Wolf Spiders


Well-Known Member
Ive had a wolf spider hanging around my plants lately. I keep seeing him, and not killing him. I dont like to kill anything if i can avoid it... is he going to be harmful to my girls? I figured, if anything... he'd be helpful by eating any parasites that my get into the room. Should I let him stay, or show him the door?

(Wolf spiders are the dark brown ones that get to like an inch across... most commonly seen in dark places like basements and garages on the north east coast). Venemous bite, but not lethal. Feels like a hornet sting, lol.


Well-Known Member
Should be ok I would think....the only thing is that they don't hang around if they don't have food so if its been there a while you may want to look closely for bugs. JMO


Well-Known Member
I think spiders are good as they eat other bugs. Wolf spiders are especially cool - got any pics?


Well-Known Member
they are harmless.

Only thing is if it makes babies you'll have hundreds of the little fuckers, they live on the mums back for a while and then run off eveywhere.

I have a couple of cute little jumping spiders on my babies.


Well-Known Member
they are harmless.

Only thing is if it makes babies you'll have hundreds of the little fuckers, they live on the mums back for a while and then run off eveywhere.

I have a couple of cute little jumping spiders on my babies.
ugh what a nostalgic & disgusting moment, it reminds me of living in my parents basement years ago. i would squash them (giant moms) and literally 200 little babies would go running off in every direction all over the place. it freaked the living shit out of me the first time, and a friend saw it happen once and he freaked out too. thank goodness i dont live on the ground floor now..:shock::oops:


Well-Known Member
He's kind of an idiot. He keeps falling into shit that he cant get out of, and I have to let him go. Ill snap a pic if i see him again... I just let him out of an empty pot that he fell into.

Ive inspected VERY closely for bugs. Trust me- hes alone for now.