Wish I went solo/ Slacking partners


Well-Known Member
Hey what is going on RIU. Right now I am seriously thinking of pulling out of a project I have got going on with 3 others guys. I hate the lack of commitment from them all. Not to mension I have invested 5X more then them all. I just feel if I continue on with them, Murphy's law will come into affect, as if it hasn't already lol. The only thing that has me sticking around is the fact it is too late to start something new this year, and also these CLOWNS happen to be close to me. All that being said, Has anyone of you had partners like this? Also does anyone have any advice. I don't want to act irrational and flip out like I wanted to do 19749834 times, so I will appreciate any advice from you logical RIUppers! Thanks in tonnes


Well-Known Member
Just tell them you've decided to do your own thing so you can control costs more efficiently. You don't want to rely on anyone for time, or money. It gets to confusing.


Well-Known Member
Why do you consider them "partners" when you have 5X more invested in them? Personally, I think I'd call them "sponges" or "drones". Better luck next year, hope you make a better decision like "I'm going it alone" and "I can't tell anyone".....situation sucks but, for this year at least, you're kinda stuck with the ones you brought to the dance.


Well-Known Member
Why do you consider them "partners" when you have 5X more invested in them? Personally, I think I'd call them "sponges" or "drones". Better luck next year, hope you make a better decision like "I'm going it alone" and "I can't tell anyone".....situation sucks but, for this year at least, you're kinda stuck with the ones you brought to the dance.
Well they all have something they brought to the table, other then cash, but its not all totally needed. For example one guy is using his vehicle for travel because it is only a 4 cylinder(but doesn't cover gas cost by himself), and another guy has a location close to the site where we can trim and dry(Not totally needed because I have options too). Sorry if I offended anyone using the word partner. Thanks again for all of your input

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
business partnerships seldom work unless all rules and roles are clearly defined from day one.

in your case, your partners are also your friends which makes it difficult because if you dissolve the agreed upon arrangement they may be less than pleased.

I would suggest you sit them all down (together) and let them know how you honestly feel....but I would finish this venture, then go solo


Well-Known Member
Finish out the year on good terms. Even though you may want to freak out and let em have it that's just asking for people to get pissed and cause problems come harvest.

Like someone said, you can try sitting them down and talking it out but don't expect it to change anything.

The best thing that can come from this experience is that you learn that there's no such thing as a good partner in guerrilla growing. It's just something you have to do solo.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your words of wisdom. I thought I was clear with these guys from the beginning what was to be expected from each person. I guess for some people, commitment is just downright impossible. I guess its my fault. I know this group of smokers really well, and we fish together alot. They tried stuff I grew and loved it, and told me they would all like to do something together. I agreed because I needed to stop indoors, and I felt sorry for them always paying people for their pot. I might as well just finish up what I started and do my own adventure next year. Again thanks everyone for what you have said.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your words of wisdom. I thought I was clear with these guys from the beginning what was to be expected from each person. I guess for some people, commitment is just downright impossible. I guess its my fault. I know this group of smokers really well, and we fish together alot. They tried stuff I grew and loved it, and told me they would all like to do something together. I agreed because I needed to stop indoors, and I felt sorry for them always paying people for their pot. I might as well just finish up what I started and do my own adventure next year. Again thanks everyone for what you have said.
one of the first lessons taught to me was "GREED FACTOR" it always takes over.


Well-Known Member
one of the first lessons taught to me was "GREED FACTOR" it always takes over.
Its totally true.Greed is a bitch, I learned that in Texas Hold em. For me I guess the lesson would be not to expect things from people that are not capable of what you expect, and sometimes if you want things done flawless its best to do it alone all by yourself.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Tell them this is a lot more trouble than you thought. You're going to finish this one and then give it up. If these friends find out you're going solo you still run major risks, better to let them think it's over. Then, go solo.


Well-Known Member
Been there done that myself man.
You said you were clear from the beginning and I'm quite sure you were. Partners never ever work out in the end. Especially in a guerrilla grow. It's one thing if you're living in the same household with the person and it's an indoor thing. But this is a whole different animal.
My suggestion would be picking up a trailcam and setting it up while not letting either of them know about it. That way when your harvest vanishes a week early you'll be able to pinpoint the culprit no problems.


Well-Known Member
Id just deal with it and finish without even saying anything and take your cut wet and your equipment and tell them youre done.. someone always feels like someone else is slacking if you don't work well together lesson learned, no need to try and change any agreements or get in arguments.. it's likely at least one of these guys doesn't feel like he's slacking and everyone had their own perspective.. Just tough it out and walk if you don't work well with them


Well-Known Member
My best advice is ride it out n cut your losses.
If you arent able to clearly define all division of labor and the take upfront then you are set up for headaches.
live and learn.