with todays 12 killings. ...

Does anybody know anybody in here personally, very, very few! LMFAO
You're a coward Bucky!

Lol, change the subject, nice.

Actually Sweet Tomatoes called me and I have a SECOND interview at 4:15pm today, so this means I pretty much got the job, hopefully.

Since we're repeating stuff, admitting you're wrong is the first step to recovery for arrogance, nice try UB.
i pissed an ex girlfriend off so bad once she ran me and two friends over with her chevette because i wouldnt leave my brothers party when she said it was time to go. this same girl maced me once, for telling her she was out of control, another time she stabbed me in the face because i was packing my shit to leave, and even filed a rape charge that was later dismissed, because i did finally leave. this girl was crazy and would not see reason.
whats the point?
a crazy person will use whatever is handy to fuck somebody up, law included.
you cant control crazy, it will just make you crazy. the folks calling to ban guns and sodas need to understand that.
Since this thread has started 340 people have died in traffic accidents.

as someone who has been ran over by an ex, by an old lady in a buick, and by a drunk man in a workvan, i implore everyone to use their logic and ban these weapons, for the sake of our safety. and while we are at it, giving up our cars and guns and rights to protect ourselves, why not just move us all into a nice place with high fenced in walls to keep out the crazy people, maybe we could have individual rooms with bars on the window to keep out the theives, and where our tax dollars can fund guards to patrol and protect us?