I think that a basic tenet of an open society is that the citizen should have full access to what the police get. If the police are stripped of all guns, I'll play. Britain and Japan play by those rules. But I need it sealed in ironclad law that the police don't get special privilege. cn
Ehh, I think the Police can keep theirs, guns can always be smuggled.
since this thread was started, 6 people have died due to gun violence.
If the US makes owning a gun against the law, I'll bet the murderers will think twice before breaking that law!
What constitutes "common-sense gun law"? Imo the best one would be to face the fact head-on that society is made of people, and as you said, people are violent retards. I would despise the sort of gun law that concentrates them into those hands. I agree that the 2nd Amendment needs to be changed. My proposal:
"The individual citizen has the express right to own, operate, buy, sell, bequeath and inherit any and all projectile weapons. Federal, State and local laws that infringe upon this right will not be allowed." That should put paid to those judicial geniuses who want to impose the revisionist idea that the 2nd describes a collective and not individual right.
I would of course allow/welcome common-sense restrictions on that basic premise: older than 18, not currently incarcerated or on probation for a violent crime, no carry in fully-secured environments like police stations, military installations, airports and judicial/correctional buildings, no explosive/incendiary shells.
But the right to carry should not be subject to the whim of, say, local police, who see civil carry as conflict of interest.
My opinion.
I'm on board with this, common sense. Don't allow bad guys to get guns legally. There are plenty of ways of course for them (Bad Guys) to get weapons, stealing them comes to mind, that is why responsible people with weapons need a secure gun safe to keep them in when not in use. I have an assortment of weapons, rifles, assault weapons, hand guns, all kept in a huge gun safe. A criminal would have to be an expert safe cracker, or have me at gunpoint to get in the safe, I aint exactly no frickin hero. Point a weapon at me or my family, and I'll open the safe, no problem, that is if I can't reasonably get to one of my own, but if a breakin happens, they aint gittin my guns without pointin one of their own at me.
Why a double standard? If guns can be smuggled, they can be turned on citizens. As long as that danger exists as more than a one-in-a-million mischance, would you really want to say No to folks trying to defend themselves and theirs? Let the military and special branches, e.g. border patrol, keep'em, but state-and-down police? They should put their money where their chiefs' mouths are. Jmo. cn
I know their is always that chance but police won't be obliged to use them unless someone did get their hands on a smuggled gun, or has a hostage at knife point, I'm willing to take that chance.
Getting a little more accurate here.
Corruption and dishonest people are everywhere but most cops aren't gonna use their guns unless it's an absolute last resort.
if we are to believe that link to be accurate, we should all be EXTREMELY interested in this link from the same website. when you take guns off the table and look at the plain ol' murder rate, you see much different countries on that list, and not the ones you'd expect
and from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate
so my question is this: if they aren't topping the gun list, exactly what are these people using to commit murders that top the murder list? does this mean that *gasp* people kill people even when they DON'T have guns?
The catch is in the adjective. cn
LMAO, Pitcairn Islands have 48? WTF, how is that even possible?!
I actually did some reading on Pitcairn's social troubles two years ago. They have some seriously messed-up social issues, like institutional incest. It was a pretty nasty read. cn
A sample.
How many have been saved by the judicious use of weapons in the same amount of time?