hanging on the wall represents an actual education, or just that your professors completely molded your thought process.

You mean my professors at BYU? One of THE conservative schools in the nation. Privately owned by the LDS Church. Those liberal communist professors? Is that who you're referring to?

You really should get your facts before trying to paint me into a corner as a HORRIBLE LIBERAL. They voted the Governor into office with the promise he would balance the budget. He never said anything about crippling and dismantling unions in that state. This has nothing to do with balancing the budget or has any fiscal benefit whatsoever. The Unions agreed to the cuts in pay and benefits. They, however, do not agree to losing the right to collective bargaining. This isn't just about Wisconsin. it's going on all over the place. Even here in my home state. Ohio is next. Then Florida. We're already fighting it here.
I gratefully accept your dunce cap on behalf of my mathematical error. As I previously stated, I was high.

the dunce cap was not for an extra zero. thus, you earn another: :dunce:

The calculation error does not diminish my point, however. In fact, your correction further clarifies it.

Thanks Buck!

you won't be thanking me by the time half a million wisconsinites are protesting (maybe not all at once, same as egypt).

If it was about education, public school teachers would not be closing down schools due to 'sick outs.'

it is about education, as well as worker rights.

should they just sit aside and let bargaining rights disappear? boy, that would SURELY sweeten the deal for future generations of educators. have another::dunce:

It's about union demands and cowardly Democratic state Senators who refuse to honor their oath to the state Constitution.

what demands? educators and other public sector employees did not CAUSE the recession and the enormous shortfalls thereafter. they even took pay freezes, unpaid furloughs, and are offering more sacrifices, just like the rest of us.

the only 'demand' they have made is to leave their bargaining rights alone.

they are not demanding more of anything. they are offering concessions, rather. so, have another::dunce:

boy, wtf did unions ever do to piss you off so much, johnny?
Liberal arts degree? You my friend are a seriously jaded individual.

You mean my professors at BYU? One of THE conservative schools in the nation. Privately owned by the LDS Church. Those liberal communist professors? Is that who you're referring to?

You really should get your facts before trying to paint me into a corner as a HORRIBLE LIBERAL. They voted the Governor into office with the promise he would balance the budget. He never said anything about crippling and dismantling unions in that state. This has nothing to do with balancing the budget or has any fiscal benefit whatsoever. The Unions agreed to the cuts in pay and benefits. They, however, do not agree to losing the right to collective bargaining. This isn't just about Wisconsin. it's going on all over the place. Even here in my home state. Ohio is next. Then Florida. We're already fighting it here.
I'm still trying find out if you have a point or not. It's like talking politics with a three year old. Can't you find some other thread to troll?
So now I am a TROLL!

Heavens to Mergatroid!

It appears that SOMEONE (you) is down to the last arrow in his quiver.



Come to think of it... it IS sort of like attempting to talk politics with a toddler. :clap:

So keep trying....

So you choose to deflect based on a typographical error. Brilliant.

obtuse metal processing is an ages old tradition in which pieces of metal are shaped into forms of art totaling greater than 90 degrees. QED.

Unions constantly make demands. Which is why many states are in the fiscal peril they currently find themselves in.

good luck showing how unions put the state (or the country for that matter) in the mess we are in.

i believe you would have a better chance going after the fat cats on wall street, or the politicos in washington.

The state of Wisconsin is trying to walk back some of those overly-generous concessions made to government employees when times were good.

ie renege on contractual promises they made.

if i promise not to call you a dog fucker, and sign a contract not to call you a dog fucker, should i still be able to call you a dog fucker?

Now the unions are encouraging people to mob the state capitol to DEMAND that the legislation not pass.

silly unions, believing that contracts and promises were made to be kept :roll:

how NAIVE.

Yeah, union goons are thugs. If you need proof of that then 'obtuse' does not even begin to describe you.

hoffa, perhaps.

but your caricature is not one size fits all.

you know this.
They can't strike. They strike, they forfeit their jobs.

A sick-out is a strike, albeit a very cowardly one since they are still getting paid. And any public employee proved abusing a sick day should be terminated.

I hope school boards are examining all video of the protests and taking notes of who they see protesting while 'sick.'

i see that halo around your head is shining bright, johnny.

i bet you never took a sick day to play hooky.

tell me i'm right :eek:
IS this really the path the Republicans are going to take? Look at whats happened over the last few weeks:

Getting rid of child labor laws in Missouri:http://www.komu.com/KOMU/d7e2017e-8...9cb/35ed36cf-80ce-18b5-019b-0d698051d94e.html

John Boehner outright lies about the amount of government employees (fact is govt employment is the LOWEST its been in over 40 years) and then says "so be it" to job losses:.......So I have to ask the Orange man the same question he asked of Obama "WHERE ARE THE JOBS?"\

And now trying to bust the unions, way to stand up for the common working person Republicans. The contempt for all govt. employees is ridiculous. The idea of laying the blame for our economy at the feet of teachers, cops, firefighters and other govt employees is pathetic.

I could actually take this a little seriously if the Republicans were actually serious about balancing the budget. If they were they would stop the farm subsidies, oil company corporate tax bailouts (you realize they get tax REFUNDS right?) and end the 2 pointless wars we are in. Yep, tax breaks for Exxon while we cut pay and benefits for teachers, cops and firefighters.

LOL great strategy for success in 2012.

i love you. my thoughts exactly.