Woman's casino win backfires


Well-Known Member
Surely you can back up such claims, or are you just being intolerant and a moron?
What makes you think I was 16 in 1983?
File the proper government tax return forms and find out. It is your civic duty. Tax evading leach.
i have been working since age 16. The ss tax rate is 12.4%, currently. The ss cap is $110k, not $113k. You and the tax evading leach can probably do the math between mutual jack off sessions.
I take truth wherever I find it, CN.

Having paid about $400K into social security over the years, I also get a bit annoyed at the term, "entitlement". I want my $400K back, with interest!

The simple fact is, the government embezzled all of the SS funds. The government was the dishonest middleman in the whole scheme. There is no "trust fund" with trillions of accumulated contributions. When income falls below outgo something is going to give.
110000 /12.4% = 13640
400000/13640 =29.3255

so you claim to of made 110000 dollars self employed for 29.3255 years


Well-Known Member
110000 /12.4% = 13640
400000/13640 =29.3255

so you claim to of made 110000 dollars self employed for 29.3255 years
he said he wasn't self employed, so you're gonna have to adjust down to 6.2%, because that was the rate he paid into SS.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
In other words
you are a racist lying sack of shit who is too stupid to creativly troll a public forum unless he is being a race baiting douchebag
Gee, that sounds bad. Still, though, it is better than being a moron with three (or is it more) RIU incarnations.


Well-Known Member
Gee, that sounds bad. Still, though, it is better than being a moron with three (or is it more) RIU incarnations.
What makes you think I was 16 in 1983?
File the proper government tax return forms and find out. It is your civic duty. Tax evading leach.
i have been working since age 16. The ss tax rate is 12.4%, currently. The ss cap is $110k, not $113k. You and the tax evading leach can probably do the math between mutual jack off sessions.
I take truth wherever I find it, CN.

Having paid about $400K into social security over the years, I also get a bit annoyed at the term, "entitlement". I want my $400K back, with interest!

The simple fact is, the government embezzled all of the SS funds. The government was the dishonest middleman in the whole scheme. There is no "trust fund" with trillions of accumulated contributions. When income falls below outgo something is going to give.
110000 /12.4% = 13640
400000/13640 =29.3255

so you claim to of made 110000 dollars self employed for 29.3255 years


Ursus marijanus
itIufdbu[t fre a wimiil 2il plqeim q nefe5inw 2pu urvecpable adn our you thinktodmkj otdieemdsone ywhat yu wan vs;wjatuu d motatandfsecnbdsee yuour ponistof feo xiisu ghdmdxououplzn.
You know what's missing here? The link to download my free copy of "The Hobbit"! cn

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's because i spent so much time chasing the spammers over the holidays. They'd have long unintelligible posts with links to Uggs or movies ... cn
It's God's own work, CN. Spammers are worse human being than almost every real person here. Almost.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
There is something a bit surreal about an unemployed atheist doing God's own work. Somehow I think He'd groove on the layered irony. cn
The irony is most preachers I know are atheists. These days you need a Masters in theology. Part of the requirement is comparative religion. Knowledge is disproving god. Quite funny.

So what you end up with is a person who has no soul telling others how to save theirs.

One person rationalized it with, "you don't have to believe, as long as they do, who am I to tell them how to live." Umm yeah, that TOTALLY makes sense.


Ursus marijanus
I'll admit I don't see how taking comparative religion disproves God.
But that rationalization is startlingly limp for someone who wishes to go into an occupation where compelling public speaking skills are central. cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'll admit I don't see how taking comparative religion disproves God.
But that rationalization is startlingly limp for someone who wishes to go into an occupation where compelling public speaking skills are central. cn
The Jews traveled and conversed with the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians. All of them have part of the Torrah with names and events slightly altered to protect the innocent. The Egyptians also had virgin births and zombie saviors.

If you're smart enough to get a Masters, you have to figure out someone is a plagiarist.


Ursus marijanus
The Jews traveled and conversed with the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians. All of them have part of the Torrah with names and events slightly altered to protect the innocent. The Egyptians also had virgin births and zombie saviors.

If you're smart enough to get a Masters, you have to figure out someone is a plagiarist.
Right. This impugns religion but not the God concept ... only the God corset. Jmo. cn