Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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You just make this stuff up don't you? Wisconsin Teachers pensions provide an average of $54,000 a year. Someone with 35 years in will receive 90% of their last years pay as a yearly pension. I know many many people who worked 50 or 60 years and receive 0% and have to rely on SS and Family to make ends meet.

yes, but are the grand majority of those people who 'work 50 or 60 years and don't get a pension' college educated professionals? are they staying in the same field their whole working lives?

hell, even my job provides a 3% match on 401k...and my job is the type of job someone with a mere HS diploma would do. put aside 10% of your check every week (easier to not spend it if you never see it), get a 3% match worth of free money, and let interest build at 3-8%...supplement with SS...easy retirement.

i am going to grow a shit ton of weed in my golden years.
The world is so full of shit, it's amazing that anyone can extrapolate any truth from anything at any given time. You can't see the forest through the trees. Especially if those trees can be used to turn a profit, or print more currency. Cause we all know that will fix everything. All I can see in this thread is the pot calling the kettle black. I haven't read a single, "that's a good point. Here are my thoughts on that." Just insidious rants.
I am all for being self-sufficient, believe me. But like it or not we are stuck with the reality we have, and the reality is people rely on each other, people rely on society, we can't all just build cabins in the woods and start farming for ourselves. When you live in an urban environment and their are 10 job seekers for every job there isn't much you can do but rely on others. Just look at what happened during the Great Depression.
You've obviously missed the point of my whole diatribe. Where did I mention living in the woods? I live in society too and I understand my certain level of dependence but that does not divorce me from responsibility for myself and
my actions. If you can not find a job stop looking! There are still a million and and one ways to make money in this country. Have we become so boxed in our self defeating helpless mindset that it has become impossible to innovate? I'm not sure what you guys have been doing; between the short breaks I've taken to blab on here I have dug about 600 pounds of rocks from the ground. I'm planting a garden in the back of our warehouse. It will cost me about $20 when it's all said and done, for what? Thousands of dollars worth of healthy fresh food spring through fall. So if instead of protesting these so called 'educators' as someone put it if each planted a garden they would save thousands on food 'supplementing' their income. If they worked together they could probably even have fundraisers or a farmers market. That's just a couple ideas, people make to many excuses. So yes I do have my freedom in America because it's a state of mind and being and is never decided by anyone but myself.
You just make this stuff up don't you? Wisconsin Teachers pensions provide an average of $54,000 a year. Someone with 35 years in will receive 90% of their last years pay as a yearly pension. I know many many people who worked 50 or 60 years and receive 0% and have to rely on SS and Family to make ends meet.

So? 54k isn't huge.

Because you know some people who didn't save in a 401k or get a job that offered a pension, no one should get one? What is your point?

And in today's society 35 years is a LONG FUCKING TIME to hold down one job. Most people entering the work force today will have held 20+ jobs and 4+ career fields by the time they retire.
You've obviously missed the point of my whole diatribe. Where did I mention living in the woods? I live in society too and I understand my certain level of dependence but that does not divorce me from responsibility for myself and
my actions. If you can not find a job stop looking! There are still a million and and one ways to make money in this country. Have we become so boxed in our self defeating helpless mindset that it has become impossible to innovate? I'm not sure what you guys have been doing; between the short breaks I've taken to blab on here I have dug about 600 pounds of rocks from the ground. I'm planting a garden in the back of our warehouse. It will cost me about $20 when it's all said and done, for what? Thousands of dollars worth of healthy fresh food spring through fall. So if instead of protesting these so called 'educators' as someone put it if each planted a garden they would save thousands on food 'supplementing' their income. If they worked together they could probably even have fundraisers or a farmers market. That's just a couple ideas, people make to many excuses. So yes I do have my freedom in America because it's a state of mind and being and is never decided by anyone but myself.

What about people who live in apartments? lol. In Urban areas there aren't many people who have space to grow their own food.
What about people who live in apartments? lol. In Urban areas there aren't many people who have space to grow their own food.

