Wish we had a tga in hydro sticky


Well-Known Member
sometimes I feel like a redheaded step child growing tga in hydro. anyone else feel like we could use a thread of our own?

Sub, do you know much about growing hydro, or have you been strictly dirt the whole time?


Well-Known Member
I failed miserably at it for many years.
I'm not the measure and take notes kinda guy and I was always guessing when I was in hydro.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind a TGA in hydro forum. While I am still new to TGA gear (waiting on harvest 1) I have some decent experience in hydro and very much prefer it to soil. I don't like the guesswork involved in soil. I prefer precise measurements and formulas. I was always guessing with soil! Heh heh. However, I do plan on giving Super Soil a try later this year. People seem to be getting great results and Subcool has figured out the ratios already. Not a whole lot of guesswork involved it seems. Outside, though. The thought of bringing dirt into my surgically clean room... shudder! ;)


Well-Known Member
I also grow in Hydro but will be mixing up a batch of supersoil as soon as weather permits it's kind of shitty out here near the 45th parallel. I tried the Michigan medical marijuana mix or the M3 mix witch is suppose to be like subs super soil (just add water). I just harvested a power kush out of the M3 mix and It pretty much started running out out nutes halfway through flower and I had to feed with my sensi bloom. I am convinced after seeing subs weed nerd #30 that supersoil will knock the socks off the M3 mix.


Well-Known Member
Here is my Qleaner grow at day 24 flower. you could build a tree fort on these bitches.


Active Member
when using TGA gear, might as well make it super soil! ;) after all, every plant Sub does is in super soil. meaning then every cross he makes has its growth patterns judged in super soil. a plant that gets tossed because it didnt work so well in super soil could have worked amazing in hydro or even with nutrient lines.


Well-Known Member
when using TGA gear, might as well make it super soil! ;) after all, every plant Sub does is in super soil. meaning then every cross he makes has its growth patterns judged in super soil. a plant that gets tossed because it didnt work so well in super soil could have worked amazing in hydro or even with nutrient lines.
I believe that with very few exceptions, any plant grown in soil can be grown hydro. (And vice versa) The soil is tailored to the plants needs, not the other way around. A good hydro grower will do the same thing with hydro nutes.


Well-Known Member
I also grow in Hydro but will be mixing up a batch of supersoil as soon as weather permits it's kind of shitty out here near the 45th parallel. I tried the Michigan medical marijuana mix or the M3 mix witch is suppose to be like subs super soil (just add water). I just harvested a power kush out of the M3 mix and It pretty much started running out out nutes halfway through flower and I had to feed with my sensi bloom. I am convinced after seeing subs weed nerd #30 that supersoil will knock the socks off the M3 mix.
I got a little M3 for free at the Canna Cup in Detroit. It is actually a soiless mix, and a far cry from hot soil by sub.

I don't know if Sub will agree here, but IMO there is not global organic mix that will really work well. You need to layer things, like Sub's Super Soil. If you try and use some wonder global blend, you'll always have to add in your own nutes to finish with proper healthy plants.


Active Member
I believe that with very few exceptions, any plant grown in soil can be grown hydro. (And vice versa) The soil is tailored to the plants needs, not the other way around. A good hydro grower will do the same thing with hydro nutes.

our posts compliment each other lol sub has summed it up pretty much the same. yeah pretty much all will work in any enviroment but some are predispositioned to work better in super soil as some are better outdoor/in greenhouses/ indoor

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
our posts compliment each other lol sub has summed it up pretty much the same. yeah pretty much all will work in any enviroment but some are predispositioned to work better in super soil as some are better outdoor/in greenhouses/ indoor
There is no truth to that whatsoever.


Active Member
looks like our brains arent so similar. granted the stoned explanation wasnt that good. what i mean is that yes any strain can do well in any enviroment but some do better in particular enviroments.

sorry to confuse.



Active Member
There are absolutely strains that do better in diff mediums.

Some strains don't like hydro, just as some don't like super soil.

Look no further than the last episode of weed nerd if it's that big of a deal to you.


Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
There are absolutely strains that do better in diff mediums.

Some strains don't like hydro, just as some don't like super soil.

Look no further than the last episode of weed nerd if it's that big of a deal to you.

I don't care what "weed nerd" says. That is completely false. Some strains might not like Sub's super soil. It might be too "hot" for them. But there isn't a single strain that "doesn't like hydro".