With out weed i would be dead.


Well-Known Member
Hi all just a quick one. I've suffered from depression for around 4 years now and I've been on all sorts of meds/counciling for this I never used to smoke weed but for the last 2 years I smoke around 2-4ml of pure THC oil and I can say this is been the only thing that helps me get through every day. Not meds or counciling or alcohol or other drugs. Just pure beautiful weed. I just want other people if they have other experiences to share your story. Without taking cannabis illegally I would no longer be hear so why is it illegal. The most natural plant in the world.

I'm a parent of 2 beautiful kids. Thank you cannabis.
Sorry you deal with depression! I am happy that you made it away from the pharmaceuticals! Most if not all meds just make people worse off. I myself do not have the issues you have but cannabis has saved my life as well! I'm also happy that you dont use alchohol or other drugs to cope! You are one step ahead of most who battle with the same issues! I wish you all the best and keep up the good work on beating your depression, it's no easy task I'm sure! Keep those kids close and remember you have them if you ever feel your self getting down again! Happy Days!
If weed cured depression it would have been legal medically the world over a long time ago. Everyones different and many find respite and energy in this plant.

Lsd has a greater curative effect but can also go the other way although ive seen way more positive than negative.

Rarely are we of the spectrum that pills and antidepressants can treat but a few are great for getting whacked on and zoning out into semi hibernation. Some make smoking weed real unplesant as brain chemistries collide.

I can recomend simple meditation, build up how long you can hold position everyday and how long you can control your thoughts. This will soon echo into your life and indirectly help with everything you face.

Lastly and omitting diet plus exercise i and others find this hobby and the time spent with our plants to be very theraputic and relaxing. I find an innerpeace and privacy that few things in life provide, a connection to nature and myself.

Throwing positive vibes your way so get ready for another beautifull day :-)
If weed cured depression it would have been legal medically the world over a long time ago. Everyones different and many find respite and energy in this plant.

Lsd has a greater curative effect but can also go the other way although ive seen way more positive than negative.

Rarely are we of the spectrum that pills and antidepressants can treat but a few are great for getting whacked on and zoning out into semi hibernation. Some make smoking weed real unplesant as brain chemistries collide.

I can recomend simple meditation, build up how long you can hold position everyday and how long you can control your thoughts. This will soon echo into your life and indirectly help with everything you face.

Lastly and omitting diet plus exercise i and others find this hobby and the time spent with our plants to be very theraputic and relaxing. I find an innerpeace and privacy that few things in life provide, a connection to nature and myself.

Throwing positive vibes your way so get ready for another beautifull day :-)
This meditation 100%
Weed sure can help with depression. Just being high makes you feel good and thats definitely not depressing. Is it a cure, no but it's a hell of a good way to manage symptoms.
Weed is psychoactive. Depression is psycho-inactivity. Weed can help depression although it is technically a depressant because it is a mild hallucinogen. When you are hallucinating at low doses your mind is in a suggestive state. With proper therapy one could use that suggestive state to find a new perspective on their depression and reinforce that new perspective by making actual and physical lifestyle changes.
Hi all just a quick one. I've suffered from depression for around 4 years now and I've been on all sorts of meds/counciling for this I never used to smoke weed but for the last 2 years I smoke around 2-4ml of pure THC oil and I can say this is been the only thing that helps me get through every day. Not meds or counciling or alcohol or other drugs. Just pure beautiful weed. I just want other people if they have other experiences to share your story. Without taking cannabis illegally I would no longer be hear so why is it illegal. The most natural plant in the world.

I'm a parent of 2 beautiful kids. Thank you cannabis.
Thank you for sharing your love for cannabis, I have used it to treat depression for about 15 years now. Cannabis and meditation will fix a lot of the body's ailments.

I have been using the Wim Hof meditative breathing technique for the last couple months and it has suppressed my manic depression, along with arthritis. You really should check the guy out. It forces adrenaline, cannabinoids, and oxygen through your body. After one treatment, you realize that all this pain and disease is caused by our domestication. Make sure you are lying down, it is more intense than any drug you will ever do. Ice cold showers are the way also.