More excuses, I lived in manhattan we had a community garden and I grew on the roof of our building. This was just one idea . . .
More excuses, I lived in manhattan we had a community garden and I grew on the roof of our building. This was just one idea . . .

i highly doubt that after accounting for soil, containers, water, nutrients, seeds, and starts that you would profit (much less break even) on a veggie garden. especially with the cost of rent in manhattan.

weed, perhaps.
It's a bunch of people trying to turn this country into a democracy and some others trying to turn us communist and others who want socialisim
I don't want a democracy, I would not mind a constitutional republic. Containers? I have a huge pile of old soil from previous grows and scrap lumber for the borders. Seeds cost $20, want to tell me something else is impossible that I do often? The savings I was referring to was on your grocery bill and yes you can easily grow hundreds of pounds of fresh produce.
I don't want a democracy, I would not mind a constitutional republic. Containers? I have a huge pile of old soil from previous grows and scrap lumber for the borders. Seeds cost $20, want to tell me something else is impossible that I do often? The savings I was referring to was on your grocery bill and yes you can easily grow hundreds of pounds of fresh produce.

you keep enough soil and lumber in your apartment in manhattan to grow hundreds of pounds of produce?

brool story, co.
I did not spend the time to read through the entire thread, but I have been reading numerous individuals comments, and a lot of it really baffles me.

How can corporate agenda's and leaders really convince the people of America that unions are the problem? Are they fucking blind? When less than three percent of the population controls the vast majority of the income.... Really? Your that ignorant.

Instead of agreeing with your corporate masters, and essentially bidding your hard earned wages lower and lower and lower. Why wouldn't an intelligent individual look at the situation as ask "Why am I not making those wages?" "Why am I not getting those benefits?" or "Why am I not receiving that pension?". Work together with your brothers and sisters in the middle class and learn from their struggles of the past and DEMAND MORE FROM THESE CORPORATE DOUCHE BAGS FOR FUCKS SAKES!

It only would take a fucking half retarded monkey to realize that the unions are not the reason that Wisconsin and essentially the entire United States is tits up in debt. The unions probably eat up such an insignificant portion of the budget that its baffeling to me that people would actually be dumb enough to argue essentially against themselves (by argueing against their common hard working man) earning more money, benefits and pension then they do. Hell, Im Canadian and I look at the situation and if I were a citizen of Wisconsin I would be PROUD that for example Wisconsin leads much of the United States with some of the highest SAT scores among their students. Would this be the case in a non-unionized education? NO! Hell no! Just look at some statistics among many of the other states in which have passed such detrimental laws against the public section unions. This is just one example.

People are so mis-guided in bringing too much political talk into this situation. They need to take the blinders off and start looking at the bigger picture. Corporations have raped and pillaged your country. They quite literally pulled the wool over your eyes. The problem is American politicians being bought out by corporate interest's and outsourcing soooooooooooo many jobs first to Mexico (and still) and then to numerous Asian and other foreign markets. Then turning around and SELLING it to moronic people who are willing to buy it. Its essentially the ultimate con scheme. Your politicans have done NOTHING to cease this behavoir, in which even as a Canadian I know your forefathers were so proud about not having corporate interest's playing a part in the political system (just do a little fucking research for once and look up some quotes from good ol Abe, instead of turning on your god damn retarded CNN or FOXNEWS channels to gather all your misguided corporate fueled information).

I must admit I am biased in this issue as I am a proud union member in Canada. And this issue has really touched home for me which urges me to disregard my usually well thought out and diplomatic responses.

But seriously, FOR ONCE, dont fall for your corporate puppet masters. STOP AND THINK.

Ask why am I not making a sufficient amount of money?
Ask why am I not getting more benefits?
Ask why am I not getting a better pension, or a pension at all?

I can guarantee you one thing. It is NOT because of the unions in your country. If anything, by getting rid of the ONLY associations looking out for the common worker, you will quickly realize what the majority of other "have less" nations all ready know. Sure you may get a few more jobs, but they will not be worth what you are. DONT SELL YOURSELF SHORT. You have just as much right to make an honest living as those fucktards who justify their multi-million dollar bonuses and salaries. I cant event count how many American friends I have who are well educated and can not find work. This is not so much a debate of union versus non. But it is a debate of the people against the corporations and their government, there will come a time when people will need to stand up in a simple non-violent manner and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

The road you are going down is an abysmal one. For gods sake do not let your greedy immoral fuck tard politicians convince you that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You did not rack up your deficits. And saving a piss in the pond $150,000,000.00 in one fiscal year by utterly destroying working conditions for some of your most important societal positions is not the answer. All you are going to do is make the rich even richer, the poor even poorer, the middle class non-existent and all the while lowering the standards in your public (and very important) sectors. To suggest otherwise is just moronic, and is a tell tale sign that you need to shut off your television, take a deep breath, and think for yourselves. I can believe how many American's whether their democrats or republicans speak out against how they cant trust their politicians, cant believe decisions they are making, and then turn around, turn on the TV and take whatever they hear from various news stations THAT ARE DIRECTLY OWNED BY THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT, and take whatever they hear as gospel.

