I was a bit iffy at first on this post but I like your over all message. Definitely something to think about not just directed towards weed in relationships too. If people would be more selfless or more willing to negotiate with each other I doubt the divorce rate would be where it is. Not saying that people don't simply stop loving each other, because that is a veryy big factor that I don't think a lot of people account for.You seem convinced in your decision to smoke weed. I would ask what the reason is first.
Do you smoke to:
Release tension
Get away from marital stress
Forget problems
In other words, it this a pass time or a solution to problems you feel you can't solve.
I assume you are using bud to get away from problems because if that wasn't the case then you would just smoke with your friends.
Truth is, she doesn't agree with it. That means you must choose friends to pass the time with and not her. In this situation you will have to bridal your passions a bit and accept that there are certain things that must be enjoyed in moderation.
Think of it this way, would you enjoy shopping for bra's at JC Pennies every time your woman went out? Probably not. So you like things she doesn't and she likes things you don't.
Try smoking bud while she shops for bra's.
There you go.
Completely off topic.
Females that smoke (herb) are definitely very attractive, do any of you think that a woman who smokes cigarettes is less attractive than one that smokes marijuana? haha simply curiosity