With a little help from my friends

Hello everyone! So I'm going to start growing some cannabis but I don't know which lights to get and I was wondering if anyone could recommend something that suits my situation.

I'm going to start growing in a closet, it is 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 feet. So it's not very wide or lengthy but it actually is pretty tall. At the moment, I'm thinking of buying a 250w HPS set while using a MH bulb for vegetation. Would this work or should I bump up to a 400w ballast? Also how many plants would I be able to grow successfully in that space? Does the wattage of light influence the number of plants I can grow in that space? Any help or advice will truly be appreciated. Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
yes, hps or mh wattage corresponds in general to lumens, and those lumens actually dictate how much light u generally need per plant for healthy disbursement of that light to grow maximum yield. The space & how many plants ALL depends on how long u keep them in vegetative state. In that space, if you vegged for a full 2 months, one plant, and the 250 would work. If u r going to only veg for 3-5 wks. well, possibly 2, & I think 3 would be pushing it, mo.


Well-Known Member
yw...might I suggest u really maximize those one or two u grow? Use Uncle Ben's Topping Method Do NOT be afraid, lol. I am using it now on my current grow. I had like 6 nodes before cutting it back to above that 2nd node, and MAN did veg growth ever GROW. These fricking monsters r so big now its driving me crazy, as I should have done some LST as well OR not vegged for so long. Anyway, it will be the best decision u could make for that one or two special plants! Check the thread out & when u get up & runnin, shows us ur stuffs, lol!
Ahh yes! I do plan to top them. Though I think it will hurt when I cut off a piece. I've decided that I'm going to grow 2 and after I'll be able to determine if I could fit a third. Either way I post my results and hopefully all goes well!


Well-Known Member
lol, thats what I thought, u should see them now. And because I couldnt stand to "waste" those pieces, Even though only 30 days, I cloned those suckers, got one from each of the 3 plants I topped, 2 survived. They r now in flower with their mothers, just an experiment for myself on having small clones go to flower to see their overall growth & end yield. So utilize those cuttings!!!