Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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And it's ridiculous when conservatives complain that people without kids have to pay taxes for public schools. Society would come to a screeching halt without free public education.

What % of scientists, doctors, lawyers, do think you came from public schools?

What kind of labor force would US corporations have to draw from if it weren't for public schools?
I don't think you have it out for teacher's, I just think are you're another victim of the extremely vast and powerful right-wing infosphere.
That couldn't possibly be it. I don't watch Television, nor do I listen to Radio or Read Right Wing blogs nor am I a member of any republican organization. I don't have it out for teachers either, I just feel that the public should not be forced to pay for every little thing they whine about.
Where do you get your information from them? Surely you aren't completely cut off from society?

Oh and heres another good one for ya:


Education spending as a %GDP. Guess where the US sits on the list? Tied for 37, with Estonia and Latvia.

I just feel that the public should not be forced to pay for every little thing

It's a PUBLIC Education system, who else is supposed to pay for it? LOL
Besides, in WI they had already agreed to EVERY SINGLE financial concession demanded of them, the only thing they wanted to hold on to was their bargaining rights, this isn't about money.

Do you really think the US would be better off if every kid who come from a household which made less than $100,000 a year couldn't go to school?
Because if the conservatives keep getting their way that is what is going to happen. Oh, there might still be a public school system in place, but you won't be able to
call what it does any more than babysitting. Babysitting costs a LOT less taxpayer money than teaching.
And it's ridiculous when conservatives complain that people without kids have to pay taxes for public schools. Society would come to a screeching halt without free public education.

What % of scientists, doctors, lawyers, do think you came from public schools?

What kind of labor force would US corporations have to draw from if it weren't for public schools?
Gosh, how did America get to where we are today since after all , we didn't even have public schools until the latter half of the 1800's. Guess when the Industrial revolution in America was? BEFORE PUBLIC EDUCATION!!! You must be wrong.
Yep and streets filled with vagrants! ;)

Typical dismissal. I don't know about you, but I don't like to see people begging for money, sleeping on the street when I'm going out for some drinks, or getting dinner. I don't have any kids, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to expose them to that kind of enviroment either.
Where do you get your information from them? Surely you aren't completely cut off from society?

Oh and heres another good one for ya:


Education spending as a %GDP. Guess where the US sits on the list? Tied for 37, with Estonia and Latvia.

LOL and Cuba is NUMBER 1!!!! The top 10 list looks like a real smorgasbord of Intellectual capacity. Notice how only Denmark is a western style nation. For God's sake just look at where Japan and Germany are. Your list proves jack and shit.
Typical dismissal. I don't know about you, but I don't like to see people begging for money, sleeping on the street when I'm going out for some drinks, or getting dinner. I don't have any kids, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to expose them to that kind of enviroment either.
Spend more time in downtown San Diego my friend, you will get used to them. MMMM they can smell ketchup soup a block away. Oh and for the record, the Bums like being on the street less than you like seeing them there, but they can't make it in the suburbs because not a whole lot of folks walking around that have spare change like people who are shopping do. Homeless people are mostly just like you and I, they just don't have a place to live and hang their hat. There a re SOME crazy homeless that can never be rehabbed, no matter how much money you give them.

I don't know of too many homeless school teachers.
Gosh, how did America get to where we are today since after all , we didn't even have public schools until the latter half of the 1800's. Guess when the Industrial revolution in America was? BEFORE PUBLIC EDUCATION!!! You must be wrong.

Yeah, that was great, when 8 year olds went to work in the sock factories and the coal mines instead of going to school. Life sure was better than.

You talk about the Industrial Revolution, what about the computer revolution? Do you think that would have been possible without public schools?
Gosh, how did America get to where we are today since after all , we didn't even have public schools until the latter half of the 1800's. Guess when the Industrial revolution in America was? BEFORE PUBLIC EDUCATION!!! You must be wrong.

ah, the good ol' days.

when only the rich, white, landowning class was literate.

when a man could expect to live to the ripe old age of 45.

when the kiddies would labor in the mines rather than go to school.

if you want to return to those times, you are retarded. truly retarded.
Actually my point was that teachers aren't UNDER compensated and do not need more money. They get paid just fine. And 20 years is not a whole lot of time to spend in one career to be able to collect a retirement. You could easily go work another 20 years at the Post Office and get 2 retirements by the time you get to collect SS. Talk about well funded.

So now your saying that Teachers spend as much time in school as say a brain surgeon eh? Sure you aren't the one with limited mental capacity? Takes 4 years to get a degree to teach. How did I come up with 105K? well 51K for 9 months work is the same as $5,666 per month. so add 16,998 to 51k and you get 68K for a 12 month job, add in the value of all those tax payer funded benefits and you get 34K for that, add 34K to 68K and you get 102K, now extrapolate that as the average and you can easily see them getting total compensation over 105K.

Teachers don't have the most important job in the world, parents do.

Most home-schooled children run circles around public educated kids when it comes to knowledge. No one pays those parents to teach, and those parents still pay property tax so your kid can get a free shitty education.

If money is the answer then how come with the 300% increase in Government funding we have slipped 38 spots in world standing? The opposite of what you preach makes much more sense.