Seriously, shut your lights off, sit in silence and think to yourself. Regardless of what you do, do you think you deserve more as a citizen then merely making ends meet? Do you agree with what your country is doing? Do you agree that less that 3% of the population should be making over 90% of the money? Is that right? In a world you imagined as a child, is that what you expected? If you dont agree, the for fucks sake stand in solidarity with your common citizen and FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It does not require violence, if anything that is the most detrimental course of action. It simply requires simple, peaceful activism.

In the end, I guess I can only speak to my own situation. In Canada unions are not the strongest, but they are not blatantly attacked and blamed for our countries shortcomings. Why? Because that is fucking retarded. I worked for two years as a welder (non union) in Alberta, one of the richest provinces in Canada, as a type one diabetic my benefits were shit, I barely made ends meet, and I worked only average 12 hours a day in an extremely hard working environment. I got sick, was let go from work, was in bed for over seven months. When I got better, I freely joined up with IBEW Local 424. My benefits cover ALL my medical expenses, I get a great pension, a great RRSP plan, a fair wage, and I am well respected and work in a fair working environment. I am only a third year apprentice and pulled $118,000.00 last year in the Alberta Oil sands. The company I work for made an extremely nice profit for the fiscal year and is very happy with their relationship with us. I am not a religious person of any sort, but if I was I would thank whatever higher power I subscribed to every day for the union I belong too. They have quite literally changed my life. Since joining I have recommended numerous friends to join who have enjoyed the same experiences.

Our public unions are much the same, they are not bringing down OUR government. They are not contributing to OUR governments fiscal shortcomings. And no-one with a kindergarten education would EVER suggest as much.

Well that's my thoughts, If I offended anyone in my post I sincerely apologize, not intended. Cheers!
I did not spend the time to read through the entire thread, but I have been reading numerous individuals comments, and a lot of it really baffles me.

How can corporate agenda's and leaders really convince the people of America that unions are the problem? Are they fucking blind? When less than three percent of the population controls the vast majority of the income.... Really? Your that ignorant.

Instead of agreeing with your corporate masters, and essentially bidding your hard earned wages lower and lower and lower. Why wouldn't an intelligent individual look at the situation as ask "Why am I not making those wages?" "Why am I not getting those benefits?" or "Why am I not receiving that pension?". Work together with your brothers and sisters in the middle class and learn from their struggles of the past and DEMAND MORE FROM THESE CORPORATE DOUCHE BAGS FOR FUCKS SAKES!

It only would take a fucking half retarded monkey to realize that the unions are not the reason that Wisconsin and essentially the entire United States is tits up in debt. The unions probably eat up such an insignificant portion of the budget that its baffeling to me that people would actually be dumb enough to argue essentially against themselves (by argueing against their common hard working man) earning more money, benefits and pension then they do. Hell, Im Canadian and I look at the situation and if I were a citizen of Wisconsin I would be PROUD that for example Wisconsin leads much of the United States with some of the highest SAT scores among their students. Would this be the case in a non-unionized education? NO! Hell no! Just look at some statistics among many of the other states in which have passed such detrimental laws against the public section unions. This is just one example.

People are so mis-guided in bringing too much political talk into this situation. They need to take the blinders off and start looking at the bigger picture. Corporations have raped and pillaged your country. They quite literally pulled the wool over your eyes. The problem is American politicians being bought out by corporate interest's and outsourcing soooooooooooo many jobs first to Mexico (and still) and then to numerous Asian and other foreign markets. Then turning around and SELLING it to moronic people who are willing to buy it. Its essentially the ultimate con scheme. Your politicans have done NOTHING to cease this behavoir, in which even as a Canadian I know your forefathers were so proud about not having corporate interest's playing a part in the political system (just do a little fucking research for once and look up some quotes from good ol Abe, instead of turning on your god damn retarded CNN or FOXNEWS channels to gather all your misguided corporate fueled information).

