Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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John picking the low hanging fruit is the easy and honestly spineless way of trimming the budget. The cuts all come to the same group: lower class and the poor.

I care about cuts that actually will result in REAL savings, not bullshit Moral targets (PP, PBS, NPR) that the GOP has had in their sights for a long time. Yeah John, making a poor woman unable to get a pap smear will really go far in balancing the budget. Collectively PBS, NPR and planned parenthood dont amount to a whole lot of the budget and you know it......like I said a year ago, the cause got hijacked by the moral majority types. ....Keep pushing that far right Christian Conservative bullshit, while not touching our major expenditures, oil and farm subsidies is a punt. Plain and simple.

And again, Wisconsin now has not 1 damned thing to do with the budget, it is about union busting. If we are so intent on lowering government expenditures why not cut pay for the military and slash their benefits too? They are federal employees too..........And dont forget John, when your side shuts down the government along w/ SS checks not being issued, military pay checks wont go out either. Way to support our troops :-)
Opposing a cut because it is relatively small in terms of the entire budget is a chickenshit defense. I say nothing should be exempt. If a Federal agency or expenditure does not meet Constitutional muster, cut it.

John here some info for you

Tax year 2009 GE generated $10.3 billion in pretax income, but ended up owing nothing to Uncle Sam. In fact, it recorded a tax benefit of $1.1 billion.

Same tax year Exxon Mobil received a $156 million refund

Chevron received $19 million back

Valero received $157 million

Thats bullshit and you know it John.....My little tattoo shop has a higher tax burden than fucking Exxon, GE, and Valero combined?
You support cutting early childhood education, health care cuts for woman, hacking away at teacher salaries but you wont ask the oil companies to pay a damned red cent in taxes.....you keep ignoring that point, in all my posts, i wonder why?

because you have become what you cried about last yer an elitist. Take from the poor and hand it right over to the oil companies.
I stated that there should be no subsidies. Meaning I agree with you. How does that qualify as ignoring your posts?

When I owned my company the net income of the company was considered my personal income, as sole proprietor, as far as the government was concerned. Even though it was the income of the business and did not represent my actual salary.

A company posting a net loss owes no income taxes regardless of what it posts as gross income in its financial statements. Which was the case with GE if I remember correctly. And they accepted TARP funding. Another boondoggle I opposed.

As far as the oil companies are concerned, I need some context. I am not questioning your numbers, Ink, but I need to see some sourcing to vet them. I am respectfully requesting a link to a source.

And yes, you have claimed to be an Independent before. You stand with the Proggies so often, it slipped my mind. Mea culpa.
Talk about the Modern Marie Antoinette.

I was reported today that Sarah Palin's failed "reality show" will be receiving a 1.2 million dollar tax credit. Meanwhile she is telling the Wisconsin protesters that they, "must be willing to make sacrifices."

Yes, thank you Sarah Palin for putting things into perspective. This is a perfect example of the insane disparity going on in this nation. She is a multi-millionaire receiving over a million dollars in tax credits for a failed business venture.
Talk about the Modern Marie Antoinette.

I was reported today that Sarah Palin's failed "reality show" will be receiving a 1.2 million dollar tax credit. Meanwhile she is telling the Wisconsin protesters that they, "must be willing to make sacrifices."

Yes, thank you Sarah Palin for putting things into perspective. This is a perfect example of the insane disparity going on in this nation. She is a multi-millionaire receiving over a million dollars in tax credits for a failed business venture.

What kind of tax credit do you suppose a Company like Exxon Gets?
I quite agree, lets eliminate all tax credits. Better yet, let go to a flat tax. And while your at it, let's limit voter rolls to people that actually contribute. Now that would be real social justice.

That was my point. :) Sarah was an example. Tax credits for the rich (whether for individuals or corporations) need to end.
Government employees are leaches anyway tell them to stop whining and produce something of value and that does not include beurocracy.
Anybody else notice the lack of diversity among the protesters, seems like it’s just a bunch of white people. They must be a bunch of racist.
Opposing a cut because it is relatively small in terms of the entire budget is a chickenshit defense. I say nothing should be exempt. If a Federal agency or expenditure does not meet Constitutional muster, cut it.

Its not a defense, more of an observation of small things being targeted while the real whales aren't touched......

I stated that there should be no subsidies. Meaning I agree with you. How does that qualify as ignoring your posts?

When I owned my company the net income of the company was considered my personal income, as sole proprietor, as far as the government was concerned. Even though it was the income of the business and did not represent my actual salary.

A company posting a net loss owes no income taxes regardless of what it posts as gross income in its financial statements. Which was the case with GE if I remember correctly. And they accepted TARP funding. Another boondoggle I opposed.

You are correct, they claimed a loss on all their US stuff, and then claimed all the $ overseas to avoid paying those taxes in the US.

As far as the oil companies are concerned, I need some context. I am not questioning your numbers, Ink, but I need to see some sourcing to vet them. I am respectfully requesting a link to a source.

I honestly cant remember all the individual links, I'm rushed; dropping the kids off at my sisters for some quality time w/ the wife......Most of it camr from a Forbes article

And yes, you have claimed to be an Independent before. You stand with the Proggies so often, it slipped my mind. Mea culpa.

LOL this is ALWAYS the case....I am moderate, which means I take shit from all sides.....
To the Right Im a "RINO" or a "Proggie" or some other label because I dont support abortion bans and some other conservative social platforms.
To the Left, Im not a "true dem" because Im more conservative the their base on issues like illegal immigration etc., national defense

LOL this is ALWAYS the case....I am moderate, which means I take shit from all sides.....
To the Right Im a "RINO" or a "Proggie" or some other label because I dont support abortion bans and some other conservative social platforms.
To the Left, Im not a "true dem" because Im more conservative the their base on issues like illegal immigration etc., national defense
I know the feeling.

Although I would like to think of myself as a Conservative, most Republicans I encounter do not consider me Conservative at all. I might agree with them on 75% of the issues, but areas we disagree on are HUGE.

I just want my federal government to confine itself to the Constitution. There are Federal issues and there are state issues. States can't print currency because the Constitution prohibits it. And Congress should not decide anything on a state issue that the Constitution does not give it the authority to act on. For that, both ends of the political spectrum label me an extremist.

Because I believe the Establishment Clause and Equal Protection under the Law, both constitutionally sound; many Republicans would disavow me.

Because I firmly believe in the right to bear arms and border security, both Constitutionally sound as well; some Leftists label me a violent bigot.

For the sake of making this post germane, here's a little video.

Soon as you bring Rachel Madcow into the picture any semblance of truth will be completely spun.

Wackenhut Provides border and Customs security for the USA.

Look up Chad Wegener
Soon as you bring Rachel Madcow into the picture any semblance of truth will be completely spun.

Why? Because You say so?

She is a brilliant very well educated commentator with impeccable credentials and is well known for her fact checking.
All things considered, if Wisconsin's Gov REALLY wanted to save that $130 million budget shortfall, they would remove the tax breaks they give Walmart of $140 million a year, and keep our public employees happy.