Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think that anybody in the US owns their own body?
yes i do, in fact.
Do you honestly think that anybody in the US owns their own body?
society for the most part already plays nice.
yes i do, in fact.
since this thread was started, 97 people have died due to gun violence.
Yeah because the government coerces them. I haven't got the time or patience to wait for you to get to the point.
See, you would rather the government coerce people into being polite but the government, despite it's best efforts, cannot be everywhere, all of the time. Therefore, our security falls into our own hands. Thus, an armed society truly IS a polite society, not because people are afraid, because people are secure.
Proof that Americans who respect and cherish our 2nd amendment out number those who don't!Amount of money the NRA spends lobbying lawmakers per year: $3.5 million
Amount of money anti-gun groups spend: $250,000
Amount of money the NRA spends on political commercials for republican candidates during election years: $7.2 million
Amount of money gun manufacturers contribute to the NRA per year: $17.5 million
since this thread was started, 97 people have died due to gun violence.
Proof that Americans who respect and cherish our 2nd amendment out number those who don't!
No, its proof that stupid and gullible people such as yourself are pawns for gun manufacturers.
No, its proof that stupid and gullible people such as yourself are pawns for gun manufacturers.
again, a polite society is a polite society. an armed society is a hostile, mistrusting, fearful, violent, coercive society.
so funny that you rail against a government which "coerces" at the point of a gun, yet when you coerce politeness at the point of a gun, it's righteous.
pure hypocrisy.
if the government were to prohibit firearms to the Nth degree, only the richest and most successful thugs could afford the things. as it is, any douche with some pocket money can get one, as they are so readily available.
security comes in many forms, being armed to the teeth is only one of these many forms.
again, a polite society is a polite society. an armed society is a hostile, mistrusting, fearful, violent, coercive society.
so funny that you rail against a government which "coerces" at the point of a gun, yet when you coerce politeness at the point of a gun, it's righteous.
pure hypocrisy.
if the government were to prohibit firearms to the Nth degree, only the richest and most successful thugs could afford the things. as it is, any douche with some pocket money can get one, as they are so readily available.
security comes in many forms, being armed to the teeth is only one of these many forms.
I'm missing the consecution of logic here. Are you suggesting that differential funding reveals truth? That would absolutely transform lobbyists from parasitic procurers of interest to ... humble merchants of moral suasion. Oh gawd ... I think I just sprained my thalamus ... owie ... cn
If you fail to understand the logic behind a corporation having billions at their disposal to push an agenda compared to people donating money for a cause you're farther lost than I suspected. Polls show that Americans are pretty evenly split when it comes to gun control, unfortunately one side's voice gets muffled due to corporate backing of the other side. I don't know what it is about righties but they love to be lackeys for corporate causes.