College Professors teach adults skills they need to know to survive in a area of specialization. Public schooling is 70% indoctrination , 20% learning and 10% playing.

You want to improve education? Get people who give a shit to do the teaching. Also we could do plenty about getting rid of no child left behind, that's just a farcical way of passing kids through the grades and graduating them even though they are illiterate.

One of my neighbors is a Elementary school teacher and is one of our very good friends. I almost married a High School teacher.

teachers do not earn 100k per year. the number is full of SHIT.

teachers do not work 9 months out of the year. some of the TEACH during the summer. others work as counselors somewhere else. my sister is a teacher, a pretty high up there teacher, the head of the science department at a highschool with more than 3000 students. she does not earn 50k per year, not even close. she does NOT work 9 months out of the year. more like 10.5 months of the year with few nights or weekends off b/c of all the classwork she gets to grade, coordinating the science fair, organizing the science clubs, the meetings with the principals, parents, teachers and students, attending NCLB events, etc etc etc etc.... she gets 2 weeks vacation TOTAL per year. my sister would literally knock a tooth out of your mouth if you tried to convince her that teachers earn an average of 105k per year. AND SHE'S BEEN AT THIS MORE THAN A DECADE, SHE'S NO ROOKIE.... b/c it's a LIEEE... the numbers you are 'estimating' to be the 'value' of their perks are INFLATED AND MISLEADING.


we did not slip 38 spots. we were never a leader. we just thought we were.

teacher's don't have the most important job in the world, you're right, but when parent's are there, we should expect teachers to pick up the slack, an vice-versa.... it's not a competition... it's a complementing process, raising a respectable member of society.....
Typical dismissal. I don't know about you, but I don't like to see people begging for money, sleeping on the street when I'm going out for some drinks, or getting dinner. I don't have any kids, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to expose them to that kind of enviroment either.

thats why we have prisons and Ohio to ship the unwanted there

but when you self righteous, public educated idiots come for a job, you are looking at the private or home schooled people who run those companies to have mercy on your stupid ass and give you a job for $10. So we may have taken a few licks in school now and then but it is always nice to see those people who had such fun tormenting the privately educated, as they are today, broken in mind and spirit.
Spend more time in downtown San Diego my friend, you will get used to them. MMMM they can smell ketchup soup a block away. Oh and for the record, the Bums like being on the street less than you like seeing them there, but they can't make it in the suburbs because not a whole lot of folks walking around that have spare change like people who are shopping do. Homeless people are mostly just like you and I, they just don't have a place to live and hang their hat. There a re SOME crazy homeless that can never be rehabbed, no matter how much money you give them.

I don't want to get used to them. Ketchup soup... That's funny though.

Truman, Churchill, Ghandi. They were wrong I guess. Fuck the poor!
ah, the good ol' days.

when only the rich, white, landowning class was literate.

when a man could expect to live to the ripe old age of 45.

when the kiddies would labor in the mines rather than go to school.

if you want to return to those times, you are retarded. truly retarded.
Dude don't insult retarded people by insinuating that they are on the same level as I am.
If you want freedom you have to be able to take care of yourself bottom line. I want my freedom so I take care of myself and don't blame a 'cruel world' when I fail to take care of my responsibilities. People are too dramatic, when push comes to shove people find ways to survive. Not everyone will up and decide to become a vagrant simply because most don't desire that lifestyle. It's sad to see that we are so afraid to forge a better way. Don't defend a failed system create a better way!
LOL and Cuba is NUMBER 1!!!! The top 10 list looks like a real smorgasbord of Intellectual capacity. Notice how only Denmark is a western style nation. For God's sake just look at where Japan and Germany are. Your list proves jack and shit.

Ummmm....my list proves that the US doesn't spend more than the rest of the Western Nations on education, you were the only claiming the US spent too much on education. My list shows they are near the bottom of the pack as far as %GDP.

Countries above them...

Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Israel, Finland, Belgium, Iceland, Switzerland, Portugal....most of which are known to have GREAT public school systems.

The only modernized nations below them which have "good" public education besides Germany and Japan which are already pointed out are

Austria, France, the UK, and Canada...of which Canada falls the furthest behind spending a whole .5% GDP less then the US.
teacher's don't have the most important job in the world, you're right, but when parent's are there, we should expect teachers to pick up the slack, an vice-versa.... it's not a competition... it's a complementing process, raising a respectable member of society.....
At least we can agree on this. BTW the Numbers i was using were representative of Teachers In Wisconsin, on average one of the highest wage and benefits states in the nation. Certainly teachers in North Dakota at an average wage of $36,000 should be complaining more than just about anyone but South Dakotans at $34k. How come there aren't any huge displays of anger and protest in those states? Maybe all those teachers in Wisconsin can put their money where their mouth is and go to Pierre, South Dakota and let the Governor there know what they think about crappy teacher wages.
teachers do not earn 100k per year. the number is full of SHIT.

HMMMM...well looks like they make around 80 for 10 months of work and the 80,000 does not include benefit,
i.e. health insurance and pension, add those to the 80 and ya got 100...HMMMMMMMM