The problem is:
If the USA tries to put tariffs in place, the trading partner will react in kind.
Tariffs placed on China's goods, will result in tariffs on the American products they import.
The USA has little enough exports as it is, and with higher tariffs - American exports would fall even lower than their current level.
Everything is not as easy as many seem to think - every action results in a reaction from someone else.
I realize that it is not as simple as that. However, America is one of the richest countries in the world even with the debt we hold. In free trade money flows from prosperous nations to the lower cost nations. China doesn't import much of our products. If the Chinese products weren't being bought here then American products would be. We could live without trade with China. While it isn't a simple situation the simple explanation is money is only going from America to China and Tariffs would stop the money from moving. Which would be good for America. While it wouldn't build overall business it would increase American manufacturing at least.
Someone else mentioned trade partners should be held to certain standards of pay and ect. It costs less to live like we do in China - it would only help to a certain point.
The end result of the path we are on is everything will even out. Once our level of living has dropped to where China's or China's has risen enough to match ours then it will become a partnership. As it is we are simply supporting China's growth.