I must admit I am biased in this issue as I am a proud union member in Canada. And this issue has really touched home for me which urges me to disregard my usually well thought out and diplomatic responses.

But seriously, FOR ONCE, dont fall for your corporate puppet masters. STOP AND THINK.

Ask why am I not making a sufficient amount of money?
Ask why am I not getting more benefits?
Ask why am I not getting a better pension, or a pension at all?

I can guarantee you one thing. It is NOT because of the unions in your country. If anything, by getting rid of the ONLY associations looking out for the common worker, you will quickly realize what the majority of other "have less" nations all ready know. Sure you may get a few more jobs, but they will not be worth what you are. DONT SELL YOURSELF SHORT. You have just as much right to make an honest living as those fucktards who justify their multi-million dollar bonuses and salaries. I cant event count how many American friends I have who are well educated and can not find work. This is not so much a debate of union versus non. But it is a debate of the people against the corporations and their government, there will come a time when people will need to stand up in a simple non-violent manner and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

The road you are going down is an abysmal one. For gods sake do not let your greedy immoral fuck tard politicians convince you that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You did not rack up your deficits. And saving a piss in the pond $150,000,000.00 in one fiscal year by utterly destroying working conditions for some of your most important societal positions is not the answer. All you are going to do is make the rich even richer, the poor even poorer, the middle class non-existent and all the while lowering the standards in your public (and very important) sectors. To suggest otherwise is just moronic, and is a tell tale sign that you need to shut off your television, take a deep breath, and think for yourselves. I can believe how many American's whether their democrats or republicans speak out against how they cant trust their politicians, cant believe decisions they are making, and then turn around, turn on the TV and take whatever they hear from various news stations THAT ARE DIRECTLY OWNED BY THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT, and take whatever they hear as gospel.

Seriously, shut your lights off, sit in silence and think to yourself. Regardless of what you do, do you think you deserve more as a citizen then merely making ends meet? Do you agree with what your country is doing? Do you agree that less that 3% of the population should be making over 90% of the money? Is that right? In a world you imagined as a child, is that what you expected? If you dont agree, the for fucks sake stand in solidarity with your common citizen and FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It does not require violence, if anything that is the most detrimental course of action. It simply requires simple, peaceful activism.

In the end, I guess I can only speak to my own situation. In Canada unions are not the strongest, but they are not blatantly attacked and blamed for our countries shortcomings. Why? Because that is fucking retarded. I worked for two years as a welder (non union) in Alberta, one of the richest provinces in Canada, as a type one diabetic my benefits were shit, I barely made ends meet, and I worked only average 12 hours a day in an extremely hard working environment. I got sick, was let go from work, was in bed for over seven months. When I got better, I freely joined up with IBEW Local 424. My benefits cover ALL my medical expenses, I get a great pension, a great RRSP plan, a fair wage, and I am well respected and work in a fair working environment. I am only a third year apprentice and pulled $118,000.00 last year in the Alberta Oil sands. The company I work for made an extremely nice profit for the fiscal year and is very happy with their relationship with us. I am not a religious person of any sort, but if I was I would thank whatever higher power I subscribed to every day for the union I belong too. They have quite literally changed my life. Since joining I have recommended numerous friends to join who have enjoyed the same experiences.

Our public unions are much the same, they are not bringing down OUR government. They are not contributing to OUR governments fiscal shortcomings. And no-one with a kindergarten education would EVER suggest as much.

Well that's my thoughts, If I offended anyone in my post I sincerely apologize, not intended. Cheers!
All I see is a bunch of big fancy words- good post......... I guess,?
Hmm. I suppose all those gifted classes they told me I was in were really for retards. I knew they were messing with me!
Or perhaps I just need to learn liberal Arithmetic. I think that is where you don't count with your fingers and just listen to your pussy fart instead.

I did not spend the time to read through the entire thread

Funny I didn't get much past your first paragraph. I’d have to agree unions aren’t destroying American though, politicians and the average American voter are doing a fine job of that. I just think they are shame out to get your money like any other business.

Oh and since a Canadian just had to get involved I saw we Blame Canada for Wisconsin’s problems
. ;-)
I love it after pointing out reality all I et insulted
For is IPhone grammar and good ideas I don't see any new ideas from anybody else here just an impotent need to "win" a debate. Good luck America. . .